How to stare at the ball when playing table tennis

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Table tennis enthusiasts all hope to become table tennis masters. When they go out to compete, they can defeat all the good players and get on the podium of the champion. However, under the premise of practicing the basic skills of table tennis hard, it is still hard to win. For most table tennis fans, the most critical and easily overlooked problem is staring at the ball.

How to stare at the ball when playing table tennis

Observe the opponent's service position, the direction of the board, the range of motion and the landing point of the first board in order to preliminarily judge the flight path and speed of the ball. Pay attention to the arc and direction of the ball after it rises on the table, which is crucial for making the correct stroke.

When the ball is hit back by the other side, you need to quickly follow the other side's direction of movement and movement track to prepare for the next board. Keep a certain distance when staring at the ball to avoid being too close to make it impossible to adjust the position in time. At the same time, the principle of "one eye sees two and a half eyes" should be adopted when staring at the ball, that is, to quickly lock the target while leaving extra light to focus on the surrounding situation.

Keep your body stable and don't affect your center of gravity and balance because of staring at the ball. Whether in training or in competition, we should develop a good habit of staring at the ball, and improve our ability to predict through continuous practice and experience accumulation.

When staring at the ball, you should seize the key opportunities, such as the moment when the other party hits the ball and the time when the ball bounces off the stage. Staring at the ball should be dynamic, using the movement of the eyes to track the trajectory of the ball, rather than just relying on the rotation of the head.

How to lower the center of gravity in table tennis

Open your legs as far as you can, as wide as you can, and then pull your calves in without moving your thighs. Then lift your body up as a whole to a relatively comfortable position. Then relax your thighs and pull them back. This is the state where you really open your crotch. The center of gravity will naturally go down, and your body will remain elastic.

How to overcome nervousness in playing table tennis

Practice basic skills hard to improve self-confidence. The practice of basic skills should be strengthened to promote practice and improve the level of actual combat. It is recommended to practice at least half an hour of forehand attack, backhand pull, ball rubbing and other basic skills with the golfers every day, so that the regular movements can form muscle memory. During the competition, with solid basic skills and self-confidence, you can give full play to your normal level.

Lose or win easily. In the game, sometimes we pay too much attention to win or lose, and feel shameless when we lose. The more we want to win, the worse we play, and ultimately lead to loss. Therefore, we should look down on the win and lose in the game, and take it as a practice and game with familiar players. We should relax our mind, move less rigidly, and play normally. At the critical moment, we should also dare to take out our own trump card and compete with experts. It doesn't matter whether we win or lose.

Allure Homme 2024-06-11 16:15:22

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