Sample summary of the 31st International Volunteer Day

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On December 5, 2016, there were 31 "". According to the requirements of the Notice on Organizing the Theme Publicity and Practice Activities of the "December 5" International Volunteer Day in 201x (Shishi Wenming Ban [201x] No. 52) issued by Shishi Civilization Office and Shishi * * *, in order to further create a strong atmosphere of "I am a person, everyone is for me" volunteer service in the whole society, and mobilize volunteers to participate in social welfare undertakings, The concept of voluntary service has been widely spread, and our committee has carried out a variety of activities. Now we will summarize the activities

1、 The leaders of the committee and bureau attach great importance to it and assign special personnel to be responsible

The leaders of the committee and bureau attached great importance to the early start and planning, carefully organized and formulated specific and detailed plans in combination with the actual situation to ensure the effectiveness of the activities. Appoint a special person to take charge of volunteer services. Zhang Yu, a resident in the community, is responsible for contacting the sub district community, closely communicating and cooperating with the community, and jointly doing a good job of matchmaking between volunteers and the community, so that communities with volunteer service needs can really receive effective services.

2、 Do practical things wholeheartedly and send warmth to families in need

In order to serve social public welfare undertakings and inherit the volunteer spirit, during the "International Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer" period, the Committee and Bureau actively responded to the call of the Teachers' Civilized Office and the Teachers' City * *. The Committee and Bureau focused on 78 communities to carry out various service activities, led by Yan Ping, the Standing Committee Member of the Committee and Bureau, Xia Yanlin, and Zhang Guoqiang, the Director of the Office, organized volunteers to visit Chen Guizhi, Ma Zhiying Xu Wengao, Shu Jiatong and other poor families brought rice, clear oil and other consolation goods to them. We organized activities to send warmth and love, visited empty nesters and disabled families, learned about their difficulties and needs, and tried to help them solve problems. We talked with empty nesters, read newspapers, and played chess and cards to give them spiritual comfort and reduce loneliness and loneliness. At the same time, volunteers were organized to go to Phoenix Jiayuan Community to clean up, remove garbage leaves, and visit more than 100 households door to door to distribute city building publicity materials.

3、 Actively carry out the publicity of law popularization, and implement the "six entrances" activity effectively

The Discipline Inspection Commission * * * of the teachers and cities, on the one hand, focuses on the Party spirit, Party conduct and Party discipline education, on the other hand, discipline punishment. It combines the publicity and education of law popularization with the work of discipline inspection and supervision, strengthening the ideological education of * * * cadres, improving the ideological and political quality of * * * cadres, and carrying out the target management of Party building and the activities of building a civilized city in teachers and cities, The publicity and education of law popularization has always been carried out in the work of the Committee and the Bureau, which has better promoted the rule of law into the activities of the organs, and has constantly strengthened the awareness of the leaders of * * * of clean government and the awareness of the legal system. Carry out the 16th party conduct and clean government education month activity with the theme of "bearing in mind the mission of * * *, strict organizational discipline, and singing the honest corps". The theoretical center groups of * * * (party group) at all levels carry out special learning and education. The main leaders of party and government at all levels and the secretary of discipline inspection commission combine the party's mass line education practice activities around the theme of the education month, Taking the education of Party conduct and clean government as an important content of the comparative inspection of the division and regiment leading group and its members, and in combination with the implementation of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, the twenty six provisions of the Corps, the twenty two provisions of the division and city, the "eight law working system", and the resolute opposition to the "four styles", 278 special Party class counseling and clean government education trainings were held, and 33460 * * * cadres were educated (times); The Discipline Inspection Commission of the teacher city has given 14 special courses (times) on incorruption for the organs, party schools and grass-roots units, and more than 3850 * * * cadres have been educated. Actively explore ways and methods to combine education, management and use of leading cadres, and further standardize the Interim Measures for Testing the Knowledge of Clean zd Rules for Leading Cadres before assuming office. At present, a total of 139 leading cadres to be promoted to the League level have organized five batches of closed book examinations on the knowledge of clean zd rules.

Earnestly implement the Opinions on Cultivating and Practicing the Core Values of Socialism, vigorously promote the incorruptible culture into the organs, enterprises, schools, hospitals, companies and families, organize and carry out activities to create a distinctive incorruptible culture, and strive to create a social environment of honesty, honor, corruption and shame. We formulated the Construction Standards for Demonstration Units of Clean Government Culture in Normal Universities and Cities, and vigorously carried out the construction of the high-quality project of clean government culture of "one promotion and one quality". We will actively help Shihezi to build a national civilized city, incorporate anti-corruption themes into literary and artistic creation and stage art production, and strive to create a batch of excellent anti-corruption cultural works with military reclamation characteristics that are ideological, artistic, and ornamental. Organize the "One Day for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadres" photo collection activity, and collect 10 works in total; 12 departments and units were designated, and all contents of 12 groups and 90 pieces of incorruption propaganda window pages were replaced within a time limit. A number of new platforms for anti-corruption education with the characteristics of the military reclamation, the spirit of the Corps, rich content and distinctive themes were actively created. The "Military Reclamation Memorial Hall" of the 150 Corps was named by the Corps as the second batch of "Corps anti-corruption education bases".

This activity has far-reaching meaning and good response. It has strengthened the sense of social responsibility of the volunteers of the committee and bureau, deepened the understanding of the volunteer spirit, promoted the development of volunteer activities, and contributed a modest part to the inheritance of the volunteer spirit.

Like to be confused 2022-07-29 20:59:40

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Economic measures:
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1. The specific meanings of the two are different.
Exposed is used to express events and objects. It refers to naked disclosure, and also refers to exposure, uncovered, exposed, exposed. Frankness is often used to express thoughts and feelings. It refers to expressing (thoughts and feelings) frankly.
2. The specific usage of the two is different.
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Make sentences openly:
1. I revealed my idea to my mother and got her support.
2. It was so hot that he was topless.
3. The peasants bared their right arms as a sign of the uprising.
Sentence making:
1. He unbuttoned his coat, bared his chest and rode away.
2. For the first time in more than a year, he was frank about the conflict last season.
3. This is not the time to confide in others or share your secrets with others. On the contrary, this is the time to listen to others.
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