Example of work summary of Sunshine Volunteers Association

never give up Work summary of Fan Wen Youth Volunteer Association
Selected answers

Respected leaders, dear volunteer friends

hello! The year xx is coming to an end, which is an extraordinary year for the Association. We have officially registered as a formal social organization from a free organization with the nature of civil public welfare. The reason why we gather here today to witness the growth of Qingyang Sunshine Volunteer Association in the past year cannot be separated from the support and attention of leaders to Qingyang's public welfare undertakings. They have given us support, helped us register the Association, allocated funds for activities, and provided us with many convenient conditions. On behalf of all members of the Association and all the poor people who have been helped, I would like to say "Thank you, thank you for your support for us, and thank you for your attention to the poor people". At the same time, on behalf of the Council of the Association, I would like to say to all members and volunteers of the Association, "You have worked hard". However, public welfare is not an overnight thing. For every volunteer, it is a long way to go. We have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders, which requires our constant efforts, constant learning and constant publicity. Through our efforts, we will let caring people join our team to help those in need, help them tide over difficulties, ease difficulties and get out of difficulties.

Now, the annual work summary and work plan of the Association for xx are reported

1、 Management structure adjustment and various system changes of the Association

1. The Association is scheduled to hold a board meeting on the first Saturday of each month to summarize and discuss the monthly work and the work plan for the next month. Since the establishment of the Association, it has held five meetings, and the minutes of the meeting have been uploaded to the official website of the Association. All members will put forward their own ideas and views on the Association on the official qq group before the end of each month. The Council will select meaningful proposals, discuss and decide at the Council meeting, and publish the results of the discussion on the Association's official website.

2. The meeting regulations of the Council of the Association have been formulated and the contents have been uploaded to the official website of the Association.

3. The newly recruited members of the Board of Directors were publicized before taking office.

4. Member structure rearrangement. Since all activities of the Association are voluntary, the number of people in each activity cannot be determined, which brings great inconvenience to the arrangement of people in each activity. The Council decided to cancel the original activity group, elderly care group and student aid group and replace them with Li Nan, group leader of activity group 1, Liu Hailiang, group leader of group 2, Chang Shi Zhancun, group leader of group 3, Ren Xin, group leader of group 4, and Li Jianyang, group leader of group 5. Each group is a mobile group, and the activity is carried out in turn. When the activity is carried out, the leader of each group is notified, and the leader will lead the team to arrange the members of this group to complete the activity. If the team is not complete, it can apply for assistance to the next group.

5. Change of new office location. The office is provided free of charge by the General Manager of Yangfei Road, Gansu Wofu Trading Co., Ltd. We also thank President Lu for his support, thank you for your support to the Association and solve the difficulties of the Association in a timely manner.

2、 Work summary of the association department in xx years

Activity Department

1. On January 7, we organized and carried out an activity with the theme of "Celebrating the Chinese New Year in Red and Red, Warming True Feelings, Lonely and Disabled".

2. On January 8, we carried out a condolence activity of "Celebrating the Chinese New Year in Red and Red, Warming the Feelings, Lonely and Disabled".

3. On January 15, the activity themed "Warm Winter Plan, Volunteers in Action" was held.

4. On February 11, the activity themed "Warm Winter Plan, Volunteers in Action" was held.

5. On March 4, the theme of participation was "Carry forward the spirit of * * * and create a national civilized city xx voluntary service demonstration activity".

6. On March 12, a visit to Xiansheng Township, Xifeng District, Qingyang City was organized to implement the "Long term Charity Journey",

7. On March 14, a visit to Jincun Village, Ningxian County, Qingyang City was organized to implement the "Long term Charity Journey".

8. On March 16-17, a visit to Zhengning County, Qingyang City was organized to implement the "Long term Charity Journey".

