Zhu Youqian, a native of Xuzhou, has the character of "Deguang". Originally named Jian, he was in Mianchi Town as a soldier and died of guilt. He was a business traveler between Shihao and the three villages

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Topic content:

Zhu Youqian, a native of Xuzhou, has the character of "Deguang". At the beginning, it was named Jian, who was in Mianchi Town as a soldier, and died of guilt. It was a tough business trip between Shihao and the three villages. After a long time, I went to the Shanzhou Military Academy. Wang Gong, the Shaanxi provincial envoy, was ruthless. He fought with his brother Ke and lost the battle. His tooth general Li Po and his friend Qian conspired to kill Gong together, attached it to Liang, and the Taizu Biao provided Gong instead. When he stood up and Youqian attacked him with troops, he escaped, and Liang Taizu expressed Youqian on behalf of him. Liang's troops attacked Li Maozhen in the west. Taizu had traveled to Shaanxi, and Youqian served with great care. He said, "Your servant is useless, but wealth and honour are here, so is the marshal's strength! Fortunately, he has the same surname, and would like to change his name to the sons of the teeth." Taizu Yilian changed his name to Youqian, who was recorded as the son. The Taizu ascended the throne, moved to the middle of the Zhenhe River, repeatedly moved to the middle of the Shuling, and granted the title of King Ji.

When the Emperor Taizu was killed, his friends stood up and served him. Although Youqian was ordered, he always felt unfair. The former Friend Si envoy summoned friends to the throne with humility, but they were attached to the Jin Dynasty. Yousi sent a campaign to make Han Qing, General Kang Huaiying and other soldiers beat Youqian 50000. The king of Jin came out of the woods and Lu saved him. He met Huai Ying in Jiexian County and was defeated. He chased him to Baijingling Mountain and hit him with a torch at night. Huai Ying was defeated again and Liang's troops were removed. Youqian lies drunk in the tent of the King of Jin. The King of Jin looks at him and Gu Zuoyou says, "Although the King of Ji is very expensive, he hates his short arms and ears!"

When the late emperor ascended the throne, he was humble enough to serve in the Liang Dynasty and never stopped the Jin Dynasty. In the sixth year of Zhenming period, Youqian sent his son Ling De to attack Tongzhou, and sent Cheng Quanhui as an envoy one by one. At the beginning of the end of the Emperor's reign, he did not allow it. Before the end of the reign, he made a promise. Before the end of the reign, Youqian rebelled again. He began to abandon the Liang Dynasty and attach himself to the Jin Dynasty. The late emperor sent Liu E and others to fight against it, but E was defeated by Li Cunshen. The Jin Dynasty granted Youqian Xiping King the title of a garrison officer, and took his son Lingde as the envoy of Tongzhou.

Zhuang Zong killed Liang and entered Luo, and Youqian came to the court. He named him Li Jilin and granted him Ju Wan. Next year, we will guard the order of the Grand Master and the Secretary of State, and give iron coupons to forgive death. His son Lingde was appointed as the envoy of Suizhou, the envoy of Xi Zhongwu's army, and more than ten scholars and their generals and schools were appointed as the provincial governors. Their favor was unparalleled.

At that time, eunuchs and actors used things to seek bribes from friends and humility. They could not give but left. Both eunuchs and actors were angry. Jing Jin makes people cheat into books and tells friends to be modest and counter productive. Zhuang Zong was confused by the fact that he moved his friend Qian Yi to become a military envoy, sent Zhu Shouyin to surround his pavilion with troops at night, drove his friend Qian out of the door of Hui'an, killed him, and restored his name. When Youqian died, his general Shi Wu and other seven people were all killed by Youqian, and the world was wronged. (Excerpt from the History of the New Five Dynasties, with deletion)

Subtitle 1: The incorrect explanation of the related words in the following sentences is () (3 points)

A. All the travel routes in business are bitter:

B. I would like to change my name to "shame", which means shame

C. Grasping the torch at night: take and hold

D. His general Shi Wu and other seven people were all killed by the Youqian family: guilty for... Subtitle 2: In each of the following sentences, Zhu Youqian's "unfaithful to the king" group was () (3 points)

① Fan Li, Youqian attacked him with troops ② and fortunately shared the same surname. He was willing to change his name to the descendants ③ Youqian was attached to the Jin Dynasty

④ When Huai Ying met Xie County, he was defeated. ⑤ Youqian returned to the Liang Dynasty and never gave up the Jin Dynasty. ⑥ Youqian returned to the rebellion and began to abandon the Liang Dynasty and attach to the Jin Dynasty




D. ② ⑤ ⑥ Subtitle 3: The following summary and analysis of the original content is incorrect () (3 points)

A. Zhu Youqian was originally called Zhu Jian. He went to Mianchi Town for military service and fled to Shihao and Sanxiang as thieves for committing crimes. At that time, those who engaged in business and travel were often attacked by him.

