Line up dance, line up first or move first

Don't forget when you are at peace
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Dance is a favorite program for many audiences. Beautiful movements and beautiful music will make an excellent dance program. The excellent dance we saw also experienced many rehearsals and polishing of details.

Line up dance, line up first or move first

1、 Make up movements before formation

In fact, most of the more entry-level forms of line dancing are composed of actions first and then formation, or think about formation in the existing finished dance.


1. It saves time. Under the existing action, we can decide where to add formation and move according to the action. The efficiency of completion is relatively high.

2. Because the choreography is the first step, the choreography may be more elaborate and rich.

3. The number of people can change freely. The number of people can be determined later when queuing.


1. Since the movement may affect the formation's large movement after it is fixed, it has limitations on the formation.

2. In choreography, there may be a lack of thinking about the overall formation, and the design may not have enough explosive points, or the formation may easily overlap, and the overall effect is not good enough.

3. It is easy to focus on movement or physical difficulty, which is confused with teaching choreography. It is often difficult to get out and dance together, and it is difficult for members to imitate texture.

2、 Form before action

It is very difficult. We need to determine the general framework and idea of Qi dance from music first, and then design actions. Professional Qi dance competitions will use this method.


1. The overall effect is good, the blasting points are designed first, the level is rich, the space is used freely, and the movement of personnel can be complex.

2. Grasp the focus, link and story of each part of the whole Qi dance.

3. Relatively reduce the difficulty of movement, and improve the uniformity and texture of people at different levels.

4. Disrupt the regular position of personnel, and the number of C personnel is changeable, which is team oriented rather than individual oriented.


1. It is not convenient to change personnel. Because formation is thought of first, some formations need a certain number of people to complete. Moreover, the movement of personnel is complex, and one person change may have a greater impact.

2. Easy movements are too repetitive or simple, and may be too formation oriented to ignore the essence of dancing, which is to show basic physical skills.

3. The ability of spatial thinking is high. The choreographer needs to make a mental plan first, or use the corresponding drawings to record, and then go to the live rehearsal. It will waste everyone's time to design on the spot.

4. Due to the number based queuing, it is possible that the personnel corresponding to the number are not good at the C position of this part.

In what order is the dance arranged

Square, horizontal, triangular, round, fan-shaped, diagonal formation ten people or eight nine twenty people can line up. It usually depends on what kind of dance you are. I am a hip-hop dancer myself. Generally, if 10 people are in the front and back rows, they can understand and control the movements of dancers, which is in direct proportion to their professional foundation and reaction ability. And this kind of ability can be completely cultivated through the day after tomorrow.

When does dancing become best

There is no fixed time to change the formation when dancing, which depends on the type of dance, music and choreography. When the climax of the dance or the music rhythm changes, changing the formation will be more appropriate, because these moments can attract the attention of the audience more, and can also make the whole dance more layered and dynamic.

The choreographer can design suitable formation changes according to the theme and emotion of music and dance. If music and dance express a cheerful and enthusiastic emotion, it will be more appropriate to change the formation at the rhythmic point or climax of the music. If music and dance express a soft and lyrical emotion, it will be more appropriate to change the formation in the stable part of the music or in the transition phase.

Rules of formation transformation in line dance competition

Diversity: In line dancing, the formation should have diversity. The formation can be linear, circular, triangular, square, etc., and needs to be constantly changed to increase the fun of dance.

Unity: In line dancing, the formation needs to be unified. All performers should act at the same time, and the whole team should show the same posture and movement.

Symmetry: In line dancing, many formations need symmetry. Symmetry can make dance more beautiful and balanced.

Mobility: In line dancing, the formation needs to be easy to move and flow. The formation should be easy to divide into individuals, and individuals should be easy to integrate into the whole team.

Space utilization: In line dancing, it is necessary to maximize the use of stage space. The formation should make effective use of space, and every audience on the stage should be able to see the performers.

A little ambitious 2024-06-15 12:15:39

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