Reasons and solutions for children's slow homework

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Children are slow in doing homework. We should analyze the reasons from multiple perspectives, and then formulate specific measures and methods. Don't give up managing children. Every child will have a variety of bad habits in learning. We should be able to find them in time, guide them, and help them to solve them as soon as possible.

Reasons and solutions for children's slow homework

1、 Reasons for children's slow homework:

1. The learning environment is noisy. If children study in a long environment, they may distract their attention and cannot concentrate on their study. For example, parents watch TV or watch mobile phones nearby, which will greatly affect the speed and concentration of children's homework. So we should create a quiet learning environment for children.

2. Maybe children's homework is difficult. If children do not have sufficient knowledge when they are doing homework, and they encounter some difficult problems, they will slow down and can not finish their homework quickly. At this time, our parents can give our children some help. This will allow children to complete their homework more efficiently.

3. Deliberate procrastination. This is a passive procrastination, forced by parents. Many parents always expect their children to do some homework after they finish school work. Therefore, a lot of "homework" is added every day. At this time, the child usually thinks, "Do your homework quickly? Why should I do it fast? I can't go out to play after I finish my homework. After I finish my teacher's homework, I still need to do the homework assigned by my mother. It's better to write slowly!"

4. No sense of time. This type of children is the most. They can't manage time, nor can they connect time with their own actions. You will see that this kind of children always say "wait a minute". They think that they have more time and just slip away without paying attention. Sometimes when his parents urge him, he can move. When he is upset, when you urge him, you deliberately do not write.

2、 Solutions for children's slow homework:

1. Establish good study habits. In the case that children are dragging their homework, parents should establish a good learning habit for their children when they are young and in the first grade. If the family has conditions, arrange the room where the children do their homework as simple as possible. There are no toys and nothing on the desk where the children do their homework. Take away all the necessary paper, pens and erasers.

2. Plan the operation time. Plan for children. The faster they finish writing, the more time they have to play. The slower they finish playing, the less time they have to play. In addition, those who make too many mistakes in homework should also reduce their playing time. In this way, children can form good habits in primary school. When children have experience, they can plan by themselves when they grow up later and go to junior high school or senior high school.

First do the simple, then the difficult, and finally the simple, so that he feels that he will soon be done, and put the difficult in the middle, which is a better way to solve the problem.

How can parents help children improve their learning ability

1. Provide appropriate learning environment and resources for children. Providing children with appropriate learning environment and resources can help them learn better, such as providing a quiet learning environment, sufficient learning materials, and necessary learning tools.

2. Establish good study habits and methods. Establishing good learning habits and methods can help children learn more efficiently and effectively, such as making learning plans, allocating time, and taking notes. Parents can guide their children to develop good learning habits and methods in their daily life.

3. Children should be encouraged to explore and solve problems by themselves, and should not be allowed to develop the habit of relying on their parents. Children can learn from their experience by solving difficult problems. Parents should encourage their children to think independently and solve problems by themselves, instead of making them dependent.

When it comes to school, children feel bad. What should we do

1. Look for the reason why children refuse to go to school. Parents should integrate the family, school, children themselves and other aspects of the situation, correctly analyze the reasons why children do not go to school, talk with children more, as much as possible to understand their ideas. We should take various measures in combination with the reasons to help children return to school.

2. The main reason is that children have not formed good learning habits and regard learning as a burden. Let him exchange his learning experience with his classmates, see how others learn, and explore the fun in learning; You can also watch some educational films and TV works. If you are tired, you can find some activities to relax yourself. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.

South of the North Sea, spring sleepless 2024-06-11 16:13:22

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