Full text of the original preface to Tengwang Pavilion

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Preface to Tengwang Pavilion: the old county of Yuzhang, the new residence of Hongdu. The stars are divided into wing bars (zh ě n), and the ground is connected to Henglu. With three rivers and five lakes, it controls the barbarian Jing and leads Ou (ō u) to cross. It is a treasure of nature, and the dragon shines on the ruins where cattle fight; Xu Ru has outstanding people and places, and he is staying at the bed of Chen Fan (f \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ n). Xiongzhou Wuling, Juncai Xingchi, and the Taiwan God (Hu á ng) are at the turn of the barbarians and the summer. The guests and guests enjoy the beauty of the east and south. Yan Gongzhi, the governor of the city, looks forward to the scene, and his halberd is far away; Yuwen Xinzhou Zhiyi (y ì) Fan, 襜 (ch ì n) Wei (w é i) temporarily stationed. A ten day holiday is like a cloud of friends; A thousand miles to meet, full of friends. Ascending the dragon and raising the phoenix is the origin of the poetry of the Master Meng; Zidian Qingshuang is General Wang's arsenal. The household is a slaughter, and the road is famous; How can a boy know.

The time dimension is September, and the order belongs to the third autumn. The cold pool is clear when the water is exhausted, and the smoke is condensed and the mountain is purple at dusk. It is just like (y ǎ n) 骖騑騑 (c ǎ騑騑 i) on the road, visiting the scenery in Chong'a (e). The old museum of heaven and man is located on the land of the emperor. The mountains are towering green, and the sky rises high; Flying Pavilion Flows (one for flying) Pill, next to nowhere. T ī ng, f ú, zhu (zh ǔ), y í ng, a poor island; Guidian Orchid Palace is the posture of the mountains.

Embroidery Tata (t à), sculpture of the roof (m é ng). The mountains are vast and the rivers are full of sights, and the rivers are full of awe. Lu (l), Yan (y á n), a family full of food; Ge (g ěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěěě283. The clouds melt after the rain (j ì), and the color shines through the area of Ming (or the rainbow melts after the rain, and the color shines through the clouds and Quq ú). The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color. The fishing boat sings in the evening, ringing the shore of poor Peng Li (l ǐ); The wild geese are frightened by the cold, and the sound breaks the pool of Hengyang.

Distant lapel is just smooth, and leisurely trent (chu á n) is flying. Cool sounds and fresh wind, fine songs and white clouds (è). Sui (su ī) garden green bamboo, gas Ling Peng Ze's cup; Ye (y è) water, ink, light brush Linchuan. Four beauties, two difficulties. Poor ogle (d 山ǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎǎ) in the middle of the sky, extremely entertaining travel in Hush Park. The sky is high and the earth is wide, and the universe is infinite; When you are full of happiness and sorrow, you will know the number of surplus and deficiency. I hope Chang'an will meet in the sun and Ku à i will meet in the clouds. The terrain is extremely deep in the south (m í ng), the sky column is high and the north stars are far away. It is difficult to cross the mountain, who is sad for those who have lost their way; When we meet by chance, we are all guests from other countries. When the emperor Huai's door (H Lu n) disappeared, it was the year of Fengxuan Room.

Jihe! Unfortunate luck and ill fated fate (chu ǎ n); Feng Tang Yilao, Li Guang Nanfeng. Qu Jiayi (y ì) is not without a saint in Changsha; How can there be a lack of bright time when we cross the Liang River to the sea? The trusted gentleman sees the opportunity and knows his destiny. When you are old and healthy, would you rather move your white head? Be poor and be strong, and never fall into the ambition of the green clouds. It is refreshing to drink from the greedy spring, and joyous to stay in the dry rut (h é zh é). Although Beihai is on credit (sh e), it can be accepted by Fuyao; The east corner (y ú) is dead, and Sangyufei is late. Meng tasted noble and clean, and he was free to serve his country; Ruan Ji is rampant. How can he cry in despair!

Bo, three feet short of life, a scholar. If there is no way to ask, you can wait for the weak crown of the final army (gu à n); With the style of writing, Mu Zongcui (qu è) has a long style. Shezan (z  n) Hu (h ù) is at the age of 100 years, and he is in the morning and dusk of ten thousand miles. It is not the treasure tree of Xie Family, but the neighbor of Meng Family. He becomes more and more serious, and accompanies the carp; Today, I'm holding my clothes (m è i), and I'm glad to visit Longmen. Yang Yi doesn't meet, but caresses Lingyun and cherishes himself; What's the shame of playing the flowing water after meeting the clock?

Woo hoo! The resort is not often, and the feast (y á n) is hard to repeat; The Orchid Pavilion is over, and the Zi (Zi ǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐǐ. As a farewell message, I am grateful to you for your kindness; Climbing high to write Fu is what you expect from the public. Dare to exhaust your contempt, and be respectful, sparse, and short; All words are endowed with four rhymes. Please sprinkle the Panjiang River and pour the land into the sea.

Prince Teng's high pavilion is on the riverside, and Peiyu sings and dances with Luan.

The painting tower flies towards the south, and the pearl curtain rolls the rain in the west mountain at dusk.

The shadow of the leisurely cloud pool is leisurely in the day, and things have changed for several times in autumn.

Where is the emperor in the pavilion? Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows freely.

Maple leaves fall 2024-04-13 13:36:24

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