Does artificial musk affect pregnancy preparation? Can artificial musk soak wine

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Musk is a very common and valuable traditional Chinese medicine on the market. It is very helpful to our body, but it has some adverse effects on women. So we will know whether artificial musk has any impact on pregnancy preparation? Can Artificial Musk Soak Wine? Follow Xiao Bian to have a look.

Does artificial musk affect pregnancy preparation

Artificial musk affects pregnancy. Musk is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which originates from the secretion of the gland sac between the navel and the genitals of male musk deer in the musk deer family. If you do not touch the environment containing musk during pregnancy preparation, artificial musk will disrupt the endocrine system in the body and affect the hormone play in the body. Musk is a central nerve stimulant, which is made into cardiotonic stimulants and other emergency drugs in western medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the functions of removing stasis, smooth muscle, and promoting abortion, which is prohibited for pregnant women. If you stay in an environment with artificial musk for a long time, you are likely to become sterile, or you may have miscarriage after pregnancy. The research also shows that natural musk can stimulate the uterus, make the uterine contraction intensify, and has the effect of anti implantation and anti early pregnancy, that is, it has the effect of contraception.

Can Artificial Musk Soak in Wine

Musk can be used to soak wine. Moschus is mainly used for invigorating the spleen, opening the orifices and removing filth, promoting blood circulation and dispersing stagnation. Musk soaked wine has the functions of opening the orifices, dispelling filth, unblocking collaterals and removing blood stasis. It can cure stroke, phlegm syncope, moderate evil and depression, severe abdominal pain, traumatic injury, carbuncle, gangrene, swelling and toxin. Through comprehensive analysis, musk has the effects of resuscitation, activating blood circulation and relieving pain. Soaking wine has a certain analgesic effect. When using musk to brew liquor, the materials should be carefully selected. The musk includes natural musk and artificial musk. We suggest that natural musk should be selected when processing musk liquor. If natural musk is selected, only one or two grams of musk is enough for one jin of wine. It is necessary to choose original liquor with high degree of alcohol. Take the 52 degree liquor as an example. Musk can be dissolved in the liquor only after half a year of processing. It is not recommended to use musk bubble wine alone. Generally, it should be paired with angelica dahurica, cloves, kaempferia, anise, cinnamon and ferula. Each of these herbs is 10 grams, which is processed together with musk, so the musk produced is very effective.

Can Artificial Musk Replace Natural Musk

Yes, artificial musk and natural musk have the same effect. After the musk deer was designated as a second-class protected animal in 1988, the state adjusted all species of musk deer from second-class protected wild animals to first-class protected wild animals in 2003. In order to protect wild animals, the Drug Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Health and the Chinese Medicinal Materials Company have jointly organized many institutions to tackle key problems through more than 20 years of cooperation, comprehensively analyzed the chemical composition and relative content of various components in musk, basically found out the proportion of these components in musk, determined the pharmacological effects of these components, and developed artificial musk on this basis. Artificial musk, which is the secretion of the gland sac between the navel and the genitals of male musk, is granular or massive after drying, has a special aroma and bitter taste, and can be made into spices or used as medicine. It is a central nerve stimulant. External use can relieve pain and swelling. It is called "musk deer" for short.

Can artificial musk be used as medicine

Artificial musk can be used as medicine, so patients need not worry too much. Artificial musk is an extremely precious traditional Chinese medicine, which can activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, refresh the brain, and improve the excitability of the nervous system, so it can be used as a medicine. However, women should not use it for a long time to avoid infertility. In addition, many cosmetics and perfumes also contain artificial musk, so patients are advised to pay more attention when purchasing. In daily life, it is recommended that patients choose formal and safe cosmetics, do not use three no products, maintain healthy habits, and exercise moderately.

Happy Family 2024-05-11 15:03:23

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The horizontal line is dash. Dashes are widely used, first to introduce explanatory sentences, and then to indicate sudden changes in meaning and voice extension.
Its main functions:
Indicate the statement of explanation in the text:
1. It leads to the specific explanation of the concept connotation.
Example: "The spirit of helping people" will never leave his hometown - China (Zhou Kuohai's Speech at the Speech Contest on Learning to Help People)
2. General description:
Example: Her strength, her purity of will, her strictness of self-discipline, her objectivity, her impartial judgment - all these are rare to focus on one person. (Einstein's Mourning Mary Curie)
3. Lead to the explanation of the cause:
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4. To introduce additional instructions:
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The article is natural, but its internal structure is very tight and compact. The object of the original article is the subject of the article. However, the article puts aside the main body, starting from myself, calmly speaking, from myself and others, and finally talking about the object of gift. It seems careless, but in fact it is ingenious. In the deep structure of the article, there is a close internal relationship between the subject and the object, which is always aimed at the subject and takes care of the subject everywhere. However, it avoids the shortcomings of the general preface giving article, which makes the article tactful, implicit and meaningful. In writing, he also successfully used the technique of contrast and contrast to make the left and right have contrast, and the front and back have reference. The article shows its integrity in a relaxed and leisurely manner, "fish and fish are elegant and self disciplined". This is also very impressive.
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