How to solve the rebellious mood of children after junior high school

Swallows are long without trace
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When children become rebellious after they go to junior high school, parents should be able to treat them correctly, understand their rebellious mentality, and not beat or scold them. We need to change our education methods in time, talk to them more actively, not always talk about learning, and not put too much pressure on them.

How to solve the rebellious mood of children after junior high school

1. Parents should accompany and encourage more. In fact, the reason why many people rebel is that they want to be concerned and recognized, especially by their parents. As parents, they should give more company to their children, understand their needs, and encourage them. No one is perfect. Parents should be more tolerant of their children. Junior high school students are sometimes vulnerable and sensitive, and they certainly don't want to make mistakes, Therefore, parents' understanding and companionship are very important.

2. As parents, they should understand, trust and respect the independence and sense of adulthood of junior high school students, which is the basis for the coordination of the relationship between parents and children. Don't force children to change their interests with your own ideas. Only in this way can junior high school students feel encouraged, narrow the psychological distance between parents and children, and reduce rebellion.

If parents can really communicate with junior high school students as equals and as comrades and big friends, the distance between junior high school students and their parents can be shortened. Ease and relieve junior high school students' resistance to themselves, make them willing to accept their parents' reasonable requirements, and even open their closed mind.

3. Parents should understand the physical and mental characteristics of adolescent children. Adolescent children have serious rebellious psychology, are easily excited, lose their temper, do not listen to other people's correct opinions and suggestions, and do not want teachers and parents to lecture. He will be bored with school, affect his academic performance, or even go astray, lose himself, and lose confidence in learning and life.

These children are against their parents. They are addicted to mobile phones and games. In serious cases, they may also have psychological autism, which will affect their physical and mental health and ruin their beautiful future.

4. Tell children to look at interpersonal problems correctly. Parents should communicate more about their children's emotions and understand their children's emotional state. Parents should fall in love with their children and tell them that this behavior is a normal behavior at this age, but different from adult love, this stage is appreciation. The more you appreciate it, the better you will become. From a positive perspective, guide children to develop themselves and study hard, Don't delay your study because of this emotion.

What should we do if the children don't communicate with us adults after they go to junior high school

1. Parents should take the initiative to chat with their children. Parents should ask their children about their life and study in junior high school. Parents should treat their children as their friends and not put too much pressure on them. Only in this way can children gradually enjoy chatting with their parents.

2. Change the way of education. In many cases, the discipline of children needs to be changed from time to time. For example, when we were young, only parents spoke and children listened; After entering middle school, we should try two ways to communicate, and also listen to the children's suggestions. Once it is found that a certain method does not work, you can change the method at any time and continue to experiment until you find an effective method.

3. Allow mistakes and teach less. Allow children to make mistakes. This stage is the key period for children to form their own views. Small mistakes are inevitable. Therefore, parents should let their children make some mistakes and suffer some losses, instead of always blaming and criticizing their children.

Why children don't like to communicate with their parents after junior high school

Children in junior high school also enter adolescence, and most of them are rebellious and do not like to communicate with their parents, which is also normal. Parents should also reflect on whether there is something wrong with their own way of communication, because children are human beings. Adolescence is an essential way to grow up. Parents also come here in adolescence. As a person who has come before, they should understand children's abnormal reactions to adolescence.

When children enter adolescence, they are unwilling to communicate with their parents. The main reason is that there is a generation gap between children and their parents after they go to junior high school, and they do not know how to communicate normally. They have no common language with their parents and are unwilling to share new things with them. It may also be that children are under great pressure to enter a higher school and do not know how to respond to their parents' own learning situation in the face of heavy courses.

Reverse the current year 2024-06-14 13:10:44

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