A few months after the provincial examination in April

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The civil servants who take the provincial examination usually go to work in September. The recruitment of civil servants includes registration, written examination, interview, physical examination, political review, publicity, employment and writing, some of which take up to two months.

How long do you usually enter the provincial examination

Generally, 10-20 working days after the expiration of the publicity period. The specific time requirements of the recruitment unit shall prevail.

The entry formalities for civil servants shall be handled with the assistance of the recruitment unit. Before going through the formalities, you need to make sure that your account and files are in the normal and transferable status. If you are applying for the examination on the job, you need to make sure that all work handover is completed. In order to get on board in time.

When will the provincial written examination results come out

At the end of the written examination of the provincial examination, the date of the score will depend on the situation of each province, and there will be a corresponding morning or evening, but generally the score will be announced about one month after the written examination. In addition, some provinces will directly write the results announcement date into the recruitment announcement. Of course, some provinces will make a specific notice after the written examination and before the results inquiry.

Candidates can also query their examination results and interview list on the civil service examination and employment system with their ID cards and admission cards.

What are the subjects of the provincial civil service examination

The written examination of public subjects mainly includes two subjects: Administrative Professional Competence Test and Argumentation.

Candidates for positions of general management and administrative law enforcement all take the Administrative Professional Competence Test and the Argumentation Test. The Administrative Professional Competence Test is divided into two volumes, namely (I) and (II), which are used for candidates of general management and administrative law enforcement respectively, and differ in question type, number of questions, difficulty, etc.

Happy bamboo 2024-06-11 16:20:20

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"Thank you":
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2. Returning from the sea safely, we still have to pay tribute to Mother Mazu and the Big Man in White. Some also invite the theatrical troupe to sing for Mother Tiantian.
3. Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the friends who have been able to persist for nearly seven years!
1. Every day, I pray for you, kowtow to God for your life, make the best wishes for you, and pray that the gods will grant you happiness and health.
2. The flashy butterfly believes that the flower should kowtow to it.
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Idiom moral: This story tells people that small wisdom is never better than great wisdom. In addition, people should not give charity to evil people like wolves. Life often makes some people struggle on the edge of poverty or despair, so that they can only sustain their lives. If you want to get rid of this dilemma, you can only rely on your tenacious perseverance and the spirit of self-improvement to fight.
Usage: predicate, attribute, with derogatory meaning.
1. In the Biography of Zhongshan Wolf by Ma Zhongxi of the Ming Dynasty: "Why don't I stay in my pocket early to prolong my life?"
2. The Journey to the West by Wu Chengen of Ming Dynasty: "If you want to commit suicide, you are afraid that my parents will suspect me of running away, and the matter will end up unknown. So you have no choice but to prolong your life, and you are a great sinner in the world."
3. Li Baojia, Qing Dynasty, wrote in "The Official Show": "It is too poor to sell anything. Although it is only four gold coins, it is not a small supplement when it comes to it, and it can survive for several days."
Synonym: To live and die.
The antonym: prefer death to surrender, and treat death as if returning.
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