Which universities can Zhejiang apply for 560 points in 2020 college entrance examination

Leaves fall to soothe the dust
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Filling in the application form is a big problem for examinees after the college entrance examination. Some students do not know which school they can go to. To this end, I have sorted out the schools that can apply for the college entrance examination in Zhejiang with a score of about 560. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Zhejiang 560 points list of universities that can apply

Name of school Average admission score of school location Huaibei Normal University Anhui 563 Huainan Normal University Anhui 560 Fujian Normal University Fujian 565 Putian University Fujian 558 Xiamen University Jiageng College Fujian 561 Northwest Normal University Gansu 560 Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics Gansu 558 Guangdong Ocean University Guangdong 562 Guangzhou Maritime College Guangdong 561 Guangdong Institute of Petrochemical Technology Guangdong 562 Guangxi University of Science and Technology Guangxi 559 Guangxi Forest University of Technology Guangxi 560 Guangxi University for Nationalities Guangxi 565 Guangxi University of Finance and Economics Guangxi 565 Qinzhou University Guangxi 565 Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology Guizhou 565 Shijiazhuang Institute of Economics Hebei 559 Hebei Institute of Architecture and Engineering Hebei 556 Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology Hebei 562 North China Institute of Science and Technology Hebei 562 North China Institute of Aerospace Technology Hebei 562 Disaster Prevention Technology College Hebei 556 Central Judicial Police College River North 555 Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry Henan 563 Zhoukou Normal College Henan 562 Anyang Normal College Henan 556 Luoyang Normal College Henan 558 Shangqiu Normal College Henan 556 Zhengzhou Institute of Aviation Industry Management Henan 560 Henan Engineering College Henan 559 Nanyang Institute of Technology Henan 563 Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology Heilongjiang 555 Jiamusi University Heilongjiang 565

Note: Zhejiang implements the new college entrance examination. The total score of the college entrance examination is 750 points. The level of the admission score line varies from province to province. Candidates can choose universities and majors according to their provinces and their own conditions.

What are the skills for filling in the volunteer form

1. Take advantage of the opportunity of "lower grade admission" of some colleges and universities to achieve high grades with low scores

For various reasons, some of the first batch of enrollment colleges will set aside a small number of enrollment plans every year to enroll the second batch of candidates on the undergraduate score line. For example, in order to complete the enrollment plan for some relatively unpopular majors or majors with relatively difficult working conditions, we will adopt the method of reducing the enrollment. Another example is that some colleges and universities that enroll students in a batch may sometimes reduce their enrollment by one batch because they are not in the same city or even across provinces.

2. Cross Breakthrough

It means that liberal arts candidates apply for liberal arts majors in science and engineering colleges, and science candidates apply for science majors in literature and history colleges. In recent years, with the accelerated pace of discipline construction in colleges and universities, the original pure literature and history or science and engineering colleges are moving towards the direction of comprehensive colleges and universities. It is precisely because the newly opened non-traditional majors are not widely known or known but not recognized, so the number of candidates is relatively small, so that candidates can be admitted with lower scores.

3. Pay full attention to the specialty of both liberal arts and science

Because some arts and science majors are easy to be broken through by some less competitive candidates, filling in these majors can fulfill some candidates' college and professional dreams. The vast majority of majors under disciplines such as economics, management, literature, pedagogy and law can apply both arts and science.

4. Institutional difference

The score difference between colleges and universities is not fixed. The choice of middle and high score candidates is larger, and the choice of marginal candidates on the provincial control line is smaller. Generally speaking, the gradient is mainly restricted by the A-volunteer of the institution ranking first. If A-volunteer is an aggressive institution or major, the gradient between B, C, D (E, F) volunteers ranking next can be appropriately larger; If volunteer A is the ideal college or major to be guaranteed, the gradient between other colleges or majors should be smaller.

Lifetime 2024-05-20 13:12:17

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Meaning of Sanchunhui

Sanchunhui means the bright sunshine in spring, which means the kindness of a loving mother. Sanchun, formerly called Mengchun in the first lunar month, Zhongchun in February, and Jichun in March, is collectively called Sanchun. Hui, sun. A mother's love is like the warm and genial sunshine in spring shining on her children.

Pinyin: s  n ch ü n hu ī.


Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in The Wanderer's Ode: "The line in the mother's hand, the jacket of the wanderer's body; the seams are tight before leaving, and the mind is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the three spring glow?"


The mother used her needle and thread to make clothes for her son. Before leaving, the clothes were sewed closely, afraid that his son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who dares to say that children's weak filial piety like grass can repay their motherly kindness like the spring sun?

Word notes:

1. Traveler: In ancient times, it was called a person who traveled far away.

2. Yin: Poetic name.

3. Pro: About to.

4. Fear: worry.

5. Go back home.

6. Who said: a "difficult general". Speak, speak.

7. Inch grass: grass. Here is a metaphor for children.

8. Heart: semantic pun refers to the stems of plants and trees as well as the wishes of children.

9. Reward: Reward.


Deep maternal love bathes children all the time. However, the most memorable moment for Meng Jiao, a vagrant who has always been displaced and has no fixed residence, is the painful moment when mother and son separated. This poem describes the ordinary scene of a loving mother sewing clothes at such a time, but it shows the poet's deep inner feelings.

The first two sentences, "The line in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son", are actually two phrases, rather than two sentences. In this way, from people to things, we can use the two most common and common things, "line" and "clothes", to closely link "the loving mother" and "the wandering son", and write the feelings of the mother and the son that depend on each other. The next two sentences, "Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late", describe people's actions and attitudes, and focus on the mother. Here, through the depiction of the action and psychology of the loving mother making clothes for the wandering children, we can deepen the love between mother and son. At this moment before leaving, the mother's thousands of stitches and threads were "closely stitched" because she was afraid of her son's "delay". It is through the details of daily life that a loving mother naturally reveals her deep and sincere feelings. Simple and natural, kind and touching. There are neither words nor tears here, but a pure love overflows from this common scene.

The first four sentences use the line drawing technique without any modification, but the image of a loving mother is really moving. The last two sentences are the sublimation of the first four sentences. With the intuition of the people involved, they have a deeper meaning: "Who speaks in grass, will be rewarded by the three Chunhui." The author expresses his mind and sings the praises of maternal love heartily. These two sentences use the traditional technique of comparison. Children are just like grass, and maternal love is like the sunshine in spring. The suspended contrast and vivid metaphor express the ardent emotion of the red son to his mother from the bottom of his heart.

This is an ode to maternal love. Under the circumstances of failure in the official career, the poet experienced the inconstancy of the world and was depressed for life, so he felt the value of family love more. "Poetry comes from the heart, and often comes out of the heart" (Su Shi's Reading Meng Jiao's Poems). This poem is fresh and smooth, though it is free from caricature and sculpture. The rich and mellow beauty of its poetic flavor can be seen in its simplicity.

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There is no need to follow others' advice, which means: don't say what others say, and follow your own advice. It describes that there is no assertiveness and following the voice.
People follow the crowd, which means that they have no independent opinions and will only follow their own voice.
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Near righteousness: follow the advice and pick up wisdom.
Antinomy: Be independent and outspoken.
Usage: as predicate, attribute, adverbial; Refers to the lack of assertiveness.
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