What good universities can Jiangsu attend with 520 points? Which universities can Jiangsu apply for with 520 points?

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Many examinees will look confused when they apply for the exam. They don't know what school they can go to. So, what good university can Jiangsu go to with 520 points in the college entrance exam? Which universities can candidates with 520 scores apply for? Here is the list of universities that can apply for the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province with 520 points. I hope it can help you.
What good university can Jiangsu go to at about 520 points?
one Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
two Wuhan Textile University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
three Luoyang Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-two
four Jiangxi Agricultural University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and nineteen
five Huaibei normal university Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty
six Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
seven Jiangsu Institute of Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty
eight Shenyang Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and nineteen
nine Shandong University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
ten Xuzhou Medical University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty
eleven Tianjin University of Commerce Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and nineteen
twelve Zhejiang Ocean University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and eighteen
thirteen Tianjin Chengjian University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty
fourteen East China Jiaotong University Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
fifteen Nanchang Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and eighteen
sixteen Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
seventeen Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and eighteen
eighteen Hunan University of Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-two
nineteen Kunming University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
twenty Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-one Three Gorges University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-two
twenty-two Shenyang Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty
twenty-three Liaoning University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-four Guizhou Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and eighteen
twenty-five Hubei Normal University Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
twenty-six changzhou university Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-seven Hebei University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
twenty-eight Huaibei normal university Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and eighteen
twenty-nine Guilin Medical College Undergraduate approval General category Physical class five hundred and nineteen
thirty Nanjing Xiaozhuang University Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools Physical class five hundred and twenty-one
S/N University name Enrollment batch Enrollment type Account Type Lowest score
one Jiangsu University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and eighteen
two Xuzhou Medical University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-two
three Qingdao Agricultural University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and eighteen
four Three Gorges University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
five yangzhou university Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools History class five hundred and eighteen
six Hunan Gongshang University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and nineteen
seven Hubei Police College Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
eight Central South Forestry University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and eighteen
nine qilu normal university Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
ten Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
eleven Nanchang Medical College Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and nineteen
twelve Changchun Taxation College Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
thirteen Chuzhou University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
fourteen Jinling University of Science and Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
fifteen Shandong Agricultural University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-two
sixteen Beihua University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
seventeen Henan University of Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
eighteen Lanzhou University of Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
nineteen Nanjing University of Technology Undergraduate approval Mutual recognition of Chinese and foreign credits History class five hundred and twenty-two
twenty Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-two
twenty-one shandong jianzhu university Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-one
twenty-two Hubei University of Economics Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and eighteen
twenty-three Henan University of Technology Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-four Guangdong Ocean University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-five Qingdao University Undergraduate approval Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools History class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-six lishui university Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
twenty-seven huaiyin normal university Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
twenty-eight Dalian University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and nineteen
twenty-nine Anhui Jianzhu University Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty-two
thirty ludong university Undergraduate approval General category History class five hundred and twenty
S/N University name Enrollment batch Enrollment type Account Type Lowest score

Note: The list of universities with 520 points in Jiangsu's college entrance examination is based on the average enrollment and admission data in previous years. Due to the dynamic admission situation every year and the limited space, we list some contents for reference only.
List of Jiangsu 211 Universities
Nanjing University Southeast University Nanjing University of Technology
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Hohai University Suzhou University
Nanjing Normal University Jiangnan University Nanjing Agricultural University
China University of Mining and Technology China Pharmaceutical University

How many cities are there in Jiangsu Province?
Jiangsu Province has 13 prefecture level cities, including Nanjing, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nantong, Lianyungang, Huai'an, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Taizhou and Suqian.
In addition, there are 22 county-level cities, 19 counties, 55 municipal districts, and 815 townships in Jiangsu, including Kunshan, Taixing, and Shuyang, three cities (counties) directly under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu pilot province.
Middle aged old women and men's idols 2024-05-19 10:46:08

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Li Bai's Complete Poems on Difficult Sichuan Roads

