Is there any major in Wuhan Zhongnan

the elderly
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Central South University for Nationalities is a comprehensive college directly under the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, located in the hometown of white clouds and yellow cranes - the shore of South Lake in Wuhan. The former Central South University for Nationalities was founded in 1951 and renamed as Central South University for Nationalities in March 2002. The university is located in the hinterland of Wuhan "Optics Valley" across the National Avenue. The school faces the South Lake to the west and Xiongchu Avenue to the north. Wuhan Textile University is to the east, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law is to the south, and Huazhong Agricultural University is opposite the South Lake. The school covers an area of 1446 mu, and the modern school building covers an area of 689400 square meters. The campus is surrounded by green trees and flowers all the year round. Modern buildings with strong national characteristics are arranged in rows, and lakes and mountains and cultural landscapes complement each other. The school has 2.376 million books in its collection, which is the first ethnological museum in colleges and universities in China

University Profile

Central South University for Nationalities is a comprehensive general college directly under the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, located in the hometown of white clouds and yellow cranes - the shore of South Lake in Wuhan, and is a national first-class college.

The former Central South University for Nationalities was founded in 1951 and renamed as Central South University for Nationalities in March 2002. In the process of running the school, the university insists on combining the law of the Party's ethnic work with the law of higher education, combining the particularity of ethnic higher education with the universality of general higher education, following the universal law of higher education, respecting the particularity of ethnic higher education, and trying to explore a new way to run ethnic colleges and universities. All undertakings of the university have achieved rapid development.

The school covers an area of 1446 mu, with a school building area of more than 730000 square meters and a collection of more than 2.8 million books. It has the first ethnological museum in colleges and universities in China. The campus is surrounded by green trees and flowers all the year round. Modern buildings with strong national characteristics are lined up in rows. The lakes and mountains and the cultural landscape complement each other, forming a beautiful environment for teaching, research and life.

At present, the school has more than 24000 full-time doctoral, master's, undergraduate, preparatory and other students from 56 ethnic groups, and its enrollment scope has expanded to 31 provinces (cities, autonomous regions). It has entered the first batch of students in seven provinces (regions), including Hubei, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Tibet, and Yunnan. The first volunteer enrollment rate of freshmen is more than 90%, and the proportion of minority students is more than 61%. There are 1923 teaching staff, including 1240 full-time teachers. Among the teachers, there are 575 professors and associate professors, 365 doctoral and master's supervisors, 3 national candidates for the New Century Ten Million Talents Project, 29 people who enjoy the special government allowance of the State Council, 32 provincial and ministerial experts. The proportion of teachers with doctoral and master's degrees has reached 79%, forming a team of teachers with sufficient quantity, optimized structure, high quality and good development.

The university always adheres to the principle of "facing ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas, serving the national work of the party and the state" Central South University for Nationalities

The school aims to serve the economic and social development of ethnic minorities and minority areas, and has set up 65 undergraduate majors in 10 disciplines; It has doctoral degree authorization points in the first level discipline of ethnology and 5 doctoral points in the second level discipline; There are 18 academic first level discipline master authorization points, 72 professional graduate students, and 8 professional degree points in 14 fields for full-time professional graduate students. Welcome to apply! For details, please refer to our 2012 Master's Admission Examination Catalog. Authorized disciplines cover all 12 disciplines except military science, including philosophy, law, literature, history, economics, management, education, engineering, science, medicine, agriculture, art, etc. At present, the university has 20 national and provincial quality courses, 5 national characteristic specialty construction sites, 1 dominant discipline of Hubei universities, 2 characteristic disciplines of Hubei universities, 14 provincial and ministerial key disciplines, 7 provincial brand specialties, 8 national, provincial and ministerial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and 15 provincial and ministerial scientific research institutions. In 2008, the university became the awarding authority unit of "recommending outstanding fresh undergraduate graduates to study for master's degree without examination". The school has 48 research institutes (centers) for minority economy, women's calligraphy, Tujia nationality, applied chemistry, plasma, biomedical engineering, etc.

What are the majors of Wuhan University of Science and Technology Central South Branch

Business School Major International Economy and Trade (undergraduate) Business Administration (undergraduate) Human Resources Management (undergraduate) Marketing (undergraduate) Accounting (undergraduate) Securities and Futures (junior college)

College of Information Engineering Computer Science and Technology (Undergraduate) Computer Science and Technology (Network Engineering) (Undergraduate) Software Engineering (Undergraduate) Electronic Information Engineering (Undergraduate) Automation (Undergraduate) Electromechanical Integration Technology (Junior College) Computer Network Technology (Specialized)

College of Life Sciences Professional Biotechnology (undergraduate) Environmental Engineering (undergraduate) Nursing (undergraduate) Landscape (undergraduate) Nursing (junior college) Landscape Technology (junior college)

Urban Construction College Professional Architecture (Undergraduate) Civil Engineering (Undergraduate) Engineering Management (Undergraduate) Water Supply and Drainage Engineering (Undergraduate) Engineering Cost (Undergraduate) Architectural Engineering Technology (Junior College) Architectural Decoration Engineering Technology (Junior College)

School of Grammar and Law Major Law (Undergraduate) Major Politics and Administration (Social Work Direction) (Undergraduate) Tourism Management (Undergraduate) Hotel Management (Junior College) Secretary (Junior College)