9. On March 18-19, a visit to Huan County, Qingyang City was organized to implement the "Long term Charity Journey",.

10. On April 13-15, we organized and implemented the "Long term Charity Journey" in Zhengning County, Qingyang City.

11. On April 16-17, Huan County, Qingyang City held a condolence activity.

12. On May 25, the activity of "Small schoolbags and big love" was held in Zhengning County.

13. On June 23, we went to the nursing home in Wenquan Township, Xifeng District to carry out "care for the sunset and Dragon Boat Festival volunteer service activities".

14. On June 23 (Dragon Boat Festival on the lunar calendar), the Association paid a return visit to Qi Huani, a student funded by the Association, and sent holiday greetings to the children.

15. On July 9, the Association donated 6.5 tons of love materials to Huacha Natural Village, Maqu Township, Zhenyuan County.

16. On July 14, he was invited to participate in the launching ceremony of the "Dream Accelerator" public welfare summer camp in Huanxian County, Gansu Province of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics. He went to the mountain city of Huanxian County to donate materials and visit the families of needy students.

17. On July 21, the founding meeting of Qingyang Sunshine Volunteer Association was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of Xifeng District TV Station.

18. On August 5, the charity donation activity of Shangliyuan Township, Huachi County was organized.

19. On August 6, the launching ceremony of the "Sunshine Student Aid" public welfare summer camp was held in Chengbei Square, and a fund-raising activity was held.

20. On August 8, the "Sunshine Student Aid" charity summer camp fundraising activity was held in Century Square.

21. On August 14, the report meeting of the "Sunshine Student Aid" public welfare summer camp was organized in Century Plaza.

22. On September 1, the event was held to raise money for the treatment of veterans of leukemia Zhang Zhichao.

23. On September 2, the event was held to raise money for the treatment of veterans of leukemia Zhang Zhichao.

24. On September 3, the event was held to raise money for the treatment expenses of Zhang Zhichao, a veteran of leukemia patients.

25. On September 4, the Association and Shandong Rencheng Prison's "Caring Car Club" went to Zhengning County's Zhou hometown to help students, visit poverty-stricken students and record VCR short films.

26. On September 11, the Association and Shandong Rencheng Prison "Love Car Club" went to Linpo Primary School in Sanjia Township, Zhengning County to help students.

27. On September 30, on the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival in the lunar calendar, the Association organized volunteers to visit Yang Fengying and Zhou Yufang, the elderly poor households in Xifeng District, and sent holiday gifts.

28. On October 14, the Association and the "Public Welfare Times" Association of Longdong University went to the nursing home in Wenquan Township, Xifeng District to carry out activities for the elderly.

29. On October 25, the Association and the "Public Welfare Times" Association of Longdong University went to Dizhuang Primary School in Wenquan Township, Xifeng District to carry out student aid activities.

In XX years, the Association carried out 29 activities in total, and nearly 500 volunteers participated.

Ministry of Personnel

Recruitment of the Association: This year, our Personnel Department is mainly responsible for the examination and appointment of the Association's president, team leaders and directors. At present, the Association has four departments, namely, the Personnel Department, the Finance Department, the Activity Department and the External Publicity Department, and three groups, namely, the Material Group, the Activity Group and the Logistics Group; The Council consists of 14 directors, including the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Team Leader, Accountant, Cashier, etc; There are 79 full members and 32 reserve members.

Election and appointment of the Association: Shi Feng was elected as the president at the founding meeting and the member representative meeting, Wang Lin as the director and the Secretary General in charge of the Finance Department, Liu Guojian as the director in charge of the Activity Department, Qu Liangliang as the director in charge of the Human Affairs Department, and Tang Qilun as the director in charge of the External Publicity Department; Liu Hailiang is the director and the head of the planning group, Yang Rui is the director and the accountant, Shi Zhancun is the director and the head of the logistics group, Li Nan is the director and the head of the student aid group, Wang Ancai is the director and the head of the material group, Gou Ping is the director and the deputy head of the material group, and Huang Qianjie is the director and the network maintainer. As the work needs, the planning group is removed, Liu Hailiang, the former leader of the planning group, is appointed as the deputy director of the Foreign Publicity Department, Gou Ping, the former deputy leader of the material resources group, is appointed as the deputy secretary-general, Li Jianyang, the member elected by ballot, is the director as the deputy secretary-general, Ren Xin, the member, is the director as the leader of the activity group, and Zhang Jian, the member, is the director as the leader of the publicity group; Huang Qianjie, the former network maintainer, was unable to serve as a network maintainer as usual due to learning factors and submitted his resignation. He retired from the Council and continued to be a member.

