What are the conditions and requirements for Tibet's self-taught undergraduate education? Registration time in the second half of 2023

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In 2023, all citizens of the People's Republic of China, regardless of gender, age, nationality, education background, physical health and other restrictions, can register for the Tibet Higher Education Self study Examination. Candidates for self-taught undergraduate programs must have a junior college (inclusive) or higher education background in national education.

What are the registration conditions for Tibet's self-taught undergraduate examination in 2023

All citizens of the People's Republic of China, regardless of gender, age, nationality, educational background, physical health and other restrictions, can register for the Tibet Higher Education Self study Examination.

Candidates for self-taught undergraduate programs must have a junior college (inclusive) or higher education background in national education.

Candidates can apply for the basic section (specialty) and undergraduate section at the same time according to the actual situation, but they must obtain the basic section graduation certificate before completing the self-taught undergraduate graduation certificate.

When to apply for Tibet self-taught undergraduate education in 2023

It is estimated that the registration time for Tibet self-taught undergraduate examination in October 2023 is about the middle of September, and the examination time is expected to be October 28-29. At that time, Tibetan self-taught students need to fill in their personal information and test subjects in the examination institute.

In October 2022, the registration time for Tibet Self taught Undergraduate Examination will be from September 10 to September 16, 2022 at 18:00. Candidates can be used as a reference, and the specific information of the examination institution shall prevail.

How much is the enrollment fee for Tibet self-taught undergraduate course in 2023

In October 2023, the enrollment fee for Tibet self-taught undergraduate courses will be 40 yuan per person, and the examination fee will be 36 yuan per person for each single subject. The enrollment fee for self-taught undergraduate courses is not very expensive, and the examinees will pay for each course, without tuition fees.

Tibetan self-taught test candidates must log in to the Tibet self-taught test registration system to make online payment within the specified time. When making payment, please make sure to take a screenshot and properly keep the voucher of "successful payment". After successful payment, candidates cannot change test sites and test subjects, and the fees paid are not refundable. If Tibetan self-taught students succeed in the exam and study on their own, they usually need about 1500 yuan.

Not surprised by honor or disgrace 2024-06-02 14:37:11

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