How about the big Cherokee srt8? The price of the big Cherokee srt8 in 2018

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How about the big Cherokee srt8? The price of the big Cherokee srt8 in 2018

1. The American muscle car is famous all over the world. Although the car aesthetics inherited from the early last century is not as popular as the European supercar, its rigid and strong shape is deeply loved by Chinese people. Although in recent years, the American muscle car has begun to weaken its muscle image in order to meet the needs of the international market, there are still many car riders, I like to turn American cars into "American muscles". Today, let's talk about four of the best ones, which is not comparable to Buick Onco X series.

2. The first model: The Grand Cherokee SRT8. Six of the ten men have liked the JEEP Grand Cherokee. Although the overall sales of JEEP in China are average, the visibility of the Grand Cherokee is still quite high. It is basically possible to encounter it on the road every day. I feel that it has more than Cayenne and Range Rover.

3. As the flagship SUV of JEEP, the Grand Cherokee is really good. Strong and magnificent body, strong power, excellent off-road ability, and the big V8 engine make hard men dream.

4. However, if you want to talk about the peak work, you still need to see the Grand Cherokee SRT8. Among the car friends I know, only one advertising company owner has such a set. After I drove it, I only have one word to describe it: unforgettable for life! The driving pleasure brought by the 6.4L eight cylinder self-priming engine, even to a certain extent, exceeded the agile cornering and sharp handling. Although 468 horsepower seems not strong now, the actual power reserve is still surplus, and for a medium and large SUV, it can break through 100 in 4.9 seconds.

5. The second model: Cadillac Cared Platinum Extended JEEP has the Grand Cherokee SRT8, Cadillac has the Cared Platinum Extended JEEP.

6. That is the real "mobile palace". The size of this car is 5697 * 2045 * 1880mm, and the wheelbase is 3302mm, which is more than the extended version of Range Rover and Rolls Royce Coolinan. The domestic price is 1488000 yuan, and it is the only Cadillac model that has sold more than one million cars in China, and there is basically no discount.

7. I don't have the chance to see the real car, but it is said that the back row is simply a luxurious room. The large space brought by the large body and wheelbase is hard to describe without personal experience. The car owner can also customize according to his own needs, such as the independent space in the back row completely isolated from the front row, the big TV, the big sofa, and a beautiful woman, This is called successful people, and the 6.2L self-priming large V8 engine, which is more attractive than beautiful women, was not absent.

8. The third model: Lincoln's navigator Lincoln's navigator can't be absent. As a full-size SUV, it is not as big as Carey, but it is much larger than the Grand Cherokee SRT8. Now Lincoln has aviators, navigators and adventurers. This navigator is their leader, and naturally Lincoln's flagship SUV. Its domestic price is 1.0980-1.2980 million, The body dimensions are 5355 * 2073 * 1937mm, and the wheelbase is 3112mm. The length and height are not mentioned first, but this width is really beyond ordinary people's control.

9. I had a test drive when it came into the market before. Driving it is like driving a boat. I think the road is a little small for this car. In addition, the Lincoln navigator showed American luxury very thoroughly. A variety of high-end materials plus a retro interior style, although there is no fashionable element, it is really annoying.

10. However, it is a pity that this car is equipped with a 3.5T engine, without the American flavor of large displacement self-priming.

11. The fourth model: The last model of Chevrolet Suburban is the Chevrolet Suburban, which is hard to see by Chinese people. I mean the real car. In many American movies, the appearance rate of Chevrolet Suburban is quite high, and every appearance is accompanied by gunfire and gunfire, as well as exciting racing scenes. This is also the full-size SUV of Chevrolet, It also adheres to the muscular style of American large SUVs, and is square and upright without any compromise. The body size is 5700/2045/1895mm, and the wheelbase is 3302mm, which is the largest SUV among the four SUVs today.

12. Some people say that this car looks like the Lincoln Navigator of the old model. In fact, it has to be said in reverse, because the Chevrolet Suburban is the ancestor of full-size SUV. What kind of navigator, Mercedes Benz GLS, BMW X7, and Range Rover are its younger generation. This car is equipped with a 5.3L self priming large V8 engine, with maximum horsepower of 355 and peak torque of 519 Nm. How about it? I haven't seen it before, so I won't make it up here. I will show it to you later when I have the opportunity. It is about 380000 yuan overseas. At present, some dealers in the port will sell it, and the price is more than one million yuan anyway.

13. This article comes from the author of the car home number, which does not represent the standpoint of the car home.

Life is like a play 2024-05-05 14:00:08

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Pinyin: s  n ch ü n hu ī.


Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in The Wanderer's Ode: "The line in the mother's hand, the jacket of the wanderer's body; the seams are tight before leaving, and the mind is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the three spring glow?"


The mother used her needle and thread to make clothes for her son. Before leaving, the clothes were sewed closely, afraid that his son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who dares to say that children's weak filial piety like grass can repay their motherly kindness like the spring sun?

Word notes:

1. Traveler: In ancient times, it was called a person who traveled far away.

2. Yin: Poetic name.

3. Pro: About to.

4. Fear: worry.

5. Go back home.

6. Who said: a "difficult general". Speak, speak.

7. Inch grass: grass. Here is a metaphor for children.

8. Heart: semantic pun refers to the stems of plants and trees as well as the wishes of children.

9. Reward: Reward.


Deep maternal love bathes children all the time. However, the most memorable moment for Meng Jiao, a vagrant who has always been displaced and has no fixed residence, is the painful moment when mother and son separated. This poem describes the ordinary scene of a loving mother sewing clothes at such a time, but it shows the poet's deep inner feelings.

The first two sentences, "The line in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son", are actually two phrases, rather than two sentences. In this way, from people to things, we can use the two most common and common things, "line" and "clothes", to closely link "the loving mother" and "the wandering son", and write the feelings of the mother and the son that depend on each other. The next two sentences, "Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late", describe people's actions and attitudes, and focus on the mother. Here, through the depiction of the action and psychology of the loving mother making clothes for the wandering children, we can deepen the love between mother and son. At this moment before leaving, the mother's thousands of stitches and threads were "closely stitched" because she was afraid of her son's "delay". It is through the details of daily life that a loving mother naturally reveals her deep and sincere feelings. Simple and natural, kind and touching. There are neither words nor tears here, but a pure love overflows from this common scene.

The first four sentences use the line drawing technique without any modification, but the image of a loving mother is really moving. The last two sentences are the sublimation of the first four sentences. With the intuition of the people involved, they have a deeper meaning: "Who speaks in grass, will be rewarded by the three Chunhui." The author expresses his mind and sings the praises of maternal love heartily. These two sentences use the traditional technique of comparison. Children are just like grass, and maternal love is like the sunshine in spring. The suspended contrast and vivid metaphor express the ardent emotion of the red son to his mother from the bottom of his heart.

This is an ode to maternal love. Under the circumstances of failure in the official career, the poet experienced the inconstancy of the world and was depressed for life, so he felt the value of family love more. "Poetry comes from the heart, and often comes out of the heart" (Su Shi's Reading Meng Jiao's Poems). This poem is fresh and smooth, though it is free from caricature and sculpture. The rich and mellow beauty of its poetic flavor can be seen in its simplicity.

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