Accounting Department

The total income of this year is 28165.4 yuan (including 9826 yuan for love donations, 4689.4 yuan for charity sales, 400 yuan for 7358 Huachi Shangliyuan membership fees, and 6000 yuan for activities allocated by the Youth League Municipal Committee and Civilized Organization). The total expenditure of this year is 26504.5 yuan (including 1695 yuan for customized uniforms); The Sunshine Student Welfare Summer Camp was 6768 yuan, the association registration was 508 yuan, the office rent was 5600 yuan from March to December of xx year (200 yuan per month from March to December of xx year, 300 yuan per month in xx year), and 3867.4 students were subsidized in all counties; In the whole year, xx spent 8066.1 yuan on purchasing promotional materials of the association and renting sites), and the annual balance of xx totaled 1660.9 yuan.

2、 Summary of work problems in xx year and solutions

1. The communication between the Council and its members was not in place, which led to insufficient personnel and preparations for some activities, affecting the effectiveness of the activities.

Solution: Each activity shall be notified in the official group at least one day in advance. All members should pay more attention to the official group information. In case of special emergencies, the team leaders shall be contacted directly by telephone, and one-on-one notification shall be made. The participants must be notified in place. All members shall obey the arrangement of the team leader after grouping and ask for leave in advance if necessary. If this group is short of personnel, it can apply to other groups for supplementation to ensure the normal operation of the activity.

2. The selection of excellent volunteers for xx year was held on November 3, and the members of the board of directors were elected after nomination. There is a lack of reasonable selection mechanism and subjectivity is strong. It may lead to the failure of most members who still make contributions to the Association to enter the list of outstanding volunteers.

Solution: In XX year, the member management system of point system and the selection scheme of excellent volunteers will be adopted. The selection is based on the accumulated points of all members of the association, including members of the board of directors, in xx year. The credit system for board members' meetings: no basic score, 1 point for attendance, 3 points for punctuality, unified adjournment, and 2 points for providing meeting materials; The points system for members of the board of directors and members to participate in activities: without basic points, 1 point will be added for each time they participate in activities, 3 points will be added for timely participation, compliance with arrangements, and unified conclusion; If members of the board of directors and members entrust others to carry out their own affairs for some reason, 2 points will be given to them. At the end of the year meeting of xx, the members will be selected according to their total points.

3. The things that have been put forward at the Council meeting before, such as holding a "charity reception", creating an "art troupe" of the association, and the volunteer recruitment work of Longdong University, have not been carried out consistently.

Solution: The final decision of the Council meeting shall be implemented by a specially assigned person, and all activity groups shall actively cooperate with each other. Work shall be carried out according to the time schedule of the activity plan. In case of difficulties, they shall timely discuss and solve them, and make a summary report.

4、 Xx Annual Work Plan

1. The members of the Association shall carry out unified management according to the system, resolutely implement the provisions of the management system, and timely modify and constantly improve the system deficiencies, and notify.

2. The training work of the Association shall be carried out in a timely manner to improve the service awareness of all members of the Association, especially the members of the Board of Directors. They shall constantly strengthen the spirit of leadership, start with themselves and set an example.

3. The communication among the members of the Association should be well done. The heads and team leaders of each department should often carry out internal activities within the department or group, narrow the distance between members, and improve the overall cohesion of the Association. Actively listen to and discuss the suggestions and opinions of all relevant associations, formulate solutions and give timely feedback.

