Similar majors in finance

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Under the guidance of modern financial theories, the finance discipline uses case studies and other methods and means to study the financing methods and the functions and operations of financial markets and financial institutions with the help of modern information tools. In addition to mastering basic theoretical knowledge, undergraduate students should also receive basic training in related businesses, such as analyzing and forecasting changes in stock and foreign exchange prices, and mastering the skills to buy and sell securities at the right time to earn profits. Finance will also tell you how banks and insurance companies attract deposits and insurance, and how they invest to make money. The main courses of finance include: microeconomics, macroeconomics and microeconomics, accounting, political economics, finance, statistics, econometrics, monetary banking, international finance, financial markets, central banking, commercial bank management, investment banking, international trade, insurance, securities investment, financial economics, modern monetary theory Introduction to International Monetary System, Securities Investment, International Trade Practice, etc. Peking University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, China University of Finance and Economics, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics, Xiamen University, Nankai University, Sun Yat sen University. This major is partial to liberal arts, and most of the knowledge belongs to the category of liberal arts. Graduates have relatively more opportunities to enter foreign enterprises, and they need a lot of data analysis to carry out banking, securities and insurance related work such as securities investment. Therefore, a good foundation in English, mathematics and computer application skills are particularly important. Generally speaking, students who are sensitive to numbers and have strong logical thinking ability and interpersonal communication ability are more suitable to choose this major. What needs to be reminded is that financial work should also have good psychological quality to bear the huge psychological pressure brought by investment risks. At present, there are mainly two kinds of financial majors in China. One is specialized financial colleges, such as the Central University of Finance and Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, etc; The other is the finance major under the School of Economics or School of Finance in comprehensive universities, such as Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, School of Economics, School of Finance, Renmin University of China, etc. Among them, Renmin University of China is the first base in China to train senior talents in the financial field. In addition, some normal universities have also set up this major, such as East China Normal University's doctoral program in world economy, which is the first in China to train doctoral students in international finance. At present, finance is more inclined to cultivate compound talents who can also communicate with finance, insurance and management. Finance at Renmin University of China, Central University of Finance and Economics, Nankai University, Fudan University, Xiamen University and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics are all national key disciplines. Major similar to finance: financial engineering, investment, insurance. Finance mainly studies financial theory; Financial engineering mainly studies the design, development and implementation of new financial instruments and methods, and provides creative solutions to financial problems. The latter requires higher computer application ability of students. Investment focuses on cultivating students' decision-making and management ability to engage in various investment activities, which is more targeted and adaptable. Compared with insurance, from the perspective of employment, finance mainly trains talents engaged in finance and management in various (Chinese and foreign) financial and insurance institutions, large and medium-sized enterprises, investment and financing management units, and financial departments, while insurance mainly trains talents engaged in actuarial and management in venture capital, actuarial and insurance regulatory departments. The financial industry came into being at the end of feudal society with the development of commodity currency relations. Currency exchange, custody and exchange are its original forms. Today's financial industry is a challenging and promising industry. According to the WTO agreement, China's financial industry was fully opened to the outside world in 2006. The trend of financial internationalization is irresistible, and the shortage of talents is a prominent problem faced by China's financial industry. The absolute number of financial talents is insufficient, especially those who truly understand international finance and modern investment knowledge. Generally, there is more book knowledge, less practical knowledge, and insufficient risk prediction of international finance. If you choose a major in finance, once you have learned something, there will be a broad space for it. In the past, the biggest threshold for employment of financial graduates was "work experience". However, with more foreign financial companies entering the mainland financial market in 2005, those foreign financial institutions with good reputation in cultivating their own talents have also begun to recruit a large number of potential graduates for staff reserve, This will provide a broader career opportunity for graduates of this major. In addition, after graduation, undergraduates can continue their further studies and take the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exam, which is undoubtedly a stepping stone to engage in the financial industry. Due to the diversification and diversification of China's financial institutions, with the increasingly standardized financial market, graduates' employment options in the financial industry have become more and more extensive. In addition to working in banks, they can work in securities companies, trust companies, investment consulting companies, insurance companies, and the Banking Regulatory Commission, the Securities Regulatory Commission The Insurance Regulatory Commission and others find suitable positions. In addition, with the continuous adjustment of the financial industry and the introduction of value-added services, the demand for relevant talents has also increased dramatically. At the same time, new financial service institutions will gradually become a large number of financial talents. The following are the main employment channels for finance graduates:

1. It is difficult to enter the industry supervision and administration department as a financial officer, especially if you graduate from a bachelor's degree, unless you are really excellent.

2. Many fund managers and investment bank managers earn more than one million yuan per year when they enter securities companies, trust and investment companies, and fund management companies. However, the risks are relatively high, and the requirements for education are also gradually improving. Compared with banks and other financial institutions, the requirements for personal investment management and financial operation ability are higher.

