Xu Zaisi's Full Text of "Guiling Spring Sentiment"

Laugh and forget
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Love is hurt, how many people have suffered, how many memories have been lost, love is sad, how many colds, how many thoughts have been lost, even though moths fly into the fire, they still have no hesitation, only watching love, hurting others and themselves, but they can't cut off their life. A long love, many spoony tears, a cup of turbid wine, and many worldly feelings have been tasted! The following is the full text of Xu Zaisi's "Guiling · Spring Sentiment", which is compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. Welcome to refer~

Life will not Acacia, will Acacia, then harm Acacia.

The body is like floating clouds, the heart is like flying catkins, and the air is like gossamer.

An empty wisp of fragrance is here, and I hope that a thousand golden wanderers will find it.

When did the syndrome come? When the light is half dim, the moon is half bright.

[Brief Analysis]

This song is sincere, natural and pure. The title is Spring Love, which is about the love of a girl. The first three sentences said that the girl was lovesick, unable to extricate herself, and her feelings fluctuated. 3、 Four or five sentences describe the symptoms of lovesickness of a young girl. They use floating clouds, flying catkins and gossamer to describe her being out of her wits and in a trance, which is very appropriate. 6、 Seven sentences wrote about the cause of the disease. When the wanderer left, he left a trace of sound in vain. They could not meet each other, but looked forward to it. The last two sentences point out the most difficult time for lovesickness. The lights are half dim, the moon is half bright, and the night has stopped. Half light and half darkness can most evoke the pain of lovesickness. This artistic conception is similar to Li Qingzhao's poem "Slow Voice", which says that when it is warm at first and cold again, it is most difficult to breathe ". The rhyme of this song has its own characteristics. The word "Si" is used three times at the beginning and the word "Shi" is used four times at the end. Overlapping in series, the writing is bold and natural, which is quite interesting. Xu Zaisi is good at writing about lovesickness. He also wrote a song called Acacia by Qingjiang River: "Acacia is like less debt, which is urged every day." He also wrote it honestly and honestly, without false words, but with ink and flowers, which is similar to this song. Therefore, the third volume of the Collection of Jianhu Ren said that these two songs were "lovesickness and Samadhi".

[Creation Background]

Xu Zaisi was first trapped by fame. "Living in the Jianghu, he will not return for ten years." He became depressed and lost his official career. After the fall of his country, the poet began to follow the footsteps of ancient hermits, find a good way to extricate himself, and return to the peaceful and indifferent spiritual home. Xu Zaisi went from a helpless and persistent pursuit to finally returning to himself and living in seclusion in the south of the Yangtze River. In the West Lake, where spring is everywhere, wine and poetry are appropriate, just like a real landscape painting, the poet sighed with disappointment, showing joy, freedom and leisure and peace far away from the world of mortals. Then came the beautiful words like "Spring Sentiment", which expressed the feelings of Sao and Ya with fresh and soft pen peaks.

[Poet's Writings]

Xu Zaisi's Sanqu mainly focuses on leisurely life and boudoir spring thoughts, love, writing natural scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, and seclusion. There are also some works with the theme of giving answers and chanting things. Although he is as famous as Guan Yunshi, his style is different. Guan Yunshi is mainly forthright and handsome, but Xu Zaisi is good at elegance and craftsmanship. He is good at learning folk songs and slang songs, and is good at line drawing. His lyricism is deep and detailed, the antithesis is neat, and the style is fresh and beautiful. "Taihe Zhengyin Score" commented his works as "Guilin Autumn Moon".

His landscape painting works are best in [Happy Spring] "Gaoting Wanbo" and [Water Fairy] "Huishan Spring". The artistic conception is lofty and ingenious, which shows that he is skilled in refining words and sentences. [ [Narcissus] "Night Rain" depicts the sad feelings of the captivity with "a sound of Chinese parasol leaves, a sound of autumn, a little of plantain, and a little of sadness", which is exquisite and moving. He wrote love works and was good at learning the expression techniques of folk songs, which was similar to Guan Yunshi's similar works. [ Toad Palace Song] "Spring Love" describes the mood of a lovesick woman "whose body is like floating clouds, heart is like flying catkins, breath is like gossamer, and a wisp of fragrance is here empty". It uses the form characteristics of serial sentences, rhyme and word reuse in Sanqu, and can give full play to its charm. [ Being intoxicated with the east wind] "Spring Love" also describes a woman's complex psychology when she suddenly meets her lover. She wants to greet her, but is afraid of being seen. Her manner is vivid and her characters are vivid. This part of works is fresh and lively, with high achievements.