4. All departments should complete the work assigned by the Council on time and in quantity. Departments should cooperate sincerely, not be selfish, and coordinate with each other to complete various arrangements. And make a summary report in time.

5. We will continue to actively carry out social public welfare services, ensure that a large-scale volunteer activity is held every month, collect relevant information about the poverty-stricken people, and provide timely assistance. In principle, take Xifeng as the center and arrange public welfare activities nearby. If it is necessary to go to remote counties, townships, villages and towns, all activities should be managed in a unified and orderly manner. More than two team leaders must have the foresight of potential safety hazards, and safety plans must be prepared in advance. All participants must obey the unified command and not leave the team without permission.

6. The recruitment work within the Association will continue, and the vacant positions will be announced on the official group and the official website. We hope that members who have the ability and time can take the initiative to register and actively contribute to the development of the Association. Make the management of the association more institutionalized, rationalized and humanized.

The Association belongs to everyone, not to anyone. The honor of the Association also belongs to every member present. Therefore, everyone should actively participate in the activities of the Association, because everyone is a member of the Association and should make contributions to the development of the Association. All members should participate in the activities of the Association independently, consciously and voluntarily, In this way, the Association can better develop and grow, provide social public welfare services, and help those who need help more.

On behalf of the Association, I appeal to all members of the Association: We are members of the Sunshine Volunteers Association, and we are volunteers in this society. Since we have joined the Association, it shows that everyone is caring and has the spirit of dedication. We should actively contribute to the Association and the society. Through our efforts, let people pay attention to vulnerable groups and let people like us join our team. Let us all join hands to pool our meager strength, and contribute our love and energy to social progress and the development of the Association; Let those who need help get help, and contribute our strength for them to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Finally, I wish you all the best in everything, success in your work and happiness in the new year. Thank you!

Qingyang Sunshine Volunteer Association

December 22, xx

Summary of Youth Volunteers Association

The semester is drawing to a close. Looking back and looking forward, the Youth Association has added another section of glory on the long road ahead. The organizing committee is not as young as last semester, but more mature. While improving the past shortcomings and shortcomings, every volunteer is fully committed to the development of the Youth Association, developing outside the campus while based on the campus, serving teachers and students as well as the whole society. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:
(1) On March 20 (young volunteers) served the nursing home and went to the social welfare home to visit disabled children and offer love. More than 30 students from our association came to our nursing home for the elderly to carry out condolences activities, and took this nursing home as our youth volunteer service base, which will carry out activities for the elderly for a long time. At about 1 p.m., volunteers stepped into the small courtyard where the elderly lived. In the warm sunshine, the old people sat around the hall. When they saw the volunteers, they applauded to express a warm welcome. Our volunteers sat around them, gently holding the old man's hand and talking about family affairs. Everyone accompanied the old people to chat and carried out a variety of social activities with them. The volunteers carefully performed their own dances, solos and other performances, which won the applause of the whole hall. In the warm sunshine, students talked with old people and watched performances. Many old people were very happy. Since the establishment of the Youth Volunteer Service Base, students of our school have often visited these elderly people and initially planned to carry out "one-on-one" activities, that is, a student and an elderly person have established a long-term mutual aid relationship. The Elderly Home of our city is the first service base established by the Youth Volunteer Association of our school, and other service bases will be established successively in the future.
The volunteers spent a happy weekend with the elderly in the nursing home. The love and patience of the students made the elderly very happy and moved. When they left, the elderly were reluctant to part and watched the volunteers leave.
Adhering to serving the elderly in the nursing home is a center and focus of our department's volunteer routine work. As usual, through such activities, everyone felt that the benefits were great. They believed that caring for and helping the vulnerable groups in society with practical actions could improve their personality, broaden their vision, and strengthen their sense of social responsibility, thus injecting new impetus into everyone's growth and success. The students all said, "I think everyone gets old, and I don't think these old people are very troublesome. We go to school outside, not beside our parents. I regard these old people as my own grandparents, and treat them well. I hope that when my parents get old, someone will treat them like this, so that all people will not be lonely.
(2) Main practices:
One is to unify ideas and clarify tasks; Second, tap potential and practice innovation; The third is to coordinate resources and strengthen cooperation. On this basis, unity and cooperation among members are more important.
(3) Main ideas:
Looking back, the achievements are encouraging. Looking forward to tomorrow, we have a long way to go. In the new year, the Center will continue to strengthen in deepening the connotation of volunteer service, expanding the field of volunteer service, expanding the volunteer service team, building a brand of volunteer service, and improving the volunteer service mechanism. Vigorously promote the voluntary spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", highlight the concept of mutual love and harmonious coexistence between people, people and society, and people and nature, adhere to the principle of self-awareness, voluntariness and within our capabilities, effectively mobilize and integrate all kinds of social resources to jointly promote social development and progress, and widely mobilize social forces to participate in voluntary services, To make due contributions to building a harmonious society.
In addition to carrying out various activities, the Youth Association also carries out some voluntary actions irregularly every week. For the activities of other associations, the Youth Association gives strong support. The selfless spirit of volunteers can be seen from each member.
The Youth Association has taken a steady step through this semester, and has made many achievements in general. Every volunteer has made great efforts. However, due to various reasons, it is inevitable to respect omissions in the work, and some details have been ignored. However, in the process of progress, we are constantly improving and accumulating experience step by step. Every volunteer plays a role. The Youth Association is not satisfied with the status quo. It needs to work hard to let more people know about the Youth Association in Jiangzhong and let the spirit of volunteers carry forward to every corner. I believe that the future of the Youth Association will be more brilliant.

