Which Universities in Taiyuan _ List of All Universities in Taiyuan

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Candidates who want to go to Taiyuan to study in universities want to know which universities there are in Taiyuan. In order to let everyone know how many undergraduate universities and colleges there are in Taiyuan, the following is a list of all universities in Taiyuan. From this, we know that there are 38 colleges and universities in Taiyuan, including 17 undergraduate universities and 21 junior colleges, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
Which universities are there in Taiyuan?
1. List of Taiyuan Undergraduate Universities
S/N School name province city arrangement remarks
one Shanxi University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
two Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
three Central North University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
four Taiyuan University of Technology Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
five Shanxi Medical University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
six taiyuan normal university Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
seven Shanxi University of Finance and Economics Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
eight Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
nine Taiyuan University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
ten Shanxi Police College Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
eleven Shanxi Vocational University of Engineering Science and Technology Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
twelve Taiyuan Institute of Technology Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
thirteen Shanxi Media College Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate Public
fourteen Shanxi University of Applied Science and Technology Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate civilian-run
fifteen Jinci College of Shanxi Medical University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate civilian-run
sixteen Huashang College of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate civilian-run
seventeen Shanxi Industrial and Commercial University Shanxi Taiyuan undergraduate civilian-run

2. List of Taiyuan Junior Colleges
S/N School name province city arrangement remarks
one Shanxi Provincial Finance and Taxation College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
two Shanxi Art Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
three Shanxi Pharmaceutical Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
four Shanxi Vocational and Technical College of Finance and Trade Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
five Shanxi Forestry Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
six Shanxi Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
seven Shanxi Vocational College of Finance Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
eight Taiyuan City Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
nine Shanxi Vocational College of Physical Education Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
ten Shanxi Police Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
eleven Shanxi International Business Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
twelve Taiyuan Tourism Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
thirteen Shanxi Tourism Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
fourteen Shanxi Electric Power Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
fifteen Shanxi Vocational College of Economy and Trade Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
sixteen Shanxi Railway Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
seventeen Shanxi Youth Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
eighteen Taiyuan Preschool Teachers College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
nineteen Shanxi Engineering Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
twenty Shanxi Health Vocational College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty Public
twenty-one Shanxi Old Area Vocational and Technical College Shanxi Taiyuan specialty civilian-run

List of Taiyuan's Double first-class Construction Universities
Taiyuan University of Technology: Chemical Engineering and Technology
Shanxi University: Philosophy, Physics
Which province is Taiyuan?
Taiyuan City, referred to as "Bing (b ī ng)" in ancient times, was called Jinyang, also called Bingzhou and Longcheng. It is a prefecture level city, provincial capital, and type I large city under the jurisdiction of Shanxi Province. It is an important central city in the central region and an industrial base focusing on energy and heavy chemicals approved by the State Council.
Recommended ten tourist attractions in Taiyuan
jin memorial temple
You can't go to Taiyuan without visiting the Jinci Temple, which was built in memory of Tang Shuyu, the founder of the Jin State. You can come here to have a look at the "three treasures" of the Jinci Temple (Hall of Sacrifice, Fish Marsh Flying Beam, and Notre Dame Temple) and the "three wonders" (Zhou Bai, Nan Laoquan, and clay sculpture painted figures).
Shanxi Museum
If you want to see the 5000 year history of Shanxi, you must come to the Shanxi Museum, where the essence of Shanxi's cultural relics are collected. The Shanxi Museum is composed of the main hall and the four corner auxiliary buildings, of which the main hall is shaped like a bucket and a tripod. It is the main place for tourists to visit the collections in the museum. Shanxi has the reputation of "treasure house of ancient Chinese architecture", and has more than half of the ancient buildings on the ground in China, with complete categories, In particular, there are many religious buildings.
Mengshan Giant Buddha
Mengshan Giant Buddha, also known as Xishan Giant Buddha, is located in Mengshan Mountain, more than 20 kilometers southwest of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Mengshan Giant Buddha was carved in the Tianbao period of the Northern Qi Dynasty. It was originally a cliff Buddha statue behind Kaihua Temple in Mengshan. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mengshan Giant Buddha was destroyed. The Buddha was rediscovered in 1980, but the head of the Buddha has disappeared. The head of the current Buddha is newly carved by later generations.
East Lake Vinegar Garden
The aged vinegar is one of Shanxi's specialties. You can learn a lot about the history and culture of Shanxi's aged vinegar when you come to the East Lake Vinegar Park. You can show the history and culture of the aged vinegar to tourists through various display methods, such as display of utensils, literature and books, pictures and products. Entering the antique Meiheju Vinegar Workshop is like coming to the aged vinegar workshop 500 years ago. The aged vinegar is fragrant You can also see the whole process of vinegar making.
China Coal Museum
The China Coal Museum is located on the west bank of Taiyuan Fenhe Park. Shanxi's rich coal resources make it the only national museum of coal industry in China. The biggest feature of the museum is that the "Coal Amusement Park" and "Coal Amusement Park" are underground simulated mines that use a large number of physical prototypes or 1:1 scale replicas. The tour route is several hundred meters long. It is also said to be the largest in Asia. You can put on the miner's clothes and cap, go down from the elevator to the ground, walk through the simulated underground coal mining roadway, and feel the hardship and danger of daily work of coal miners.
Once loved 2024-05-18 11:47:45

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The meaning of muddling along in the article "Cold Bird" is to live like this as long as you can. To describe having no ambition and no long-term plan; It also means doing things carelessly and perfunctorily.
Idiom usage: used as predicate, attribute, adverbial.
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1. The first chapter of Qing Peng Yangou's "Black Book Ghosts in Awakening Novels": "But the smoker's temper is always muddling along, and that one is really willing to quit."
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"Thank you":
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2. Returning from the sea safely, we still have to pay tribute to Mother Mazu and the Big Man in White. Some also invite the theatrical troupe to sing for Mother Tiantian.
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"Surviving" can describe yourself. Pinyin: g ǒǒ u y á n c á n chu ǎǎǎǎǎǎǒ n, the original meaning is to reluctantly continue the breathing before death, which is a metaphor for temporarily struggling to survive. From the Northern Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu's "Presenting the King to Han Zhong": He came to Juying suddenly, survived the last gasp, and promised to ask, dare to say so.
Idiom allusion: The wolf is a cruel animal, and its nature is hard to change. Mr. Dongguo saved it, but it wanted to eat Mr. Dongguo. Fortunately, a farmer passed by and killed the wolf.
Idiom moral: This story tells people that small wisdom is never better than great wisdom. In addition, people should not give charity to evil people like wolves. Life often makes some people struggle on the edge of poverty or despair, so that they can only sustain their lives. If you want to get rid of this dilemma, you can only rely on your tenacious perseverance and the spirit of self-improvement to fight.
Usage: predicate, attribute, with derogatory meaning.
1. In the Biography of Zhongshan Wolf by Ma Zhongxi of the Ming Dynasty: "Why don't I stay in my pocket early to prolong my life?"
2. The Journey to the West by Wu Chengen of Ming Dynasty: "If you want to commit suicide, you are afraid that my parents will suspect me of running away, and the matter will end up unknown. So you have no choice but to prolong your life, and you are a great sinner in the world."
3. Li Baojia, Qing Dynasty, wrote in "The Official Show": "It is too poor to sell anything. Although it is only four gold coins, it is not a small supplement when it comes to it, and it can survive for several days."
Synonym: To live and die.
The antonym: prefer death to surrender, and treat death as if returning.
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