How to educate an 11 year old boy

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Eleven year old boys have entered a period of rebellion, which is extremely difficult to discipline. In the face of children's naughty behavior, many parents will be furious. If parents want to educate children in this period, they must keep calm.

How to educate an 11 year old boy

1. Add a plan and let the children make a plan together. In particular, it is unrealistic not to watch TV or play with mobile phones at all. What we need to do is to work with our children to make a schedule for the day, arrange the tasks in order, and let them know that they can have free time. At the same time, reach an agreement on the standards and requirements for completing the learning tasks, and clarify the punishment for violations.

2. Learn to listen to children's voices. Some parents expect too much of their children and always think that their children can grow up according to their own wishes. The more rebellious the child is, the more rebellious he is against his parents. Then as parents, we should calmly communicate with children, be patient, listen to their voices, and establish close and equal friendship with children.

3. Adults should be united in their opinions. Parents should communicate well and have unified opinions in educating their children. Don't talk about everything, let alone scold each other in front of children. In this way, children will feel overwhelmed and don't know who to listen to. And adults will lose their authority in front of children. After a long time, it will be more difficult to discipline children.

4. Let children's interests develop freely. Nowadays, parents place high hopes on their children. They report various special classes to their children and ask them to follow suit, but they ignore their children's real interests. So what parents should do is to let the children make their own decisions. If the children show some hobbies, they should not interfere, but should encourage them. Maybe they can become a skill of the children.

5. Be patient with children. Many 11 year old children are grumpy because their parents are impatient with them. They have developed such a habit since childhood, so their children become particularly grumpy. In this case, parents should change the way they treat their children and make themselves more patient with their children.

Eleven year old boy's performance during the rebellious period

1. Rebellious children tend to be self-centered. They like to control everything because they feel like adults. In their eyes, they are always right.

2. Likes to work against parents. One of the most obvious manifestations of children after they enter the rebellious period is to fight against their parents. The more parents ask their children to do something, the more they have to do something, just like deliberately antagonizing their parents. If parents reason with their children, the children will not listen at all, either turn around and leave, or still go their own way. Bad tempered parents will yell at their children, hoping to make them afraid of themselves, but finally they find that it doesn't work, and the children still won't listen.

3. Likes to shirk responsibility. Children often make mistakes during the rebellious period, and after they make mistakes, they will not admit their own mistakes. Even if parents catch them, children will still find some reasons to excuse themselves. Children become fond of shirking responsibility and do not want to bear the consequences for their mistakes. Parents will be more angry when they see such behavior of children, and will not be able to calmly educate children, As a result, children become more rebellious and enter a dead circle.

How to discipline girls during their rebellious period

1. Parents should think more about their children. Don't refuse all reasonable requirements of the child, and try to meet the reasonable requirements of the child. Don't force children to study all the time. Children still need more relaxation time without affecting their learning. In the past, I used to yell or severely discipline my children, which was basically futile and made them more disgusted.

2. Move children with sincere feelings. Parents should always communicate with their children to understand their needs and ideas. Especially when their children are in a low mood, parents should accompany them, support and encourage them, and give them meticulous care and care. Only in this way can girls in the rebellious period turn around and accept their parents' education and guidance.

A few songs make you smile 2024-06-14 13:09:38

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