What penguins live on volcanoes

The smoke lasts like a picture
Selected answers

Galapagos penguins.

Galapagos penguins are the only penguins living on the equator. They are small and look like the gray black rock.

Compared with the penguins we usually see, they are not as pure as black.

The most easily distinguished facial sign between Galapagos penguins and other penguins is a light white line that runs directly from the corner of the eye to the chest.

And the eyes and skin of Galapagos penguins are not white or flesh colored, but pink, which is very unique and magical.

Although Galapagos penguins are a wonderful flower among penguins living in the equator, their living habits are very similar to other penguins except for their latitude.

For example, they will actually stay in cold water to feed and breed, and maintain body temperature.

Try every means to cool your body, and even breathe like a dog to make you less hot.

If this method still can't make them cool, then these penguins will jump into the ice water one by one, and will not land all day.

What penguins live on volcanoes

Penguins living in Ardley Island live near the Deception Island volcano.

Due to the continuous eruption of the Deception Island volcano, the living environment of Ardley Island penguins was almost completely destroyed, resulting in a significant reduction in the number of penguins.

In 400 to 800 years, the number of penguins gradually rebounded, bringing its number back to the current 10000 or so.

Clair Waluda, a penguin ecologist on the British Antarctic Survey, said: "A volcanic eruption may bury the baby penguins in early volcanic ash. Adult penguins can swim, but baby penguins cannot survive in cold water. Other suitable nesting sites may also be buried and are not suitable for penguins to nest for hundreds of years.

Trample a dead pig 2024-05-08 15:43:19

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