3. As a staff member in the bank, responsible for the management of bank deposits, loans and investment business.

4. To engage in teaching or research in universities or research institutions should be the first choice for students who are interested in learning. I understand that business administration is mainly about management, While finance is the major subject of finance, business administration is the major subject of finance, and major courses of business administration are required to take the job certificate examination. Computer application is the foundation of computer science. Administrative psychology is the science of business administration. Enterprise registration and management. Public relations. Trademark science. Contract law. Marketing science. Fair trade law enforcement. International trade and international financial administrative law. Advertising management. Market survey and prediction. Property management. According to salary income in 2004 The survey shows that the overall salary level of the financial industry ranks high among many industries, and the financial industry can be described as a highly paid recruitment. Generally speaking, if financial graduates go to colleges and universities

What majors should I study in college finance? What did you learn in your freshman year and sophomore year

Main courses:

Main discipline: Economics

Main courses: Political Economics, Western Economics, Finance, International Economics, Monetary Banking, International Financial Management, Securities Investment, Insurance, Commercial Banking Business Management, Central Banking, Investment Banking Theory and Practice, etc.

Main practical teaching links: including course practice, graduation practice, etc., generally arranged for 6 weeks.

Years of study: four years

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Economics

Similar majors: Economics, International Economics and Trade Finance, Finance, National Economic Management, Trade Economy, Insurance, Financial Engineering, Credit Management, Network Economics, Sports Economy, Investment, Environment, Resources and Development Economics, Real Estate Management and Estimation Statistics, International Culture, Trade, Tax and Taxation

First year students mainly take basic courses, such as finance and western economics. The sophomore studies financial market, investment, international finance, international trade, etc. The junior has international settlement, financial engineering and other courses.

If you want to engage in the financial industry after graduation, what should you major in?

Under the diversified background, the demand of society for talents is no longer limited to the past professional and industrial background. In addition, universities have become more popular, the comprehensive quality of talents has been improved unprecedentedly, and many college students have been able to adapt to most jobs. In view of this, I have the following suggestions for your problem:

First, the financial industry is very important for economic and social development, and it is also a major with strong professional background. If you want to work in this industry after graduation, it is recommended that you study economics related majors, such as financial management, financial management, accounting, etc; However, I'm here to tell you that the economics majors in every university are very popular, and the scores admitted each year are higher than those of other majors. Therefore, on the one hand, it is recommended that you first target the target university, inquire about the admission score line of previous years, and then conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your current score. If your score exceeds the previous admission score line of your target university, you can choose the economics major in the finance and economics university. If your score is slightly lower than the previous admission score line of the target university, It is recommended that you apply for the economics major in a comprehensive college. On the other hand, in terms of professional choice, because the financial industry is very extensive. If you want to work in a bank in the future, there are more financial management, financial management and accounting majors from the current professional restrictions on recruitment in various banks. If you want to engage in securities investment jobs, you are recommended to apply for securities related majors and legal majors.

Second, if your academic performance is not very good and you can't even pass the examination of economics majors in comprehensive universities, it is recommended that you apply for some similar majors in economics, such as management majors. However, we must understand the relevant industry background. We can start from some grass-roots positions, private banks, small securities companies, etc. If your grades are very poor and you can only afford to go to higher vocational colleges, it is recommended that you first apply for economic majors in higher vocational colleges, and then improve your academic qualifications through the channel of upgrading from junior colleges to undergraduate colleges.

Third, the financial industry still needs to take some certificates. It is recommended that you plan your learning goals and obtain relevant industry certificates after considering your major!

Bamboo Shadow Breeze 2024-06-14 19:08:17

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Vowel difference:
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Phoneme difference:
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Notes for filling in the voluntary form:
1. Carefully prepare for filling in the volunteer form, carefully consider and accurately fill in the volunteer pre fill form. Candidates can use the "Volunteer Assistance System" to generate a volunteer pre fill form for parallel volunteering in the summer college entrance examination.
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The teacher of the Marquis of Qi and the Marquis of Chen, and Qu Wancheng's translation

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Extract from the original text:
Xia, Chu Zi made Qu Wan like a teacher. When the division retreats, it is inferior to Shaoling. The Qi Marquis and the Chen Marquis are the masters of Qu Wan. The Duke of Qi said, "What is the purpose of the Valley? The good of the first monarch is the same as the good of the Valley. How about it?" The Duke said, "You can benefit the country of our city, humiliate the few monarchs, and I have no wish for you." The Duke of Qi said, "If you fight with these people, who can resist them? If you attack the city with this, what city will not be conquered!" The Duke said, "If you appease the princes with virtue, who dare not obey you? If you use your strength, the square city of Chu is the city, and the Han River is the pool. Although there are many people, it is useless! "
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