B. Wang Gong, the Shaanxi provincial envoy, was very cruel. Zhu Youqian and Li Fan killed Wang Gong and took over the Liang State. After Li Fan replaced Wang Gong as a provincial envoy, the Taizu asked Zhu Youqian to lead troops to attack him. Li Fan fled, and Zhu Youqian became a provincial envoy in Shaanxi.

C. After the accession to the throne of the late Liang Dynasty, Youqian did not break off the relationship with the State of Jin, but still belonged to the State of Liang. At first, the late emperor did not agree with his request to become a town. Although the late emperor changed his mind later, Zhu Youqian had completely betrayed the State of Liang and returned to the State of Jin.

D. After Zhuang Zong destroyed the State of Liang and entered Luoyang, he gave Zhu Youqian the name of Li Jilin, bestowed him a lot of property, and granted him, his son, and his generals and schools. At that time, Zhu Youqian received unparalleled favor. Subtitle 4: Translate the underlined sentences into modern Chinese. (10 points)

(1) When the Emperor Taizu was killed, his friends stood up and served him. Although Youqian was ordered, he always felt unfair.

(2) At that time, eunuchs and actors used things to seek bribes from friends and humility. They could not give but left. Both eunuchs and actors were angry.

Best answer:

Subtopic 1: B

Subtitle 2: C

Subtopic 3: B

Subtitle 4:

(1) When Taizu was killed and Yousi ascended the throne, Youqian was appointed as a servant. Although Youqian accepted the appointment, he often felt unfair. (Scoring points: killing, adding and receiving orders each 1 point, sentence meaning 2 points)

(2) At that time, eunuchs and actors were in power. Most of them asked Youqian for bribes. Youqian refused them if he could not give them. Eunuchs and actors were very angry. (Score points: 1 point for timeliness, 1 point for pragmatism and 1 point for diction, and 2 points for sentence meaning)

Answer analysis:

Subtitle 1: Teeth, in the same column, extended to "stand in the same position as..."

Comment: The examination of the meaning of the content words in classical Chinese in the text is the discrimination in the dynamic context. To understand the strange meaning in the dynamic context, we must pay attention to the context, pay attention to the understanding of the whole sentence, rather than half understanding and taking meaning out of context. Secondly, we should pay attention to the flexible and skillful use of the knowledge of classical Chinese content words. At least, we should master the knowledge of classical Chinese content words, such as "polysemy", "ancient and modern synonyms", "partial compound words", "flexible use of parts of speech", "interchangeable words" and other knowledge. The problem solving method can be either elimination method or direct selection. For students, the elimination method seems more reliable. Finally, we should pay attention to the common sense of ancient culture and the accumulation of modern Chinese vocabulary, which are all necessary knowledge to make a quick judgment.

Subtitle 2: Analysis of test questions: He was willing to yield to Li Fan; It is flattery to the great ancestor; It was the King of Jin who fought Kang Huaiying.

Comment: To filter information, first understand the content and object of the filter. Generally, it is necessary to understand clearly the meaning of the phrase (for example, outstanding literary talent) that requires screening. Secondly, we should grasp the screening criteria (for example, direct, indirect, etc.). Make clear these two points, and use the troubleshooting method to make a choice.

Subtitle 3: Analysis of test questions: "Zhu Youqian was not asked by the Emperor Taizu to attack him", but he did it on his own initiative.

Comment: "Summarize the main points of the content and the central meaning" is the focus of reading and understanding classical Chinese. Classical Chinese is the most difficult to set questions about this examination site, which is evidenced by the three questions listed below. The content of the four options is a summary of the content of the article according to certain standards. As long as the paragraph and level of the original text are accurately identified and carefully compared, this topic is actually not difficult. The key is to understand the meaning of the relevant paragraphs and compare carefully when doing the questions.

Subtitle 4: Analysis of test questions: The first sentence should deal with the keywords "kill", "add" and "accept orders". "Killing" means that in the feudal era, the emperor was killed and his son killed his parents. Here, it means that "Taizu was killed". Add, seal. Accepted the appointment. The second sentence, "timely", "practical" and "verbal", is the score point. Yes, this time, that time. Yes, here. Use things, be in power. Refuse.

Comment: Pay attention to the translation of key words, follow the principle of "literal translation as the main, free translation as the auxiliary", and accurately translate in connection with the specific context. You can first see whether there are characteristics in the sentence pattern, and then see whether there is flexible use of parts of speech in the sentence, which keywords are there, and which words are difficult to translate. Finally, we should use appropriate methods to translate according to the specific context.

