Translation and appreciation of Cibeigu Mountain

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At the foot of the Beigu Mountain: Outside the lush mountains is the road for passengers, and ships sail between green waters.

The tide is full, the two banks are level with the river, the whole river is very open, and the sails are hanging high along the wind.

The night hasn't faded yet. The rising sun has been rising on the river. In the old year, the south of the Yangtze River has the smell of spring.

1. Where should I send my letter to? Returning geese going north, please take them back to Luoyang! Appreciation: This is a poem with five verses. The neck couplet was praised by Hu Yinglin of the Ming Dynasty as a wonderful description of scenery.

2. The time sequence alternates in a hurry, so why not let the poet who is on the road suddenly feel homesick? "Life" in the poem uses personification.

3. Although it is not intended to reason, it contains reason interest in describing scenery.

4. The sea and the sun are born in the night and drive away the darkness. The scenery on the river shows the spring. "Entering the old year and driving away the winter, it contains the natural law of time sequence changes and the alternation of old and new, shows the life philosophy of universal significance, and gives people the power to be optimistic and positive.

5. The poem starts with antithesis, which is both beautiful and jumping.

6. The "guest road" refers to the way the author wants to go.

7. Qingshan "Beigu Mountain".

8. By boat, the author is moving towards the "green water" in front of us, heading for the "green mountains", and heading for the "distant passenger road" beyond the "green mountains".

9. This couplet first writes about the passenger road and then about the boat. It is rare to see the small scene of his wandering and detention in Jiangnan and Shenchi's hometown.

10. The tidal flat is the result of the tidal flat.

11. The spring tide is surging and the river is vast. Looking around, the river seems to be level with the shore, and the vision of the people on board is also broadened.

12. This sentence is magnificent, and the next sentence, "The wind is just hanging", will be more and more brilliant.

13. "Hanging" is the appearance of hanging straight from end to end.

14. The poet does not use the wind to be smooth, because it is not enough to ensure a smooth sailing.

15. Although the wind was smooth, it was strong, and the sail was curved.

16. Only when the wind is both downwind and gentle can the sail hang.

17. The word "nazheng" combines the content of "shun" and "he".

18. This sentence is very vivid.

19. But not only that, as Wang Fuzhi pointed out, the beauty of this poem is also in the volume of "Jiang Zhai's Poems".

20. It can be imagined that such a small scene is rare if you want to make a detour when sailing in a winding river.

21. If you are sailing in the Three Gorges, even if the wind is smooth and gentle, you will still see waves and waves. Such a small scene is rare.

22. The beauty of the poem lies in the fact that the wind is blowing and the sail is hanging. "This small scene also shows the great scenes of open plains, flowing rivers, calm waves, and so on.

23. After reading the third couplet, we know that the author rowed overnight at the end of the year.

24. The tide is flat without waves, the wind is smooth but not fierce, the river is green from a close view, and the two banks are spacious from a distance.

25. It was obviously a sunny night full of spring. The boat was sailing slowly on the river. It was late at night.

26. This third couplet shows the scene of rowing on the river, just before dawn.

27. This couplet has always been popular. It says, "The sea is full of days and nights, and the river is full of spring". The poet has rarely said such a sentence.

28. Zhang Yangong (Zhang Shuo) wrote the political affairs hall in his hand, and every indication of being able to write was in regular script.

29. "(Collection of Heroes on the River) Hu Yinglin of the Ming Dynasty said in Shisou Neibian that" the sea and the sun "together describe the scenery, which is wonderful for thousands of years".

30. When the night has not subsided, a red sun has risen from the sea; When the old year has not passed away, the river has shown spring dew.

31. "Day comes and night goes", "Spring enters the old year", both indicate the alternation of time sequence, and they are in such a hurry that they can't wait. Why not call the poet who is on the road suddenly homesick? These two sentences are also very effective.

32. From the perspective of refining meaning, the author takes "day" and "spring" as the symbols of the new beautiful things, emphasizes the position of the subject, and personifies them with the word "life" into ", endowing them with human will and feelings.

33. The beauty is that the author has no intention of reasoning, but there is a natural interest in describing scenery and festivals.

34. The sea sun is born in the dying night, and will drive away the darkness; Jiangchun, the spring of the scenery on the river, will drive away the harsh winter.

35. It not only depicts the scenery realistically and narrates accurately, but also shows the truth of life with universal significance, giving people an optimistic, positive and upward artistic inspiration.

36. This sentence has the same meaning as "thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat and thousands of trees spring before the diseased tree".

37. As the sea rises in the east and the spring is stirring, the poet puts his boat on the green water and continues to drive to the road beyond the green mountains.

38. At this time, a group of geese returning from the north are sweeping across the clear sky.

39. Yan'er is going through Luoyang! The poet remembered the story of "The Wild Goose's Foot Passes the Book". He'd better ask the wild goose to send a message: Yan'er, please send my greetings to my family when you fly over Luoyang.

40. These two sentences closely follow the three couplets and echo the first couplet. The whole article is covered with a light nostalgia.

41. This poem describes the nostalgia caused by the poet's sailing eastward, stopping at the foot of Beigu Mountain, seeing the flat tide and wide shore, and returning geese at night. It is a fusion of scenery, lyricism, and reasoning.

Work hard for the future 2024-06-16 17:09:33

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It is said that Yandi tribe later allied with Huangdi tribe to defeat Chiyou.
The Chinese call themselves the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. They worship the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor together as the ancestors of the Chinese people, and become the spiritual force for the unity and struggle of the Chinese nation.
Emperor Yan was revered by Taoism as the Shennong Emperor, also known as the Five Grain Shennong Emperor.
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