How to deal with children who are stupid in learning

be neither humble nor pushy
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The children's slow absorption in the classroom, low learning efficiency, and constant failure to improve their grades have left parents exhausted and headache ridden, but they don't have the heart to blame their children, but their children's poor grades are also very anxious. I believe that many parents will encounter such children? So what should parents do to solve this problem? Let's have a look.

How to deal with children who are stupid in learning

1. Ask the child to retell the textbook. Maths can ask children to retell examples or recite formulas and theorems that need to be recited. In Chinese, it is better to have a reference book, ask what the text says, dictate words, and recite passages that need to be recited.

Only when children can retell the content of the textbook more clearly can they grasp the basics more firmly and improve the speed of problem solving. Remember, the memory of knowledge is accompanied by forgetting. There is only one way to overcome forgetting, that is, repeated memory, repeated memory.

2. Parents should praise and encourage their children more, and criticize and scold them less. All children have self-esteem. When their little achievements are recognized by everyone, they are very proud. Parents should not miss every opportunity worthy of praise. When a child has achieved a little, he should feel the joy of success. This kind of gentle praise is easy to be accepted by the child, and the child will not lose interest in learning because of a bad performance.

3. Be patient and not eager for quick success and instant benefit. Parents must be patient when cultivating their children's interest in learning. Because their children's mental development is not mature enough and stable enough, they are more active and playful, so they should not be too eager for success to avoid negative effects.

4. Help children build a knowledge network. Any subject is not independent, but connected with each other. Therefore, when teaching to children, we should integrate all subjects, not just focus on one knowledge point. This is too one-sided, so that children can not find the way to enter this subject.

5. Help children summarize. When children are in class, due to their poor "understanding", it may lead to the knowledge they learn in class can not be understood after class, and even some children will forget it. Therefore, parents should help their children to make a summary of classroom lectures. When making a summary, they should help their children clear their heads, check and fill gaps, find out their weak points and focus on breakthroughs.

6. Help children prepare and review well. As the saying goes, "The stupid bird flies first". To prepare is to learn the classroom knowledge first. When the teacher gives a lecture, he can catch up with others' listening level and not be left behind. After class, parents will try their best to help their children understand the classroom knowledge, and soon their children will be able to learn.

The reason why children are so stupid in learning that they can't always learn

1. Premature knowledge transfer and set high goals for children. Some parents who "aspire to success", with the idea of "not letting their children lose at the starting line" and under the banner of "intellectual development", carry out reading, writing and calculation training for young children prematurely, without considering their children's psychological and IQ development, blindly assign learning tasks, set learning goals, and set high standards and strict requirements for children.

It will lead to children not knowing how to learn, failing every attempt, failing to reach the set goal and rarely experiencing the feeling of "winning". In this way, parents do not need to say that children will be frustrated, feel stupid, doubt their ability, and become less and less confident.

2. It simply requires rote learning and does not guide children to explore by themselves. Most of the time, parents will simply and rudely ask children to "memorize" knowledge points. There is no reason why children do not understand their meaning, so it is quite difficult to recite, especially when the amount of knowledge increases.

Simple rote learning has no time to cover all knowledge points. If you know it but don't know why, you will lose the fun of exploring and thinking. Children will naturally become more and more "stupid" when learning.

3. Put "stupid" in the mouth and give children too many negative hints. If parents always say that children are stupid, it is bound to create a psychological stereotype for children: "I am stupid." As a result, the enthusiasm of children's intellectual activities is affected, but it limits the development of intelligence and learning. How can children not sincerely believe that they are really stupid when they are immersed in so many negative hints all day long?

When a child believes that his brain is stupid and his learning ability is poor due to the above reasons, he will have a serious sense of inferiority and self doubt, and finally he will really become a stupid child who "cannot learn anything".

The child's academic performance is poor. Don't accuse the child of being "stupid". Try these tips

1. Create a good learning environment. The learning atmosphere is very important. Of course, there is no need to worry about the classification in school, but here we want to talk about the learning atmosphere at home. Many children find it difficult to concentrate. If parents watch TV or play games on the side, children will not be able to study at ease. In order to provide a good learning atmosphere for children, parents should try not to play games or watch TV in front of their children, so that children can study quietly.

2. Build enough confidence in learning. The reason for many children's poor learning is not their lack of learning ability, but their lack of confidence in learning. They feel that they are not the material for learning, or that they are stupid. Under the influence of these ideas, these children will lose their initiative and enthusiasm in learning, leading to worse and worse academic performance.

Therefore, parents should help their children to build up enough self-confidence in learning. On the one hand, they should try every way to encourage and appreciate their children. As long as their children make any progress in learning, parents should give affirmation; On the other hand, it is necessary to help children correctly analyze the causes of poor performance, so that children can understand that their IQ is not a problem, but their efforts are still too little, and there are still some problems in their learning methods. As long as they make some adjustments in these aspects, they can improve their academic performance.

3. Form good study habits. All children have an ambition. Although some children work hard, their academic performance is always not improving, even a little poor. The main reason for this problem is that they have not formed good learning habits, can not grasp all learning links, and thus affect their academic performance. Therefore, parents should help children gradually form good learning habits.

Quiet as lotus 2024-06-14 13:13:01

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