College of Foreign Languages Specialized English (Undergraduate) Japanese (Undergraduate) Applied English (Junior College)

Art Design (Graphic Art Design) (Undergraduate) Art Design (Environmental Art Design) (Undergraduate) Fashion Design and Performance (Undergraduate) Animation (Undergraduate) Computer Art Design (including Animation Production) (Junior College) Advertising Design and Production (Junior College) Musicology (Normal School) (Undergraduate) Music Performance (Undergraduate) Music Education (Undergraduate) Music Education (Junior College)

Youth remains 2024-06-15 18:07:12

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The word "word" can be found by using the radical search method. Yan (pinyin: y á n) is a common standard first level Chinese character (commonly used). This word was first seen in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty. Its original meaning is generally believed to be speaking, which extends to the words said, or the words or sentences said or written. These meanings also exist in the sememes of words such as "speech and speech".
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Shi Kuang's Theory of Classical Chinese

The principles of classical Chinese in Shi Kuang Lun Xue:
1. There is no end to learning in life. You should study hard at any time. Lifelong learning and lifelong benefit.
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The Duke of Jin Ping said to Shi Kuang, "I'm seventy years old and I'm afraid I'm too late to learn." Shi Kuang said, "Why don't you light the candle light?" The Duke of Jin Ping said, "How can anyone who is a minister tease the monarch?" Shi Kuang said, "How dare I tease the monarch if I'm blind? I heard that when I was young, I liked to learn, just like the sunshine of the rising sun; In his prime, he likes learning, just like the strong sunshine at noon; In his later years, he likes to study, just like holding a candle to light, which is better than walking in the dark? " The Duke of Jin Ping said, "Well said!"
Duke Ping of Jin wanted to learn, but he was worried that he was old. Shi Kuang believes that people should keep learning throughout their life. He vividly compared: Young people are eager to learn, like the rising sun; Learning in the prime of life is like the sun at noon; Learning in old age is like the light of a candle, which can also illuminate the journey of life. Although the light is weak, it is better than walking in the dark.
This article is characterized by the use of figurative metaphor. Shi Kuang's speech is not to state abstract truth, but to use common sense of daily life to explain his own ideas. In order to attract the attention of the other party, Shi Kuang deliberately uses the characteristics of polysemy in Chinese and puns to deliberately distort the meaning of the Duke of Jin Ping.

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"If you lose a horse race, you will never know it is a blessing" is wrong. The correct one is "if you lose a horse race, you will never know it is a blessing". It means that although you have suffered a loss for a while, you can gain benefits from it. It also means that a bad thing can become a good thing under certain conditions, and vice versa. To describe a person's mentality, he must be optimistic and upward. Everything has two sides. The bad side may change to the good side.
From: The Western Han Dynasty - Huainan King Liu An, "Huainan Zi · Human Training", the original text: People close to the fortress, who have good skills, Ma Wudi died and entered Hu. Everyone hanged him. His father said, "Why is it not a blessing?" After living for several months, his horse returned with Hu Junma. Everyone congratulated him. His father said, "Why can't this be a disaster?" He was a rich and good horse. His son liked to ride. He fell and broke his leg. Everyone hung on it. His father said, "Why is it not a blessing?" After living for a year, the Hu people entered the fortress, while the Ding Zhuang people fought with strings. Those close to the fortress, 19 dead. Only because of the lameness, father and son can protect each other.
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Does Emperor Yan really exist

Emperor Yan is a real existence. Emperor Yan is the honorific title of the leader of the Jiang tribe in ancient China. His name is Shennong, also known as Kuiwei, Lianshan, and Lieshan, and his nickname is Zhu Xiang.
It is said that the leader of the tribe surnamed Jiang got the throne because he knew how to use fire, so he was called Emperor Yan. Starting from Shennong, the tribe with the surname of Jiang had nine generations of Emperor Yan. Shennong gave birth to the emperor Kui, Kui gave birth to the emperor Cheng, Cheng gave birth to the emperor Ming, Ming gave birth to the emperor Zhi, Zhi gave birth to the emperor 氂氂, 氂 gave birth to the emperor Ai, Ai gave birth to the emperor Ke, and Ke gave birth to the emperor Yu Wang, who passed on the throne for 530 years.
Emperor Yan lived in the Neolithic Age, and there are six contests in his hometown, namely Baoji in Shaanxi, Lianshan in Huitong County, Hunan, Yanling County in Zhuzhou, Hunan, Suizhou in Hubei, Gaoping in Shanxi, and Zhecheng in Henan. Yandi tribe's activity range is in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In Jiangshui area, the tribe began to prosper, initially in Chendi, and later moved the capital to Qufu.
It is said that Emperor Yan had a head of cattle and a body. He tasted hundreds of herbs and developed herbal medicine to cure diseases; He invented slash and burn cultivation and created two kinds of soil turning tools to teach people to cultivate land and grow food crops; He also led the tribal people to make pottery and cooking utensils for eating.
It is said that Yandi tribe later allied with Huangdi tribe to defeat Chiyou.
The Chinese call themselves the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. They worship the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor together as the ancestors of the Chinese people, and become the spiritual force for the unity and struggle of the Chinese nation.
Emperor Yan was revered by Taoism as the Shennong Emperor, also known as the Five Grain Shennong Emperor.
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