What to do with children's poor math scores in the second grade of primary school

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Poor math scores in primary schools are still very easy to remedy. You can start with addition and subtraction, and some multiplication and division methods. Secondly, you can buy some to strengthen your thinking, which will help improve your math scores.

What to do with children's poor math scores in the second grade of primary school

1. Cultivate interest

As a parent, we should seize the time to give guidance to our children. The child must have something wrong, so he is not interested in cultivating children's interest in mathematics. We can cultivate children's interest in mathematics from mathematical problems in daily life. Parents should help children improve their learning habits and learning ability.

2. Communicate with teachers

The second grade of primary school may not concentrate enough in class. Didn't pay attention to the lecture. I went to play with other things. Maybe he is not particularly interested in mathematics. Don't worry, I'm still young. You can communicate with the teacher and pay more attention to his classroom discipline in class. In addition, let the teacher properly supervise. Teach some methods of learning mathematics and it will get better gradually.

3. Pay attention to mathematics in life

In fact, learning mathematics has a great impact on life and provides a lot of help. For example, buying things, calculating interest rates, making profits, and so on, all of which use mathematics. You can consciously ask your child math questions in life and ask him to answer them. It's very simple. You can take your child to buy vegetables. Five yuan for one jin of apples, how much for three jin, 20 yuan for your aunt, and how much you can get back.

Don't underestimate these. In primary school mathematics learning, problem solving accounts for the most points, and problem solving is nothing more than judging which kind of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is used to formulate solutions. These problems are actually problems in life. Children will naturally solve them when they are exposed to more in life.

4. Parents involved in teaching

When the child is in the second grade, it is very important for parents to accompany and teach carefully. Parents should accompany the child to adapt to school learning as soon as possible. With parents' company and encouragement, children will understand the importance of learning more. At the same time, parents will also find out the problems that children encounter in learning in a timely manner. Find problems and solve them with your child. Don't accumulate problems, so as not to cause children to be bored with school.

5. Improve children's learning methods

Learning pays attention to learning methods. If children only learn by rote and do more exercises, they will certainly not learn true knowledge. In this way, the child not only wasted a lot of time and energy, but also did not have a thorough understanding. With 10 points of effort, he may not even get 3 points. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the guidance of children's learning methods.

When parents guide their children, they should not take the place of their children to learn, and develop their children's dependence and the habit of asking for help. Teach children how to obtain knowledge, such as how to check reference books, how to obtain the information they want, etc.

The Reasons for Grade Two Children's Bad Maths Test

1. Perceptual errors caused by visual transfer

The thinking characteristics of young students are from phenomenal thinking to abstract thinking, which is very easy to confuse similar and similar data or symbols. Therefore, mistakes are often made in copying wrong data and calculation symbols; There are also forget carry, retreat, missing write, missing copy, and wrong operation sequence.

2. Weak awareness of simple calculation

Simple algorithm is an important part of elementary mathematics and an important way to improve students' computing speed. It is an important skill to improve the efficiency of solving problems that who is easier in comparison calculation. There are many ways to solve problems when solving problems, which requires us to be good at selecting the best. Especially in junior high school, the calculation method should be flexible and diverse, and a reasonable algorithm should be selected from a variety of solutions to achieve algorithm optimization.

3. Inadequate attention

Some children make mistakes in calculation, which is often caused by their inattention. Especially children in lower grades are not good at consciously distributing their attention, focusing on one thing while neglecting the other, which ultimately makes them prone to computational errors.

4. Do homework fast, not quality

A calculation problem often includes multi-step calculation. Because students are too impatient, rush for time and afraid of trouble, they neglect some details. Sometimes they calculate too much, sometimes they calculate too little, resulting in errors.

5. Don't pay attention to the inspection after the operation is completed

Many children leave their homework behind after they finish it, and they will not check it, so they will not find their mistakes.

6. Influence of incorrect learning attitude

(1) They despise the mentality and think that calculation problems are "dead problems" and do not need to use their brains. They ignore the errors caused by the analysis of calculation problems and the check after calculation.

(2) Fear of difficulties. It thinks that the calculation questions are boring. Whenever you see the calculation questions with many calculation steps or large numbers, you will have fear, boredom, lack of perseverance, patience and confidence, which will greatly reduce the accuracy of calculation.

7. Errors caused by knowledge mastery defects

Knowledge is not mastered well, such as basic knowledge such as concept, nature, calculation theory, rules, laws, etc. Students can use it correctly and flexibly to form computing skills only when they have a deep understanding and firm grasp. If you don't master it well, you will make mistakes.

dawn 2024-06-14 13:13:39

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