Mechatronics (top ten majors in junior college)

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Hello everyone, I'm Xiaole, majoring in mechatronics. Many people don't know about the top ten best majors in junior colleges. Now let's have a look!

Mechatronics (top ten majors in junior college)

1. Professional description of electromechanical integration: electromechanical integration professional technology is a comprehensive technology that organically combines mechanical technology, electrical and electronic technology, microelectronics technology, information technology, sensor technology, interface technology, signal transformation technology and other technologies, and comprehensively applies them to practice. Electromechanical integration refers to the main function, power function Information processing function and control function introduce electronic technology, and combine mechanical device with electronic design and software to form a system.

2. Mechatronics has become a new discipline with its own system. With the continuous development of science and technology, it will also be given new content.

3. However, its basic characteristics can be summarized as follows: mechatronics is a comprehensive application of mechanical technology, microelectronics technology, automatic control technology, computer technology, information technology, sensor measurement and control technology and power electronics technology from the perspective of system. According to the requirements of the system's functional objectives, each functional unit should be reasonably configured and distributed System engineering technology that realizes specific function value in the sense of low energy consumption and optimizes the whole system.

4. The resulting functional system becomes a mechatronics system or mechatronics product.

5. Therefore, mechatronics covers technology and products.

6. Mechatronics technology is a comprehensive technology based on the organic integration of the above group technologies, rather than a simple combination and combination of mechanical technology, microelectronics technology and other new technologies.

7. This is the fundamental difference in concept between mechatronics and mechanical electrification formed by mechanical and electrical integration.

8. Mechanical engineering technology has developed from pure technology to mechanical electrification, which is still a traditional machine, and its main function is still to replace and amplify the system.

9. However, with the development of mechatronics, in addition to replacing the original functions of some mechanical components, microelectronic devices have been endowed with many new functions, such as automatic detection, automatic information processing, automatic display and recording, automatic adjustment and control, automatic diagnosis and protection, etc.

10. In other words, mechatronics products are not only the extension of human hands and limbs, but also the extension of human senses and minds. The intelligent feature is the essential difference in functions between mechatronics and mechanical electrification.

11. The development of mechatronics can be roughly divided into three stages: (1) The first stage is before the 1960s, which is called the primary stage.

12. During this period, people consciously or unconsciously used the preliminary achievements of electronic technology to improve the performance of mechanical products.

13. Especially during the Second World War, the war stimulated the combination of mechanical products and electronic technology. These electromechanical military technologies were converted to civilian use after the war, which played a positive role in the post-war economic recovery.

14. At that time, research and development was still in a spontaneous state on the whole.

15. Because the development of electronic technology at that time had not reached a certain level, the combination of mechanical technology and electronic technology could not be developed widely and deeply, and the developed products could not be popularized in large quantities.

16. (2) The 1970s and 1980s are the second stage, which can be called the booming stage.

17. During this period, the development of computer technology, control technology and communication technology laid a technical foundation for the development of electromechanical integration.

Arisaema 2024-05-03 15:53:19

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1. Different meanings:
No matter, indicating conjunction: no matter; No matter. The ancient meaning is not to say, let alone say.
No matter, it means no further discussion, investigation or comment; No matter; It means that the result is unchanged due to different conditions or circumstances. The following text often uses "all, total" to echo it.
2. Different definitions of quotation:
① Conjunctions. No matter, no matter. Indicates that the result is the same under any condition.
② Needless to say; Not to mention.
③ More than that.
④ No investigation.
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③ Conjunctions. Not only; Not only.
④ Conjunctions. Indicates that the condition or situation is different but the result is unchanged.
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