What are the requirements of physical fitness assessment items and standards for Guizhou 2021 Public Security Colleges

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According to the requirements of the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security and the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment Work of Public Security Colleges and Universities in 2021 (GZP [2021] No. 202), the items and standards of physical fitness assessment shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National Standards for Students' Physical Health (revised in 2014), as follows:

Physical fitness assessment items and standards

(1) Standing long jump

1. Qualification standard. Male ≥ 2.05m, female ≥ 1.5m. Measurable times: 3 times.

2. Test method. During the test, the evaluator shall stand with his feet naturally apart. After standing on the jump line, his toes shall not step on the line, and his feet shall take off at the same time without stepping or continuous jumping. Measure the vertical distance from the rear edge of the starting jumper to the nearest landing place. Each person will try to jump three times, and the best result will be taken. The unit is meter, and two decimal places will be taken. When a foul is found, the result is invalid. The result of the event is zero for all three attempts.

(2) Men pull up, women sit up

1. Qualification standard. Male pull ups ≥ 9 times/minute, female sit ups ≥ 25 times/minute. Measurable times: 1 time.

2. Male pull up test method. The subjects jumped up and held the bar with both hands, and their hands were the same width as their shoulders in a straight arm suspension. After being stationary, pull both arms with force (no additional movement of the body), pull up the jaw beyond the upper edge of the bar to complete one time, and record the times of pulling. When pulling up, the body shall not swing greatly, nor shall it be propped up by other additional actions. The test shall be terminated when the interval between two pulling up exceeds 10 seconds.

3. Women's sit up test method. During the test, the subject lies on the mat with his whole body, his feet slightly apart, his knees bent at an angle of about 90 degrees, his fingers crossed behind his head, and the test assistant pressed his ankle joint. When the subjects touch or exceed their knees when sitting up, they will complete a standard action. When lying on your back, your shoulders must touch the pad. When the tester issues the "start" password, the meter is opened for timing, and the number of times completed within one minute is recorded. At the time of 1 minute, the number of times that the subject sits up but fails to reach his knees will not be counted, and the record will be accurate to one digit. If the subject sits up but his elbows do not reach his knees, his shoulder blades do not touch the pad when he lies on his back, and he sits up with the strength of his hands, elbows or hips to rise and fall, this time will not count. The recorder shall report the number to the subject.

(3) 50 meter run

1. Qualification standard. Male ≤ 9.2 seconds, female ≤ 10.4 seconds. Measurable times: 1 time.

2. Test method. The subjects should be at least in groups of two, with unlimited starting positions. When hearing or seeing the signal (password, gun sound, whistle sound or starting flag), start running. The timekeeper starts timing by listening to the sound or looking at the flag. When the subject's trunk reaches the vertical plane of the finish line, stop the table and record the test results in seconds, accurate to one decimal place. The second decimal place after the decimal point shall be rounded according to the principle of non zero to one. For example, 10.11 seconds is 10.2 seconds. The runner who steals runs again and twice will be disqualified from the test.

(4) Men's 1000 meters, women's 800 meters.

1. Qualification standard. Male ≤ 4 minutes and 35 seconds, female ≤ 4 minutes and 36 seconds. Measurable times: 1 time.

2. Test method. At least two people should be tested in a group and start standing up. Start running when you hear or see the signal (password, gun sound, whistle or starting flag). The timekeeper listens to the sound or looks at the flag to start timing. When the subject's trunk reaches the vertical plane of the finish line, stop the clock and record the test results in minutes and seconds, accurate to two decimal places. During the test, if the test subject fails to conduct the test within the specified runway, the result will not be counted.

Relevant regulations on physical fitness assessment

The Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security and the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment Work of Public Security Colleges and Universities in 2021 (Gongzheng [2021] No. 202) requires that the provincial public security organs select the people's police of public security organs who are politically firm, have excellent style, are fair and upright, dare to take on responsibilities, are familiar with business, and have rich experience as judges, Physical fitness assessment shall be carried out in strict accordance with the relevant implementation rules, and the referee shall be a track and field referee with national level II or above technical level. The whole process video recording is adopted for physical fitness assessment.

If 3 or more of the 4 items in the physical fitness evaluation reach the standard, the physical fitness evaluation conclusion is qualified. The result of physical fitness assessment shall be informed to the examinee on the spot, and the examinee shall sign on the physical fitness assessment form for confirmation. Physical fitness evaluation is not retested.

Introduction to Physical Fitness Assessment

Physical fitness evaluation is to detect and evaluate the comprehensive ability of the human body in the process of adapting to the environment, including the detection and evaluation of the human body with the goal of improving health and basic activity ability, and the detection and evaluation of the human body's competitive ability in sports competitions.

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"Back" is a semi enveloping structure.
After, the pronunciation of h òòòòòòòòòòòò, is a combined word, combining "after" and "after". The "queen" is the mirror image of the Secretary from the mouth of the person. The monarch and queen also follow the body of the monarch, like a person. Give orders to inform the four parties, so you should follow one direction and speak out. The sender is the queen. The original meaning is the person who gives orders, that is, the monarch. In ancient times, it was called monarch: the order of Shang Dynasty (the first king). The emperor's wife: the queen, the empress dowager. It means that the space is on the back, opposite to the front.
1. Shuowen (Shuowen) by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty: Later, the emperor followed.
2. Zuo Zhuan, Thirty second Year of Xi Gong: Tomb of Hougao in Xia Dynasty.
Group words: Qinghou, Houjing, Houzheng, Zhuhou, Houxu, Houshi, Wanghou, Houzhang, Houkai.
Antonyms: first, first.

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Jin Ou means the basin of gold; It is also used to refer to territory; The laudatory name of the wine cup.
Jinou, a Chinese word, is spelled j ī n ō u.
Provenance: Jin Ganbao, "Sought the Gods", Volume IV: "The woman parted with her husband with a golden Ou, a musk pouch, and tears."
example sentence:
1. The History of the Ming Dynasty · The Tin Biography of Qian Long: "The emperor imitated the ancient divination scripture, stored it in the name of Jinou, burned incense and worshipped it, and then explored it."
2. Qing Dynasty · Huang Zunxian's poem "Feelings": "Jin Ou is close to Bubi Gongqing, and receives the title of ice for ten days."
3. The fifth poem of Tang · Sikongtu's "Feelings about the History of the South and the North": "The Jin Ou in the Hall of Warfare Girders is broken, and the jade trees in the Palace are destroyed by fire."
4. Chen Jiru of the Ming Dynasty, "Records of the Grand Sima Festival Huan Yuan Gong's Temple": "Turn over the history of maps, chisel fields, Suiyang has been like the golden Ou for generations."

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"Try a little, but don't follow the rules." It means to stop after a little try, without breaking the rules.
Just a little bit, a Chinese idiom, the pinyin is qi ǎ n ch á ng zh é zh ǐ, which means to stop after a little try. It means not studying deeply. It also refers to the broad but not the refined.
Provenance of idiom: The 24th chapter of Peng Yangou's Black Book Ghosts in the Qing Dynasty: "This thing must be tasted. Why not just taste it for literati and literati, but also try it to make people feel happy?"
Idiom usage: as predicate and attribute; It refers to the fear of difficulties.
Example: Don't stop doing things. You should persevere in order to succeed.
Near synonym: give up halfway, skim on the surface.
The opposite: perseverance.
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