What is Van Gogh's school of painting

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There are many famous painters in history, both at home and abroad. These painters have their own characteristics, some are good at painting animals, some are good at painting people, and one painter is good at painting sunflowers, that is Van Gogh. He painted seven pairs of sunflowers, each with distinctive characteristics.

What is Van Gogh's school of painting

Van Gogh is a post impressionist painter, whose representative works include Night of the Stars and Moon, self portrait series, sunflower series, etc.

Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in a Protestant pastor's family in Zindelt, a Dutch village. In his early years, he worked as a clerk, a business broker, and a missionary in a mining area. Finally, he devoted himself to painting.

His early realistic painting style was influenced by Dutch traditional painting and French realism. In 1886, he came to Paris to get acquainted with impressionists and neo impressionists, and came into contact with the works of Japanese Ukiyoyo. The expansion of his vision changed his painting style greatly.

In 1888, he came to Arles, a small town in the south of France, and wrote "The Suspension Bridge of Arles"; In the same year, he communicated with the painter Paul Gauguin, but due to the conflict of their personalities and differences of their ideas, the cooperation soon failed. Since then, Van Gogh's madness often broke out, but he still insisted on painting when he was conscious. In 1889, he wrote Starry Moon Night. In July 1890, Van Gogh shot himself in insanity at the age of 37.

What country is Van Gogh a painter

He is a Dutch painter.

Van Gogh, a Dutch painter, is a representative figure of the Later Impression Painting School, and is one of the most outstanding artists in the 19th century. He loved life, but suffered setbacks and hardships in life.

He devoted himself to art and innovated boldly. On the basis of widely learning from previous painters such as Rembrandt, he absorbed the experience of impressionist painters in color, and was influenced by oriental art, especially Japanese prints. He formed his own unique artistic style, created many works full of passion for life and humanitarian spirit, and expressed his depression, sadness Sympathy and hope have been known all over the world.

Van Gogh's life story

Dutchman, representative of the later impressionism

Van Gogh abandoned all acquired knowledge, ignored the doctrine cherished by the academic school, and even forgot his own rationality. In his eyes, there are only vibrant natural landscapes. He is intoxicated with them, and I forget everything. He regards heaven and earth as an indivisible whole. He embraces everything with his whole body and mind.

Van Gogh emerged late as a highly personalized painter, only eight years after his death.

Van Gogh had little formal training in painting. He toiled day after day to get canvas, oil paint and painting tools, and was constantly in a state of contradiction in spirit. He was under pressure to pursue artistic perfection, which, if not the direct cause of his later illness, also planted the seeds of his life tragedy.

Van Gogh is interested in the reproduction of true feelings, that is, what he wants to show is his feelings about things, not the visual image he sees.

Van Gogh listed his works as another type different from those of impressionists. He said: "In order to better express myself, I am more free to use colors." In fact, not only colors, but also perspective, shape and proportion have changed, to show an extremely painful but very real relationship with the world. This distinctive feature later became the basis for the independent existence of Impressionism, which was different from other painting schools.

Van Gogh is an artist with a real sense of mission. When talking about his creation, Van Gogh summed up this feeling as follows: "For it, I take my life to risk; because of it, my reason has half collapsed; but it doesn't matter...".

Van Gogh never gave up his belief that art should be concerned with practical problems, and explore how to awaken conscience and transform the world.

After he finished his seven famous sunflowers, he chose to commit suicide.

Van Gogh committed suicide at the age of 37. As an artist, he won the praise of critics for his shocking and imaginative paintings not long before his death.

A few years after Van Gogh's death, some painters began to imitate his painting methods. In order to express strong feelings, they could not truthfully reflect the reality. This creative attitude was called expressionism, and proved to be an enduring trend in modern painting. That is to reshape objects for subjective consciousness.

Although the names of Gauguin and Van Gogh have both become the vanguard of modern expressionism and the model of extremely personalized artists, it is difficult to imagine how different their personal characteristics are. Gauguin is a person who attacks traditional ideas. His language is harsh, cynical, cold and heartless, and sometimes rude.

Van Gogh, on the other hand, was full of an innocent, passionate and deep love for the artists he worked with. After he had a period of life experience, this love made him become an art dealer, and he had the desire to carry out theoretical research, and then became a missionary in the Belgian coal mining area.

In 1880, he began to learn painting. Later, he studied in Brussels, The Hague and Antwerp. He came to Paris in 1886, where he met Lautrec, Seurat, Siniek and Gauguin, as well as members of the original impressionist group.

After Van Gogh met the impressionist painters in Paris, his palette became bright. He found that the only thing he loved deeply was color, brilliant and unmixed color. The color features in his hands are fundamentally different from those of impressionists.

Even though he used impressionist techniques, because of his unique ability to observe people and nature, his conclusions also had non Buddhist personality. This has always been the case. And this hue is so consistent with the sunflower's spirit of always facing the sun. "No matter how tall or big, you will never forget where you came from", which is the spirit of sunflower.

The best taste in the world is Qinghuan 2024-06-14 13:15:51

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