How to educate children in junior high school who are disobedient

Smiling face with red eyes
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As the clock keeps turning, children in the past have entered a new stage of junior high school, followed by adolescence. At this stage, children will have great changes in mind and body, and gradually begin to have their own thoughts and plans. Even very few children are entering the vortex of puppy love, This is a headache for parents.

How to educate children in junior high school who are disobedient

1. Stop your nagging and effectively communicate with children in the rebellious period. It's the most annoying thing for parents to nag. Especially, many mothers love to nag, but they don't know themselves. Maybe parents themselves don't talk much, but when children are more disgusted, they should also follow the old saying. At this time, parents need to change the way they communicate with their children to see what the problem is. It is best to find the reason from themselves. That is the proper attitude and the best way to solve the problem.

2. The educational methods should be properly changed, instead of "hitting the hard". The method of reasoning and criticism is not advisable. For students in this period, parents should adjust their methods and strategies for children in time, and strive to solve students' problems in a peaceful way, so that the effect of education will be better.

3. Parents should listen to their children's concerns more, guide them more, and criticize them less. No one likes to listen to others' criticism and criticism of themselves. Students in the rebellious period would have many of their own ideas to share. At this time, parents should learn to listen, and never always criticize them from the perspective of the elders, otherwise they may be self defeating!

4. Parents should try to understand their children's psychology and situation. Parents can think in terms of their position. Every parent has come from the rebellious period. I believe that everyone will have a lot of experience to share with their children. I hope parents can understand their children more in this period and help them out of the rebellious period together.

Reasons for disobedience of children in junior high school

1. Parents do not attach importance to commitment. Credit is not good when children are young. Many parents make various commitments to their children in order to achieve certain goals. For example, if you ask your child to have a quick meal, you will promise to take him out to play after eating, or promise to reward him if he does well in the exam, but he will be evaded for various reasons.

You should know that every commitment you make to your children is essentially an agreement and an oral contract. If you keep breaking the contract, your credit will be very bad. The child is still young, he can't help you, but he hasn't forgotten these things.

2. Parents are always angry, everyone has emotions. When children become junior high school students, they often usher in their first adolescence. At this stage, their thinking becomes sharp. If the guidance is not correct, junior high school students will become sensitive. The most common manifestation is that angry parents will cause children's resistance. In fact, children hope their parents can communicate calmly. If the parents do this, the children will accept your suggestions and be willing to share them with you.

3. The influence of the psychological characteristics of adolescence, the rebellious psychology is a manifestation of the independent consciousness of children just entering adolescence. Junior high school students have just entered adolescence. As minors, they often have a more prominent performance of rebellious psychology in the face of intense study, pressure to enter a higher school and difficult interpersonal relationships. After entering adolescence, they are more willing to stay with friends due to the gradual expansion of the field of activities and the continuous expansion of the circle of communication. They feel that they have grown up, and a strong sense of adulthood and independence become their important psychological tendencies.

Disobedience of children in junior high school

The most exciting thing for children in the rebellious period of youth is to highlight their own personality, so they will choose a different way to dress. They feel that they are different, but in the eyes of their parents, they are neither fish nor fowl. So when children are very interested in strange clothes, it means that they have entered a period of rebellion, and parents should pay attention.

If you find that your child used to be very obedient and sensible, and especially likes to talk back and argue with others after junior high school, don't be afraid. This may be the rebellious period of youth. At this point in time, children have their own independent personality and way of thinking. They are no longer dependent on the views of parents and adults. Through their own observation of the world, they derive some ideas of their own.

Know how to lose 2024-06-15 12:09:28

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