[Poet Introduction]

Xu Zaisi, also known as Deke, was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. In the Ghost Record Book written by Zhong Sicheng and Cao Cao, it was said that he was "fond of food and delicious food, so he was called Sweet Studio. There was a Yuefu in the world. His son was good and could follow his family name". In addition to the above contents, Tianyi Pavilion's Ghost Record Book also records that he was a "Jiaxing road official", "intelligent and beautiful", "making friends with high scholars, learning scriptures, and reading history". All these show that he was a scholar with great talent, although he only stopped at the official position of low status. It is difficult to determine the date of birth and death. In the Ghost Record Book, he was listed as a "person who has known only recently" and said that he was "at the same time as the hill". Zhang Xiaoshan lived at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. According to this calculation, his birthday should be after 1280. In his Sanqu (Double Tune · Toad Palace Song), Qian Ziyun Goes to the Capital, there is a sentence "Today Yangguan, tomorrow Qinhuai", which both says "Go to the Capital" and points out "Qinhuai", probably at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. The year of his death is suspected to be after 1350. It seems that he never left Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in his life. Chu people in the Qing Dynasty were awarded the Jianhu Collection Ding Collection, saying that he "stayed in the Jianghu for ten years and never returned". His [Double tune · Water Fairy], "Night Rain", "Ten years on the pillow, two old people in Jiangnan worry", and [Double tune · Toad Palace Song], "West Lake", "less than ten years to the lake and mountain, Qi, Chu, Qin, Yan, white head" and other sentences can confirm that he has been wandering outside for ten years. A large number of his works are "Eight Sceneries of Wujiang River", "Tiaoxi", "Sweet Dew Nostalgia" and other contents. It is absolutely certain that he left his hometown and wandered around the Taihu Lake.

There are 103 existing ministrations, mainly focusing on landscape painting, lovesickness, seclusion, history chanting, etc. His lyric works are deep and beautiful, such as the two poems "Give My Name to Ji Yulian" ("Jingshan is exquisite") and "Love in Spring" ("I will never miss you in my life") of [Double Tune · Toad Palace Music], which are considered to be "the works with deep heart and soul, which can directly open jade tea and enchant flowers". Some of his works are quite new in concept and can be seen as elegant in common. [Double Tune · Narcissus] Red Nails and Beautiful Women Nailing Shoes, among others, are commented at the bottom of Gu Qu Zhu Tan by Wu Mei, a contemporary, who said: "The spikes are like 'golden lotus leaves its petals', and the red nails are like' falling flowers fly up '. The words are beautiful and unique, which can really overwhelm the elites and Xi Zhi is the top of his works.", It often ends in a short song, which is of positive significance. Zhu Quan of the Ming Dynasty commented on his words "like the autumn moon in Guilin" in his "Taihe Zhengyin Score". When he sighs about his life, he inevitably carries a sad and sad mood, which is probably related to his life experience. His collection of free songs, "Sweet Room Yuefu" and Guan Yunshi's "Sour Room Yuefu", were combined into a collection called "Sour and Sweet Yuefu" because of their interesting names. However, their life experiences and work styles are not the same. Xu Bi and Guan Yunshi were born later, and their achievements and influence are not as good as Guan Yunshi.

A faint smell of smoke 2024-04-13 15:28:17

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2. Ming Gaoming's The Story of Pipa: A Sad Encounter in the Library: "He taunted me, which is unforgivable. If you said you knew, how could you stop working?"
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10. Chapter 22 of the Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty: Who is meditating again? It's just a temporary joke.
11. The 32nd chapter of the Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty: "I am just a vulgar person."
12. Lu Xun's "Two Places Book - To Xu Guangping II": "I believe that writing it may not be useful for you, but I can only write these things."
13. The 23rd chapter of Wu Chengen's Journey to the West: "Brother, just! Just! We met a ghost!"
14. The 23rd chapter of The Scholars: "It's all right! I was taken in by this little beast!"
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1. He won't really hit you, just scare you.
2. This is just my learning experience.
3. It's enough that he doesn't want to go.
4. Is this question difficult? only.

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