Who will compensate for the loss of fresh food due to the epidemic? What should we do if the express food is damaged due to the epidemic

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Selected answers

Affected by the epidemic, many couriers are stuck in the middle of the delivery. If you buy fresh food online, you need to communicate with the seller. This needs to be negotiated in advance. It is better to return the goods. If you do not apply for return or negotiate, the couriers may also bear some losses if they are not responsible for the epidemic.

Who will pay for the loss of fresh food due to the epidemic

If the insured goods of fresh food are broken due to the epidemic situation, both parties should negotiate to deal with it! But logistics companies should send messages to buyers in time!

If the logistics company fails to deliver fresh, perishable and other goods with high delivery time limit due to public epidemic prevention measures, the deterioration or loss of use value of the goods due to the epidemic can be attributed to force majeure, and both parties should reasonably share the responsibility for the loss. However, the logistics company shall timely notify the consignor and consignee, and take appropriate measures to prevent the loss from expanding, otherwise it shall be liable for compensation for the expanded loss. Therefore, in case of the above situations, the transportation parties should communicate in time and take necessary measures to prevent the occurrence and expansion of losses.

What to do if the express food is broken due to the epidemic

If it cannot be taken for personal reasons, only the individual can be responsible. If it is the express company's reason, the express company should be responsible for it. The express company has informed you to pick up the goods. If the goods were damaged due to the delay in picking up the goods during the epidemic, the express company will not be responsible.

How long will the logistics be stuck by the epidemic

It may take about three or four days for express delivery and logistics stuck due to the epidemic to recover, but if the local epidemic is serious, it may take a week or even longer to recover. How long the express will stay and when it will be restored depends on the local epidemic situation and regional management policies. The specific time varies from region to region.

Rain falls on the heart 2024-04-08 12:56:13

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