Reference translation:

Zhu Youqian, also known as Deguang, is from Xuzhou. At the beginning, his name was Zhu Jian. He went to Mianchi Town for military service and fled because of guilt. He was a thief in Shihao and the three villages. Both businessmen and travelers felt pain because of him. After a while, he left here and became a military academy in Shanzhou. Wang Gong, the Shaanxi provincial envoy, was very cruel. He fought with his younger brother Wang Ke in the river and lost the battle. Wang Gong's subordinates plotted to kill Wang Gong together with Youqian. Wang Gong was attached to the State of Liang. The then Taizu recommended Li Po to replace Wang Gong. After Li Po became a temperance envoy, Zhu Youqian led troops to attack him, and Li Po finally escaped. Emperor Taizu Liang recommended Zhu Youqian to replace Li Po.

Liang Bing attacked Li Maozhen westward. Taizu passed through Shanzhou during the war. Zhu Youqian served Taizu very well, and took the opportunity to ask him, "I didn't have much credit, but it's your strength to be rich like this, Marshal! I'm lucky to have the same surname as you. I hope you can change my name and treat me as your son." Taizu liked him even more. So he changed his name to Youqian and accepted him as his son. After the Emperor Taizu ascended the throne, he sent him to guard the river. After many promotions, he made a written order and was granted the title of King Ji.

When Taizu was killed, Youqian ascended the throne and appointed Youqian as a servant. Although Youqian accepted the appointment, he was often angry with injustice. Soon Youqian sent someone to summon Youqian to make a pilgrimage, but Youqian did not go and unexpectedly became a servant of the State of Jin. Yousi dispatched Han Qing, General Kang Huaiying and others to lead 50000 soldiers to attack Youqian. Congze and Lu, the king of the Jin Dynasty, sent troops to rescue Youqian. They met Kang Huaiying's army in Jiexian County, defeated Kang Huaiying, and pursued Kang Huaiying to the Baijingling Mountains. They chased Kang Huaiying's army with torches overnight. Kang Huaiying was defeated again, and Liang soldiers left after clearing the encirclement. Youqian stayed in the king's tent when he was drunk. The king looked at him and said to the people around him, "Although the king of Ji is very noble, it's a pity that his arms are too short!"

After the end of the Liang Dynasty ascended the throne, Youqian once again surrendered to the Liang Dynasty, but also constantly broke off the relationship with the Jin State. In the sixth year of Zhenming's reign, Youqian sent his son Lingde to attack Tongzhou, expelling Cheng Quanhui, a provincial envoy of Tongzhou, and asked to serve as a provincial envoy of Tongzhou. The late emperor didn't agree at first, and then promised him again. The imperial edict had not been conveyed to Youqian. Youqian rebelled again. This time, he broke off the relationship with Liang and became attached to the State of Jin. The late emperor sent Liu E and others to fight against him, and Liu E was defeated by Li Cunshen. The King of Jin granted Youqian the title of King Xiping, and made him a lieutenant, and appointed his son Lingde as the envoy of Tongzhou.

Zhuang Zong destroyed the State of Liang and entered Luoyang. Youqian came to visit Zhuang Zong. Zhuang Zong gave him the name Li Jilin and gave him a lot of property. In the next year, he was also granted the title of Grand Master and Minister of the Book, and an iron coupon was given to him to avoid capital punishment. His son, Ling De, was appointed as the envoy of Suizhou, and his son, Ling Xi, was appointed as the envoy of the Zhongwu Army. More than ten of his sons and his generals served as the governor. He received more favours than anyone else at that time.

At that time, eunuchs and actors were in power. Most of them asked Youqian for bribes. Youqian refused them if he could not give them. Eunuchs and actors were very angry. The eunuch Jing Jin sent a fake letter of rebellion to inform Zhuang Zong of Youqian's rebellion. Zhuang Zong was very confused about this, so he asked Youqian to serve as the festival envoy of the Yicheng Army, sent Zhu Shouyin to surround his mansion overnight, drove Youqian out of the Hui'an Gate, killed him, and restored his original name. After Youqian's death, seven of his generals, including Shi Wu, were implicated by Youqian and killed by nine ethnic groups. People all over the world felt wronged for them.

Test core:

Reading of classical Chinese: "Classical Chinese refers to the written language of ancient Chinese formed on the basis of the spoken language of the pre-qin period and the language in the works of the writers of the past dynasties who imitated ancient Chinese". Classical Chinese, that is, articles written in classical Chinese, that is, ancient classical Chinese works and works imitating it in previous dynasties. As a stereotyped written language, classical Chinese has been used for two or three thousand years, ranging from pre Qin scholars, Han Dynasty poetry, historical prose, to Tang and Song ancient prose, Ming and Qing stereotyped writing. In other words, classical Chinese is the written language of ancient China and the source of modern Chinese. Classical Chinese has a large proportion in middle school textbooks. To learn classical Chinese well, first of all, understand the words in the language environment, constantly accumulate, skillfully grasp the application of classical Chinese sentence patterns, accurately translate the text and deepen the understanding of the text on the basis of familiar reading and recitation, and consciously improve their literary appreciation and evaluation ability.

Clouds and rain drifting 2024-06-21 14:04:32

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