Work summary of volunteer association

In the new semester, under the volunteer spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", the Flourishing Volunteer Association, based on the campus, has carried out a series of theme activities with the theme of "traffic safety knowledge, traffic accident prevention and first aid, automobile energy conservation and emission reduction". In addition, the Association also held or participated in other volunteer work, such as "Love Supermarket" and "Green Bookshelf" activities. The Association has always adhered to the principle of "traffic safety knowledge, traffic accident prevention and first aid, automobile energy conservation and emission reduction" as the theme of voluntary service work, and other voluntary service work has been carried out. From the beginning to now, the Association has mainly carried out the following voluntary service work.

1、 Welcome the new students of Grade 09

The autumn wind is crisp and the sun is shining brightly. When our younger brothers and sisters stepped into the ivory of life with passion, they may not be familiar with the campus environment and the relevant procedures of the report. The Flourishing Volunteer Association actively responded to the requirements of the school, volunteered for love and dedication, and actively organized activities to greet freshmen in order to give them a satisfactory start to college. Since September 3, the Flourishing Volunteer Association has been on duty at the school gate and the School of Transportation in batches to help students who report to the school in advance find a sense of belonging. From September 5 to 6, the Flourishing Volunteer Association specially made the campus road navigation map, which was free to students and parents who reported to the school, providing an effective way for new students to visit the campus and report; While cooperating with the work of the School Volunteer Association, volunteer members were specially organized to build volunteer consultation service desks in Building 12 and Building 15 to answer questions for newly arrived parents and students, introduce the school and its surrounding environment, and deeply praised by parents and teachers.

2、 Going to bed to comfort new students and recruit volunteers

After the busyness and joy of welcoming the new year and experiencing the true happiness of volunteer service, the Flourish Volunteer Association also thought of the younger brothers and sisters who had just left home, left their relatives and friends and rushed to the university campus to live independently. Because they had just moved into the university dormitory, some of them were happy, some of them were lost, and some of them were confused and confused. On the evening of September 12 and 13, the volunteers of vigorous volunteers walked into the freshman dormitories of Jiaotong University to talk happily with them about their mood at the beginning of the university, solve some life difficulties and regrets they encountered when they first came, and encourage them to spend every day of the university happily, and take every step of the university seriously, Find your own goal in life and keep striving forward. At the end, we encourage them to join the volunteer team, have their own practical actions to help those who need help, use their love to contribute a little love to the society, and spend every happy day in volunteer service activities. Encouraged by our spirit, many freshmen filled in the volunteer service registration form to join the Flourishing Volunteer Association. After some assessment and confirmation, they completed the fifth recruitment work of Flourishing Volunteer Association, laying a solid foundation for the future development of Flourishing Volunteer Association.

