The best matching skill of Lanling King's moves in the king's glory

Brother, just take one scoop
Selected answers

1. Early matching: 1 skill - aa-2 skill - a-1 skill - kill - a.

Analysis: In the early stage, the king of Lanling had no big move, so he had to rely on the double hit effect of one skill to cause damage. In the early stage, the first skill, without the blessing of equipment, was cooled down for 5 seconds, so the first skill was completely to consume the enemy's blood line, and then it was interspersed with two common attack attacks. At this time, the blow caused was not big, and the opponent generally did not want to retreat, However, after 1 skill cools down to within 3 seconds, immediately use 2 skills to receive general attack to trigger the vertigo effect. When the mark still exists, 1 skill is good again, release 1 skill again to lower the opponent's blood line. At this time, the opponent will instantly find something wrong and want to escape. Immediately take on the kill to pursue the general attack. Of course, the last general attack may not be able to hit, But at Level 2-3, the fight of King Lanling was almost invincible.

2. Early support: 2 skills - a - 1 skill - kill.

Analysis: The passivity of the Lanling King enables him to have a good support effect, and the control effect of the two skills is also very powerful. The first slow down can cooperate with teammates, making their skills easier to hit, and also more convenient for their own pursuit. The reason why they do not use 1 skill immediately but use the general attack is that the general attack is more accurate. After triggering the vertigo, they can use 1 skill and kill additional damage, Ensure that the damage of 2 skill mark explosion is more sufficient.

3. Stealth grasp order (no displacement): 3 skills - approach - 2 skills - 3 skills - 1 skill - a - kill - a.

Analysis: after the first 3 skills become invisible, close to the target, immediately throw 2 skills to slow down. After the 3 skills hit, immediately hit the target with 2 segments of 3 skills to move and hit the target with damage and dizziness. After the 1 skill is connected, carry out general attack with the attack speed bonus after the secret breaking.

4. Stealth grasp list (with displacement): 3 skills - face to face - 2 skills - a - 1 skills - 3 skills - kill.

Analysis: After being invisible first, facing the displacement hero, the method of releasing two skills and three levels of energy from a distance is no longer stable, because both two skills and three skills may be dodged by the displacement skill of the other side, so first improve your skill hit rate, immediately connect the two skills with the general attack to hit the vertigo, and then throw one skill and three skills together with the kill, Ensure its stable output.

Floating in time 2024-04-08 12:54:30

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