What should parents do when children play with mobile phones

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Nowadays, mobile phones have entered thousands of households. Many children, regardless of age, feel that mobile phones are an attractive electronic product. Many parents also know that playing with mobile phones for a long time is very harmful to children, affecting their learning energy and resulting in a decline in academic performance. In order to solve the problem that children are addicted to mobile phones and do not learn, many parents have tried many methods, but the effect is not obvious. Here are some ways for parents to deal with children playing mobile phones. I hope they can help us.

What should parents do when children play with mobile phones

1. Make three rules and discuss the rules of using mobile phones with children. With regard to mobile phones, what parents should do is not manage them, but learn to "manage" them. The difference between management and management is that the former is the control, interference and requirements from a commanding position; The latter is to use the rules that children also agree with to manage children.

This rule is not used to shackle children, but to let children have respect and freedom within the boundaries. Therefore, instead of blaming your child for playing with mobile phones every day, parents should negotiate the time and rules for using mobile phones every day.

2. Let children make an "agreement" with mobile phones. First of all, don't panic too much, and rationalize the game appropriately; Secondly, we should screen the content, select some small games that are suitable for children's age and educational, so that children can be educated and enlightened in the games; Moreover, we should control time, set time for children, and gradually reduce the frequency of playing mobile phones.

3. Strengthen control and strictly implement the time plan. For some children who have become addicted to games, it is difficult for them to stipulate that the other party play games at a fixed time. Therefore, parents need to invest more time and energy in supervision and control. Before controlling children, parents should set an example and put down their mobile phones.

Parents can choose to study with their children or develop new hobbies. For example, let children find fun and beauty in books and develop the habit of reading. Provide children with a new interactive learning model to enhance their interest and motivation in learning.

How to communicate with parents when children play mobile phones

1. Be calm and discuss the agreement. For example, parents say, "The appointment time is ten minutes away." "You have been playing with your mobile phone for an hour, should you take a break?" When communicating with children in a negotiated tone, children will feel their parents' respect and concern, and will be more likely to accept suggestions. The communication foundation has been laid, and parents can further discuss with their children to formulate rules for using mobile phones.

2. Understand the needs and care accurately. If a child likes chatting online, microblogging, and sending friends to ask for attention, he may have a strong need for communication, belonging, and emotion. At this time, parents need to give their children active attention and companionship. It is also very important for children to gain peer recognition.

In daily life, parents should respect children's desire for peer recognition, encourage children to actively participate in peer social activities in real life, and help each other through peer help, so that children can gain a sense of belonging, identity and achievement in their interactions with peers.

3. Praise timely and allow repetition. Parents can give timely affirmation or praise to children to better consolidate and strengthen their progress. Children end playing with mobile phones a few minutes in advance, or children use mobile phones to search for learning information.

In the process of implementing mobile phone use rules, children may break the rules. At this time, parents should learn to think from the child's perspective. If it is really difficult, take your time, leave enough time and space for children to adjust constantly, and allow repetition.

The harm of children playing with mobile phones

1. Impair memory. Many children have been addicted to mobile phones for a long time. They play games or watch videos with their mobile phones at night. It will not only affect vision, but also cause low memory in the long run.

2. Out of touch with reality, becoming autistic. The healthy growth of children needs to contact with the outside world. However, most children now hold mobile phones whenever they are free, which will cause disconnection from the real world, become autistic, or even do not know how to communicate.

3. Delay learning and affect the future. It is convenient for children to get information from mobile phones. If children have any problems that they don't understand, they can check them directly without thinking. They gradually develop the habit of not using their brains, which is extremely detrimental to the development of children's learning habits.

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You can apply for the college entrance examination without a high school diploma, because you don't need a high school diploma to apply for the college entrance examination. College entrance examination candidates are divided into two categories: high school graduates, including re entrants, and social youth. According to the relevant regulations of the State, young people who do not have a high school graduation certificate can apply for the college entrance examination as social candidates and can be admitted to universities. However, some colleges and universities (such as military and police) require candidates to be recent high school graduates.
The high school diploma can be used as a supporting document when entering a higher school, studying abroad and looking for a job.
1. High school diploma is required for college entrance examination and studying abroad.
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3. In addition, the high school diploma is basically useless.
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5. If you can enter the university and get the college diploma smoothly, then the high school diploma will have no effect.
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