3、 Mutual assistance of the Association - complete the distribution of books on the "green bookshelf"

At the end of last semester, in the "Green Bookshelf" charity book donation activity planned and organized by Youlv Emissary Volunteer Association, Flourishing Volunteer Association joined the "Green Bookshelf" activity together with eight volunteer associations, including Green Emissary and Qingfeng, in the principle of mutual assistance and no boundaries of volunteering. During the whole process, the Flourishing Volunteers Association participated in the discussion and publicity of the activity together with other associations, personally led volunteers to the dormitory building to collect all kinds of books donated by senior students, seniors and other students who are kind enough to donate their books to others, and took charge of the management, numbering and borrowing of books for postgraduate entrance examination. At the end of the activity, the Flourishing Volunteer Association actively fulfilled the objectives and various cooperation requirements of the Green Envoy Volunteer Association, and achieved good results in the communication and development between associations.

4、 Strengthen the internal construction of the Association - volunteer work service training

Flourishing Volunteer Association always adheres to "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", and takes these eight words as the beginning of the meeting of the Association and as the basis for the internal construction of the Association. At the beginning of the meeting, we constantly let everyone know and understand each other, so as to share the same aspiration and help each other in the same boat. The fifth vigorous volunteer association management plan, member contact form and member information registration form were drawn up. More importantly, Flourishing Volunteers organized everyone to learn about traffic safety knowledge and traffic icons. At the same time, Flourishing Volunteers talked about the ups and downs, achievements and typical activities and spirit of volunteer service, which improved the volunteer service foundation of the Association and laid a foundation for the future Association to carry out traffic safety education activities.

5、 Mid Autumn Festival Love -- A Family Member of the Association

We always remember this sentence when we rely on our parents at home and friends outside, but it is only suitable for mutual help. However, after careful experience, it is also suitable for our volunteers, because the process of volunteering is a process of mutual help, solidarity and fraternity. As the saying goes, we miss our relatives every festival. On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, we are all far away. We cannot stay with our families, which inevitably reminds us of our homesickness. It is inevitable that we miss our relatives and friends, especially the younger brothers and sisters who just went to college. In order to alleviate this homesickness, ease the pain of homesickness and strengthen the internal feelings of the Association, the Association of Volunteers vigorously organized words and bought snacks such as moon cakes and watermelons, gathered in a classroom on the fourth floor of Jiaotong University, and talked while eating. The atmosphere was extremely harmonious. In this process, the volunteers also gave full play to their own strengths - singing loudly and humorous jokes, making everyone happy, having a happy Mid Autumn Festival, and experiencing the vigorous warmth and harmony.

6、 Charity supermarket volunteer service

From October 2 to 4, 2009, the Transportation College of the Flourishing Volunteer Association and the Volunteer Service Department of the Work Study Center jointly held the "Love Supermarket" activity. This activity mainly distributed free of charge some clothes, books, learning tools and other items collected from seniors and seniors before graduation to students with financial difficulties.

In the early stage of the activity, we sorted out the items in our hands to facilitate the students to choose when distributing them. At the same time, we publicized the activity through posters. During the activity, the students from Jiaotong University came to the Love Supermarket to pick up the items they needed. After the selection, they could just register and take away the selected items. The members of the volunteer service department and the vigorous volunteer association who participated in the activity were very busy. The students also selected the items they needed and left with satisfaction. After the activity, we reorganize the remaining items so that we can continue to carry out similar activities next time.

Through this activity, we passed on our love to some transportation students, and made the activity better through the cooperation between student organizations and student organizations. This is a new attempt to organize activities, which has laid a solid foundation for future work.

