Award Speech for Outstanding Teachers

Selected answers

Teachers are not only the cultivators of students' all-round development and the builders of democratic teacher-student relationship, but also the guides and founders of students' learning process. The following are the excellent teachers collected and sorted by Xiao Bian






prominent teacher


Word 1

With his passion and persistence for mathematics teaching, he has gained along the way, and has no regrets. He brings children into the wonderful digital world, enjoying the happiness of numbers and graphics. On the grand stage of the new era, he continued to demonstrate the brilliance of the math teacher with a grateful heart in the dull years!

It is not difficult for a person to do a thing in an ordinary post. The difficulty is to face the same boring thing every day and be conscientious and diligent, which is the least frequent in the ordinary.

Work tasks come first, difficulties come first, what is hardship, what is dedication. This is vividly reflected in her.

She is an old employee, but she never thinks of herself as an old employee. In her work, she always takes the example of old employees to inspire her colleagues and set a good example for the new era.

She sows with words and moistens with painstaking efforts. She treats every tear of her students as a pearl, and every setback of her students as the wings of an angel. Her smile on students in class is like an invincible rose. The students are happy because of her, and she is beautiful because of education. The inexhaustible romantic charm, the inexhaustible elegant style, she is

When academic inquiry has become a habit; When educational innovation has become a norm, she refuses to be mediocre, pursues excellence“


From "type" to "scientific research type", from "ordinary teachers" to "subject leaders", each sublimation is like a phoenix nirvana. She pursues the peak of teaching career with her pilgrimage piety, and continues to write happiness education with her ordinary life! She is an excellent academic leader------

She is gentle and amiable. She is always enthusiastic about her work. She doesn't talk much, but she is down-to-earth and willing to work. From her face, you read not only kindness and friendship, but also tolerance and dedication. She gained the students' trust and love for her with her ingenious hands and the most sincere smile.

She is like a diligent bee, working and harvesting silently in the beautiful colorful garden. Inspire children's thinking with ordinary wisdom, and lead children to experience the joy of success with simple calculations. Six years passed like a day, the children were happy because of her, and she was beautiful because of her children.

They are guardians of children's hearts, guarding the dreams that are about to blossom; They are the inheritors of their mother tongue, spreading the culture and wisdom of China for thousands of years. 30 fiery hearts, 30 fiery educational dreams, together, Wang Chengai's ocean. Exploring in the "three learning cycle" classroom teaching mode


”In order to improve their "learning ability" and education happiness, they strode forward.

He is always enthusiastic about his work, has a positive and serious attitude, obeys the arrangement, and obeys the deployment. He is a zealous person in the school's audio-visual education work, no matter what big or small things are.

Language is your tool, voice is your weapon, platform is your position, love is your motivation, students learn


The happiness and satisfaction of parents are their unremitting pursuit. We want to say:


Group, your best!

prominent teacher


Word 2

Firm stand, pure party spirit, upright, unyielding and unyielding, dare to speak what others dare not; Teach and educate people, be diligent and sincere, love children like children, selfless dedication, and be willing to do nothing. teach


You are a senior expert enjoying the reputation of Pearl City; To cultivate talents, you are an excellent teacher with many students.

You are Xiaoyan in the forest. For 30 years, you have been going out early and coming back late, concentrating on education; You are a famous teacher of No. 1 Middle School. You have been preparing lessons carefully and devoting yourself to it for 30 years


Teaching. When you are a teacher, you work hard to cultivate peaches and plums; As a director, you have no regrets and serve everyone.

People are just like their names. Behind your easy-going and modest appearance, you have an inviolable clank of iron; When discussing current affairs, you have a keen insight into the changes of the world in your casual and frank words. When teaching history, you will be familiar with the teaching materials, simplify the complexity, use the least time to achieve the maximum teaching efficiency, and the class you teach is among the best; With students, you put adults first, morality first, spend the most time to strengthen the smallest words and deeds, and bring good conduct to students.

Love without trace, you are the genial sunshine, shining young students, and growing up healthily; The teacher is noble, and you are a dedicated ladder to support the future of the motherland, healthy and upward. In PE class, you sow the idea of lifelong sports in children's minds; On the playground, you can create a sunny and healthy image on children.

Love your job and nurture your talents. You are tireless in teaching and carefully preparing for lessons; When you are old and healthy and manage the class, you are conscientious and go out early and return late every day. You have the inner talent of the southern talents. In a few words, you can help students resolve the confusion and point out the direction; You have the openness of men in Bengbu, and you can let your colleagues relieve their troubles and enjoy themselves.

You are a versatile person in the information group, and you who teach computers are skilled in the field of photography; You are an old soldier in the math group, and you had a unique style and outstanding achievements in math teaching. You are an evergreen tree in the freshman school. You know your destiny, you are still as light as a swallow in the volleyball court, and your skills are agile.

For 30 years, you wrote educational poems that touched many students with the dedication of "the silkworms in spring will be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and begin to dry with tears"; In the past three decades, you have written a teacher's ethics song that has infected young peers with your loyalty of "gradually broadening your belt and never regretting, and making people haggard for Iraq".

You show loyalty with dedication, and you create brilliance with loyalty.