The whole poem of Li Bai's Difficult Path to Shu:
Oh, dear, how dangerous it is! It is more difficult to climb the Shu Path than to reach the sky! Silkworm and Yu Fu, what a loss to start the country! Erlai is 48000 years old and has no connection with Qin Sai. There is a bird path in Taibai of Xidang, which can defeat Emei Peak. The collapse of the earth and the destruction of the mountain killed the warrior, and then the ladder and stone stack were linked together. There is a high mark of six dragons returning to the sun on the top, and a reverse wave returning to Sichuan on the bottom. The yellow crane can't fly, and the ape is willing to climb. The green mud is like a plate, and the rock ridges are surrounded by nine turns in a hundred steps. Touch the well, raise your breath, and sit and sigh with your hand.
When will you return to the west? The dangerous road is steep and inaccessible. But seeing the old tree of the sad bird, male and female fly around the forest. I heard Zi Gui crying at night, and I was worried about the empty mountain. It's more difficult to walk on the way to Sichuan than to climb up to the sky, which makes people lose their beauty! Even the peaks are far from the sky, and the withered pines are hanging upside down against the cliffs. Flying torrents, waterfalls and streams compete with each other for more than ten times, which can send thousands of thunder from the cliffs, rocks and valleys. The danger is also like this. Those who are far away from me are so careless!
The Sword Pavilion is towering and steep. One man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it. The guards or bandits become wolves and jackals. Avoid tigers in the morning and snakes in the evening; Brushing teeth and sucking blood can kill people like a hemp. Although Jincheng is happy, it's better to return home early. It's more difficult to walk on the Shu Road than to go up to the sky. I look west with a long sigh!
Translation extract:
Oh, how lofty and magnificent! It's too difficult to climb the Shu Path, and it's too difficult to reach the sky.
It is said that Cancong and Yufu founded the Kingdom of Shu. The founding time is too long to talk about in detail. Since then, about 48000 years ago, Qin and Shu have never communicated with each other. In the west of Taibai Mountain, there are trails that can be crossed by birds. You can cross the top of Mount Emei from that path. The five heroes of Shu were crushed to death, and the two places began to connect with each other.
There is a mountain top blocking the Six Dragons of the Sun God on the top, and a big river with winding waves emptying under it. The yellow crane, who is good at flying high, is still unable to fly over. Even if the monkeys want to climb over, they are worried about climbing. Qingniling is winding around the mountains, and there are nine turns around the rocks within a hundred steps. You can touch the well reference star and ask people to raise their heads and hold their breath, touch their chest with their hands and sigh in horror and futility.
My good friend, when will you return your trip to the west? It's really difficult to climb the terrible cliff plank road! I saw the sad bird singing on the ancient tree, and the male and female flew with each other in the primeval forest.
The Difficult Path to Shu is the representative poem of Li Bai, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. This poem follows the old theme of Yuefu and uses romantic techniques to expand rich imagination. It artistically represents the magnificent, dangerous and insurmountable momentum of the steep, abrupt, tough and rugged Sichuan Road. By singing about the majesty of the mountains and rivers in Sichuan, it shows the majesty of the motherland, and fully shows the poet's romantic temperament and love for nature.

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"Lowly subdued" means to be in a low position, submit and obey. "Low voltage" is pronounced d ī f ú, which means "low voltage". It comes from the second part of Jia Zhongming's "Jade Comb" of the Yuan Dynasty: "So how can Su Xiaoqing be willing to be low voltage?"
"Low voltage" sentence:
1. A strong breath swept over the battlefield in front of the two worlds like a hurricane. The grass was low and everything was silent.
2. The children's bowed heads and broken knees form a twisted ocean.
3. The Chishui River in early autumn is facing the red sun in the west. The river shows a bright enchantment, and the grass is bent.
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5. She flopped down on her knees to the other side and bowed her head to the ground.

Pushkin's masterpiece

Pushkin's representative works include Ode to Freedom, Eugene Onegin, Queen of Spades, If Life Deceived You, and Captain's Daughter.
1. "Ode to Freedom" is Pushkin's first poem extolling freedom. It is his earlier anti autocratic denunciation that had widespread social influence, and it is also the reason why he was exiled. The poem was written at Nikolai Turgenev's house. His family lived opposite the Michel Palace where Paul I was killed. They could see the palace where Paul I was killed, so they wrote vividly about the palace conspiracy.
2. Eugene Onegin is a long poetic novel written by Pushkin, a Russian writer. Pushkin accurately summarized the ideological outlook and tragic fate of some aristocratic youth who were influenced by progressive ideas but failed to break out of their narrow circle at that time in Onegin, thus shaping the first "superfluous man" image in Russian literature.
3. "Queen of Spades" pioneered the religious myth theme of crime and punishment in Russian classical literature, and embodied the justice judgment view of primitive religious myth that good is rewarded and evil is rewarded. Pushkin, with the help of his description of the daily life of the upper class society in Battelberg, aims to express the invisible and destructive power from another world behind the characters and events in real life through artistic techniques such as fantasy and dreams, and create a mysterious, strange, strange and transcendental world with modern mythological characteristics.
4. If Life Deceived You is a poem written by Pushkin, a Russian poet, who was exiled to Odessa, South Russia, in 1825, after a conflict with the local governor, and was escorted to his father's territory, Mikhailovskoye, during his confinement. The full text of the poem expresses a positive, optimistic and strong attitude towards life, and because of its kind tone, many people write it down in their notebooks, which has become a motto that encourages them to move forward and never give up.
5. Captain's Daughter is a historical novel reflecting Pugachev's peasant uprising. In history, the aristocratic society and the tsarist government have always vilified Pugachev, describing him as a heinous bandit, while Pushkin embraced the pipa and played a different tune, portraying him as a smart, brave, optimistic, heroic, ambitious and deeply loved peasant leader, At the same time, the work vividly shows the magnificent scale and extensive social foundation of this movement, and expresses the writer's deep sympathy for farmers under feudal oppression and profound criticism of serfdom and patent rule.
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