7、 Prepare and organize transportation culture festival

The theme activities of the Association mainly focus on traffic safety education. In the new semester, the Association will focus on the theme, seek development in twists and turns, continue to carry out theme activities, and enhance the characteristics of the Association. From the beginning of school to the present, the main energy of the Association has always been focused on the preparation of theme activities. This semester, the Association planned a traffic cultural activity centered on traffic icons, traffic safety education essays, traffic posters and traffic slogan competitions. This activity is aimed at school students, hoping to inspire everyone to attach importance to traffic safety from the competition, advocate everyone to love life and be a civilized traffic person. This activity was carried out together with other volunteer associations of the school to promote, encourage everyone to actively participate in the activities, and enhance the friendship between the associations. Now, the activity is going smoothly, but there are some difficulties in the application of the activity due to the A flow. What is worth celebrating is that we are very satisfied with the works we have collected. Now the Association is evaluating the works and will publish the evaluation results soon. At the same time of this competition, the Association also contacted teachers on the relevant traffic education front, and I gave you a small-scale traffic safety education, and achieved good results.

8、 Overview of Traffic Culture Festival

In autumn October, the vigorous volunteer association set off a climax of campus traffic safety knowledge education.

In order to publicize traffic safety knowledge, make students understand common sense of traffic safety, learn traffic safety knowledge, and improve traffic safety awareness and self-protection awareness. The Association held a series of traffic safety education activities - traffic safety knowledge lectures, "traffic icons, slogans, traffic safety essay, traffic safety propaganda poster design" competition, traffic sign actual survey, etc.

In order to widely mobilize the strength of various volunteer associations in the school, vigorously carry out traffic safety publicity and education. The association came together with the volunteer associations of the colleges of Northeast Forestry University to hold this series of traffic safety education activities. At the same time, the association also added luster to the publicity of traffic safety knowledge through media publicity such as clover newspaper.

On October 10, 15 volunteer associations of the school gathered in front of the Transport College to jointly open the prelude of the Transport Culture Festival. Then every Saturday and Sunday, vigorous volunteers will take time to sort out the works collected in the traffic culture festival competition, classify all kinds of works, and write the review plan and scoring rules for all kinds of works. On November 5, all kinds of works will be collected, which means that the traffic culture festival will be a success.

9、 Theme volunteer service, traffic survey

On October 19 and 26, the Association held two field surveys of traffic signs, with more than 20 volunteers and 50 students in total. The survey is mainly conducted by vigorous volunteers who have been engaged in traffic safety education for a long time to explain the traffic signs and traffic safety facilities on the actual road to students. The two field surveys of traffic signs are aimed at effectively, directly and quickly publicizing traffic safety knowledge in the local area, so that students can intuitively understand traffic culture and traffic safety knowledge. Students who participated in the actual traffic survey said that the effect of traffic safety knowledge in this way was relatively good.

Therefore, in the future volunteer service of traffic safety knowledge publicity and education, the Association will continue to explore the methods and ways of traffic safety education, and strive to carry out traffic safety publicity and education in a better and more effective way.

10、 Traffic safety knowledge bulletin board of clover newspaper

In order to establish the traffic safety awareness and self-protection awareness of Donglin students, in the context of the traffic culture festival held by the association, the association made friends with the clover newspaper office of Northeast Forestry University and established a traffic safety knowledge bulletin board. Through the publicity media of the clover newspaper, which has attracted the attention of many students, we did free publicity of traffic safety knowledge for the Association, from the first phase of traffic sign recognition to the current bulletin board of traffic accidents and first aid. Let Donglin readers learn traffic safety knowledge in easy reading.

The above is the work summary of the Vigorous Volunteers Association from September to November. When there are problems, we are constantly solving them. When solving problems, we are constantly finding and creating problems. There is only one purpose, that is, to continue to develop in twists and turns, and to make progress in development. We will continue to adhere to the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", and adhere to the theme of "love life, traffic safety education", continue to carry out activities, continue to move forward, and create a bright future for the vigorous volunteer association with practical actions.

