Why do management science and engineering come out? What is the future employment direction

The clouds are light and the wind is clear
Selected answers

Management science and engineering professionals are professional managers and policy analysts who have modern public management theories and public policy literacy, master advanced analytical methods and technologies, and are proficient in specific policy fields. Graduates are suitable for medical insurance and health management in various economic functional departments of the government, health administrative departments, hospitals, pharmaceutical enterprises and other units.

What does management science and engineering do

There are two main types of management science and engineering. One belongs to the school of architecture, which is mainly engaged in project management and construction after graduation. In fact, cost is only a part of project construction, and there is no need to finish graduate school and go out to do that. It's just a hard job to be a cost engineer. One belongs to the School of Management, which mainly studies information management, e-commerce or logistics (including knowledge system and decision support system).

Basically, I learned almost the same thing as the computer major, except that more economic courses such as accounting and management were added to the computer major in order to be more suitable for the development of financial system or financial system. After graduation, I mainly engaged in the development and construction of information systems. Of course, I can also enter the computer industry and engage in other software development and design work. It depends on how hard you program.

Management Science and Engineering Employment

1. Information management and information system direction: enterprises and institutions, government agencies, training companies, management software companies, financial services, etc. Engaged in computer information management, information maintenance, information system development, project management, information consultation, etc. in various companies, banks and other enterprises and institutions.

2. Logistics management direction: logistics enterprises, enterprise logistics departments, enterprises and institutions, various logistics centers, distribution centers, chain enterprises, high-tech enterprises, management consulting companies, etc., can be engaged in logistics system planning, design, management, customer service, logistics system analysis and consulting, supply chain management, warehousing management, transportation management, procurement management Logistics marketing and planning, retail enterprise coordination, etc.

be light of heart from care 2024-05-25 14:46:40

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Original text:
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Who said that the Cangjiang River is always peaceful and free from disasters? Recently, the river water has been mixed with blood and rushed to the east.
Two Poems at the Age of 1911 is a series of poems by Cao Song, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This series of poems is titled Gan Zhi to record the facts and clearly show the critical attitude to reality. The whole poem outlines the profound disasters and catastrophes caused by the war to the people, and penetrates the essence of the feudal war for thousands of years with a cold and profound vision.

What kind of poetry is mountain dwelling at autumn dusk

"Dwelling in the Mountain at Autumn Dusk" is a five character poem, which uses the technique of contrast and the artistic technique of allusions. "Dwelling in the Mountain at Autumn Dusk" is a famous landscape poem written by Wang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The poem expresses the poet's lofty feelings and pursuit of ideal realm in the poetic and picturesque atmosphere.
Original text:
The empty mountain is bathed in new rain, and the arrival of night makes people feel that it is early autumn.
The moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone flows upward.
The bamboo roars back to the Huan girl, and the lotus moves down from the fishing boat.
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In the whole poem, the cool autumn after the rain in the empty mountain, the light of the moon among the pines, the sound of the clear spring on the stone, the laughter in the bamboo forest when Huannv returned, and the dynamic of the fishing boat passing through the lotus are harmoniously and perfectly integrated, giving people a rich and fresh feeling. It is like a fresh and beautiful landscape painting, as well as a quiet and beautiful lyric music, reflecting the creative characteristics of painting in Wang Wei's poetry.

The difference between individual and individual

The difference between individual and individual: different references, different sources, and different emphasis.
1、 Different references:
1. Each: one by one, each.
2. Each: each; All those; One by one.
2、 From different sources:
1. Everyone: From Mao Zedong's "Talk to Editors of Shanxi Suiyuan Daily": "The soldiers in northern Shaanxi have improved their consciousness after training and complaining about their grievances... Everyone is fighting hard and their morale is high, and they won the battle immediately."
2. Everyone: From the first chapter of "Biography of Heroes of Children": "The family members were overjoyed when they heard that the master had got a foreign post."
3、 Different emphasis:
1. Individual: refers to a group or a whole.
2. Each: refers to each specific one.
"Everyone" makes sentences:
1. When we reached the top of the mountain, we were all out of breath.
2. The children are all innocent and lively, how lovely!
"Each" makes a sentence:
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2. The headmaster is responsible for all aspects of the school's work.
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