Gilded years in the sun

Ten li Peach Forest Drunk in Spring
Selected answers

There is a song, drifting towards the entrance of youth, overflowing the fragile sensitivity of the soul, and rotating away. At this time, the blood of life is boiling; There is a poem, running over the end of the golden childhood, crouching on the vigorous branches and leaves, ding dong, at this time, the unyielding arm is climbing; There is a picture, dancing in the place where the sun rises, flowing the blue of the whole sky, floating down, at this time, firm steps are upward.

That's our songs, our poems, our paintings

On such days, the national flag hung down on the side of the flagpole, and the heartbeat of the earth stopped in the cracks in the ground, no sound. In the newly built plastic board room, the bright sound of reading, the earnest expression on every face, the perseverance of every soul being robbed, where there is a country, there is a home, our unswerving belief can support the rising lip corner, our immortal hope can ignite the bright eyes, the so-called vulnerability can ignore the disaster and refuse to kill, because there is hope. Time passed by the palm of youth, and when I opened my hand, I saw that the palm print was golden, slowly, lightly, disorderly, and loosely

That way


The spring wind dances with the mottled sunshine, and the air of ease flows through the cracks of leaves. The harmony in the campus is wrapped up in unreality, and the shadow of passing by leaves a picture of flowing gold and stone. Cherry blossoms are everywhere, and the petals are a bit wanton and dance in disorder. The students on duty sweep the petals falling on the edge of the flower bed into a heart shape, which is also a clear sound of reading. The warmth gently touches the ears, breaking the beauty of the place, and no one picks up. The childish face is full of ideals in the heart, The straight and long body goes on the road with hope. Clutching fingers hold the green vine of friendship. As soon as you turn around, turn around again, your hair skims over the regretless youth. Life has sunshine as a catalyst, and life has hope as a guide. After suffering, we will never give up for you, and we will never fall through twists and thorns. There are laughing friends weaving around the confident face, and tears flowing past the upright back. If you have love in your heart, you will have a dream. You will waste a sunset and turn around a bright spot day and night. Time quietly stopped in the school, opened the classroom door, countless smiling faces, the first step, happy skirt; The numbers accidentally spilled from the math book, the second step, the miracle of life; Slowly flowing blood that never dries up, the third step, our gilded years that remain unchanged... Under the sun, the mark of growth has left a mark in the deep memory, while youth is perishable but writes poems on campus. When the bamboos of childhood opened the plum blossom of youth, our youth became a gilded time on campus

The blue sky and white clouds 2024-04-16 12:31:26

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Grasp the features and set them off skillfully. In this paper, the description of scenery is seldom written directly, but by means of side contrast. For example, when writing about the height of Mount Tai, first use the dark point of "more than 7000", and then use the picture of "fog in the middle of the mountain" seen from the top of the mountain and "clouds everywhere" in the Riguan Pavilion to contrast from the side. Another example is writing about snow. In addition to the positive description of "ice and snow" and "snow is knee level", it also uses "bright candles in the south of the sky", "white as", and "red and bright colors" as the lateral contrast, which gives people imagination and is vivid and interesting.
The language is concise and vivid. The full text of this article is only eight or nine hundred words, but it fully shows the special interest of mountaineering after snow. For example, from Jingshi to Tai'an, we only used "from Jingshi to ride the wind and snow, ride the Qi River, Changqing, cross the northwest valley of Mount Tai, cross the limit of the Great Wall, and as for Tai'an". We briefly and vividly listed the seasons and journey, and took care of the first section of the ancient Great Wall. Another example is the case of mountain climbing. It is not only simple, but also vivid to use the phrase "the fog in the road is icy and slippery, and the stiles can hardly be climbed". The last paragraph introduces the natural landscape of Mount Tai, which can best reflect this feature. In a few words, it describes its rocky, loose, snow covered scenery.

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