If a teacher is a hardworking gardener, you are the gardener of the gardeners, junior, intermediate, senior, super, each


There is your hard work behind; If a party member is a public servant, you are the public servant of the public servants, advanced, exemplary, women, and pacesetter. Behind every honor, there is selfless dedication. You are a good person in No. 1 Middle School, and you are our hero.

You are a political teacher, but you don't have a fearsome political face. Your face is always full of spring breeze, so approachable and amiable. You are an intellectual, but you don't have the sour spirit that makes people look away from you. You are so open and aboveboard. You are the Plum Blossom of Aoxue Doushuang, and you are a heroine who is not inferior to men.

You have a hot heart. You are conscientious and hardworking when dealing with complicated and trivial educational affairs; You have a broad mind. You treat all kinds of honors, big and small. You are noble and noble, but you are weak. You are the school attendant, you are a good aunt of students, and every graduate remembers your busy figure and hoarse voice.

In PE class, you teach students the concept of health, the skills of sports, and the habit of exercise; On the competition field, you give students the essence of sports, teach students the rules of competition, and cultivate their spirit of struggle. You bring health to students, and you leave your hard work to yourself. Every student you have taken will thank you from the bottom of his heart!

You are a female volleyball player in the freshman middle school, leading the women's volleyball team in the first middle school, and creating a good record of winning the championship of Bengbu Teachers' Women's Volleyball Team for a second time; You are a famous sports teacher in the freshman middle school, leading the teachers in the first middle school to write the chapter of returning to the first square of Anhui education. You are a model for your dedication to your job; You are a teacher worthy of the name of science and technology. You are a famous brand in China, and you are the pride of China.

You left your youth to No. 1 Middle School and your honor to others. You are an unknown hero behind the scenes. Teachers and students of No. 1 Middle School will always remember your dedication. Never forget your busy figure when raising the flag on Monday; I can't forget your footprints on the way of military training. People are like people. You live in the world and grow up with beauty. You show the virtue of a teacher in Yizhong.

The beautiful freshman school is inseparable from your dedication. Every plant, every brick and tile bears witness to your thirty years of hard work; Your contribution is indispensable to the take-off of the freshman school. Every teacher and every student will remember your 30 years of dedication. You are the best person in the eyes of teachers and the most beautiful person in the eyes of students.

You are the most capable steward of the freshman school, who is hands-on and hardworking, making silent contributions to the development of the school; You are the most diligent gardener in the freshman school. You go out early and return late, and work hard day and night for the school to take off. In the past, the general affairs work was in good order, and you contributed a lot to it; In the future, the general affairs work will rise again, and your contribution will surely be included.

You have many ideas and new methods. Where there is a way, there is a way out. Grade management is painstaking, and grade progress is changing with each passing day. You are the vanguard, you are the dispatcher. The collective unity of your leadership is pragmatic and progressive, and the department you are responsible for has made outstanding achievements. You persist in fighting a long war with super patience, and use your perseverance and behavior to influence the grade and change the students. You show us the simplicity and loyalty of the people's teachers with your love and dedication, and you weave the great love of the teachers with your male tenderness. Teachers, he is our excellent grade director: xxx

On campus, I can always see you walking in a hurry; In the office, I can always hear your earnest words. You have the kindness of your mother, the strictness of your father, and the bosom of your friends. You build love with your heart and blood, and win students' hearts with love. You are open, generous and approachable; You are diligent, self reliant and devoted to your work. You teach your students to use kindness, and students repay you with love. You light up the spirit of others by burning yourself, and interpret the connotation of "the most glorious career under the sun". Teachers, they are: xxx

Office, prepare lessons, forget yourself; In class, string pearls of witticism to activate students. The voice is cadenced and the means are modern and traditional; Explore, cooperate and question, and the activities are fully and orderly; The evaluation is rich and effective, and the rhythm is reasonable. Consolidate the foundation, cultivate ability, encourage innovation and develop personality. Never forget to educate people when teaching, and students advance morally and intellectually. Students become the main body, and the fragrance of peaches and plums is expected. They are: xxx

You lead by example, take the lead in setting an example, prepare lessons collectively, meticulously, discuss collectively, standardize carefully, and make academic achievements. You are the representative of the teaching and research team leader: xxx

Advanced individual on safety watch, excellent educational administrator, excellent advanced individual in teaching and scientific research, and excellent logistics administrator



You are a good teacher in the classroom, an attendant in the teaching office, responsible for audio-visual education management, and meticulous in printing materials. You have won unanimous praise from teachers and students: xxx

You are in the rear but care about teaching. You are in the second line but charge ahead. You love your job and devote yourself selflessly. You educate people through management and service. There are half of you on the military merit badge. He is the logistics administrator: xxx

On the road of teaching and educating people, you are conscientious. On the road of education and scientific research, you are striving to pursue the glory of life with the strength of youth, and illuminate the life of students with the light of wisdom. In your heart, school is the most important, home is the least, students are the most important, and you are the least. He is: xxx

He has always set up the idea of "school safety is no trivial matter, and students' lives are greater than the sky". He has always insisted on moving forward the safety threshold, actively carried out the key rectification of safety work, found hidden dangers, blocked loopholes, climbed walls to the house, power transmission lines, took the school as the home, and worked hard on duty to ensure the health of school staff and the safety of school property. He is xxx

The protagonist of thought 2024-04-16 12:28:33

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