What to do if the child fails in the exam

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Parents should not worry about the child's failure in the exam. The child's learning is not easy. It is likely that the child's learning is not good now, but in the future, the child's performance will be improved. Therefore, we should trust the child, analyze the reasons for the failure in the exam with the child, and then make plans as soon as possible to catch up.

What to do if the child fails in the exam

1. Analyze the cause. If only one exam is not good, parents need not panic. They should analyze the reason with their children. Is it because they have been distracted recently, or because they have added new subjects, the children are not well adapted, or the exam is not good, but they should not be too irritable and scold the children, which will hurt their self-esteem.

2. Don't put pressure on children. We should believe that children are also aspirant, and hope that their own scores are good. If they fail in the exam, they must also have pressure in school. If parents put pressure on their children again when they return home, it will only make them feel nervous or even escape, but it will affect their study. Therefore, parents should strive to create a relaxed environment for their children.

3. Don't compare him with others in front of children. A lot of parents like to say, "You see who scored 100 points again, you see you just did so badly, learn from others!"! Will the child feel better after hearing this? Parents think that this can stimulate their children's ambition to learn, but they don't know that it will hurt their children's self-confidence and self-esteem.

4. What parents should do is to help their children find out the reasons for their poor performance in the exam, correct them, learn lessons, sum up experience, and ensure that they will not do it again next time. Encourage children more and cultivate their self-confidence. One failure is nothing. You should pick up your mood and start again.

5. Timely communicate and be "friends" with children. As parents communicate less with children, misunderstandings will increase. The children who are in contact with the material objects and can't understand them can only understand and deal with them with their own knowledge. We don't help him do it, but let him understand how to do it and then do it himself. If he has something to think about, we can be teachers who he doesn't understand. This will help children's growth, and also help us to educate and manage children, so that we can know their trends all the time.

In a word, in this case, parents should not be anxious. First, they should give more encouragement and care to the child to help him realize the seriousness of the problem, and more importantly, they should clarify what should be done next. They should not put too much pressure on him, which is likely to cause the child's rejection and misconception of himself.

How to deal with high school children who don't want to take the exam

1. Parents should correct their attitude and not take achievements as the only criterion to measure their children. Parents should observe their children's strengths and guide them. Some children study hard, but their grades are not good. Outstanding performance in other aspects indicates that the child has talent in other aspects. As a parent, you need to know your child and make full use of your child's advantages. After all, 365 lines, each line has a champion!

2. Parents should let their children keep a good attitude in the exam and never be nervous. Every word, deed and action of parents will be conveyed to children by means of hints, which will affect their mood in the exam. Therefore, before the exam, parents should keep a happy mood even if they are nervous, create a warm and peaceful environment for their children, stabilize their emotions, and let them face the exam with a normal attitude.

Children hate learning, how to guide and persuade

1. Set an example: parents can set an example to show their importance and enthusiasm for learning, and share this view and attitude with their children. This can also set an example for children and promote their learning motivation.

2. Active guidance: parents should try their best to guide children to find interest in learning, cultivate their ability to explore and solve problems, and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning through a good reward and punishment system.

3. Encourage children: parents want their children to become better, so parents also want their children to study hard, but most children at this age are very fond of playing, so these children are not interested in learning.

Parents should never blame children at this time. Criticism is the biggest enemy of children's self-confidence. If parents always scold children, it may cause children to be more unwilling to learn, so this education method must be wrong.

never give up 2024-06-15 12:13:36

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Rhythm writing method:
1、 It should be clear that the quatrains of ancient poetry are different from regular poetry.
For quatrains: five character quatrains are called five character quatrains; Seven words in one sentence is called seven character ancient poetry. It is generally composed of four sentences, which can be divided into Lvjue and Gujue.
For metrical poetry: the metrical poetry with five words and one sentence is called five character metrical poetry, which is called five metrical poetry for short; The seven character verse is called seven character verse, which is called seven verse for short.
2、 Rhyming difference:
In terms of rhyme, quatrains have different requirements according to different forms. The law is the most strict. Like metrical poems, they should pay attention to the balance of tone and level, and rhyme strictly. But the quatrains like "Gujue" are not so strict.
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3、 To write rhyming well, we should pay attention to the use of pairs in the upper and lower sentences of poetry.
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4、 By paying attention to the "flat" and "oblique" in poetry, and combining with the matching songs, the words in poetry can be matched, and the rhyming poetry can be written with frequent practice.

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