Summary of 2012 Youth Volunteers Association

2012 Latest Summary of Youth Volunteers Association
The semester is drawing to a close. Looking back and looking forward, the Youth Association has added another section of glory on the long road ahead. The organizing committee is not as young as last semester, but more mature. While improving the past shortcomings and shortcomings, every volunteer is fully committed to the development of the Youth Association, developing outside the campus while based on the campus, serving teachers and students as well as the whole society. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:
(1) On March 20 (young volunteers) served the nursing home and went to the social welfare home to visit disabled children and offer love. More than 30 students from our association came to our nursing home for the elderly to carry out condolences activities, and took this nursing home as our youth volunteer service base, which will carry out activities for the elderly for a long time. At about 1 p.m., volunteers stepped into the small courtyard where the elderly lived. In the warm sunshine, the old people sat around the hall. When they saw the volunteers, they applauded to express a warm welcome. Our volunteers sat around them, gently holding the old man's hand and talking about family affairs. Everyone accompanied the old people to chat and carried out a variety of social activities with them. The volunteers carefully performed their own dances, solos and other performances, which won the applause of the whole hall. In the warm sunshine, students talked with old people and watched performances. Many old people were very happy. Since the establishment of the Youth Volunteer Service Base, students of our school have often visited these elderly people and initially planned to carry out "one-on-one" activities, that is, a student and an elderly person have established a long-term mutual aid relationship. The Elderly Home of our city is the first service base established by the Youth Volunteer Association of our school, and other service bases will be established successively in the future.
The volunteers spent a happy weekend with the elderly in the nursing home. The love and patience of the students made the elderly very happy and moved. When they left, the elderly were reluctant to part and watched the volunteers leave.
Adhering to serving the elderly in the nursing home is a center and focus of our department's volunteer routine work. As usual, through such activities, everyone felt that the benefits were great. They believed that caring for and helping the vulnerable groups in society with practical actions could improve their personality, broaden their vision, and strengthen their sense of social responsibility, thus injecting new impetus into everyone's growth and success. The students all said, "I think everyone gets old, and I don't think these old people are very troublesome. We go to school outside, not beside our parents. I regard these old people as my own grandparents, and treat them well. I hope that when my parents get old, someone will treat them like this, so that all people will not be lonely.
(2) Main practices:
One is to unify ideas and clarify tasks; Second, tap potential and practice innovation; The third is to coordinate resources and strengthen cooperation. On this basis, unity and cooperation among members are more important.
(3) Main ideas:
Looking back, the achievements are encouraging. Looking forward to tomorrow, we have a long way to go. In the new year, the Center will continue to strengthen in deepening the connotation of volunteer service, expanding the field of volunteer service, expanding the volunteer service team, building a brand of volunteer service, and improving the volunteer service mechanism. Vigorously promote the voluntary spirit of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", highlight the concept of mutual love and harmonious coexistence between people, people and society, and people and nature, adhere to the principle of self-awareness, voluntariness and within our capabilities, effectively mobilize and integrate all kinds of social resources to jointly promote social development and progress, and widely mobilize social forces to participate in voluntary services, To make due contributions to building a harmonious society.
In addition to carrying out various activities, the Youth Association also carries out some voluntary actions irregularly every week. For the activities of other associations, the Youth Association gives strong support. The selfless spirit of volunteers can be seen from each member.
The Youth Association has taken a steady step through this semester, and has made many achievements in general. Every volunteer has made great efforts. However, due to various reasons, it is inevitable to respect omissions in the work, and some details have been ignored. However, in the process of progress, we are constantly improving and accumulating experience step by step. Every volunteer plays a role. The Youth Association is not satisfied with the status quo. It needs to work hard to let more people know about the Youth Association in Jiangzhong and let the spirit of volunteers carry forward to every corner. I believe that the future of the Youth Association will be more brilliant.

As light as the breeze 2022-07-01 18:06:44

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