Similar Idioms

Flowers in full bloom
Selected answers

can be counted one by one

lì lì kě shǔ

The idiom explains history: clear and distinct appearance can be clearly counted.

The idiom comes from "The History of the Old Five Dynasties and the History of the Ming Dynasty": "Puzhou went to rebuild the riverbank map, and the place names along the river are countless."

Degree of Common Use Common Idioms

Emotional neutral idiom

Idioms are used formally as predicates and attributives with commendatory meanings

Idiom structure is more formal

be crystal clear

yī qīng èr chǔ

The explanation of idioms is very clear.

The idiom comes from Lao She's Four Generations in One Hall: "Xiao Shun'er must make everything clear, otherwise how can he be a good bodyguard for his mother?"

Degree of Common Use Common Idioms

Emotional neutral idiom

Idiom usage, combination as complement, with commendatory meaning

Idiom Structure Combined Idiom

Similar Idioms

rise and dance in a happy mood

Pinyin: [pi A n pi A n q ǐ w ǔ]

Definition: It means to dance briskly.

Origin: Tang Li Bai's "Goguryo Li": "Dancing with wide sleeves, like a bird coming from the sea."

2. Indefatigable

Pinyin: [z ī z ī b ú ju à n]

Definition: It refers to working hard or studying tirelessly.

Provenance: Shangshu Junchen: "I have never dared to relax but I have worked hard every day." The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Biography of Lu Pi: "I have a deep and studious nature, and I am tireless in breeding." The Annals of the Three Kingdoms · Shu Shu · Xianglang Biography: "I am more dedicated to classics and tireless in learning."

3. Chatter incessantly

Pinyin: [di é di é b ú xi ru]

Definition: It refers to talking incessantly.

Source: The Book of Han · Biography of Zhang Shizhi: "Marquis Fu Jiang and Marquis Dongyang are called elders. These two people could not say anything. How can they use this mean man to chatter and speak quickly?"

4. Lifelike

Pinyin: [x ǔ x ǔ r ú sh ∨ ng]

Definition: lifelike: lively and vivid lifelike: alive. It describes the artistic images in paintings and sculptures that are vivid and lifelike.

Source: Chuang Tzu: On the Unification of Things: "The dream of Zhuang Zhou in the past was that he was a butterfly, which was so vivid that he could describe himself as a butterfly! If he didn't know Zhou, he would be confused."

Similar Idioms

It is similar to the words in aabc style:

Be a good leader

Never forget


Haggle over every ounce

From generation to generation

Look at each other



Step by step

Beautiful and graceful


From afar


More is better

Closely linked


In obscurity

I can see it clearly

Doing nothing

Be eager to try

There are a lot of people here


Be apprehensive



It keeps flowing



Be polite


beginner 2024-05-08 15:47:13

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After, the pronunciation of h òòòòòòòòòòòò, is a combined word, combining "after" and "after". The "queen" is the mirror image of the Secretary from the mouth of the person. The monarch and queen also follow the body of the monarch, like a person. Give orders to inform the four parties, so you should follow one direction and speak out. The sender is the queen. The original meaning is the person who gives orders, that is, the monarch. In ancient times, it was called monarch: the order of Shang Dynasty (the first king). The emperor's wife: the queen, the empress dowager. It means that the space is on the back, opposite to the front.
1. Shuowen (Shuowen) by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty: Later, the emperor followed.
2. Zuo Zhuan, Thirty second Year of Xi Gong: Tomb of Hougao in Xia Dynasty.
Group words: Qinghou, Houjing, Houzheng, Zhuhou, Houxu, Houshi, Wanghou, Houzhang, Houkai.
Antonyms: first, first.

What does Jinou mean

Jin Ou means the basin of gold; It is also used to refer to territory; The laudatory name of the wine cup.
Jinou, a Chinese word, is spelled j ī n ō u.
Provenance: Jin Ganbao, "Sought the Gods", Volume IV: "The woman parted with her husband with a golden Ou, a musk pouch, and tears."
example sentence:
1. The History of the Ming Dynasty · The Tin Biography of Qian Long: "The emperor imitated the ancient divination scripture, stored it in the name of Jinou, burned incense and worshipped it, and then explored it."
2. Qing Dynasty · Huang Zunxian's poem "Feelings": "Jin Ou is close to Bubi Gongqing, and receives the title of ice for ten days."
3. The fifth poem of Tang · Sikongtu's "Feelings about the History of the South and the North": "The Jin Ou in the Hall of Warfare Girders is broken, and the jade trees in the Palace are destroyed by fire."
4. Chen Jiru of the Ming Dynasty, "Records of the Grand Sima Festival Huan Yuan Gong's Temple": "Turn over the history of maps, chisel fields, Suiyang has been like the golden Ou for generations."

What's the meaning of "over and over"

"Try a little, but don't follow the rules." It means to stop after a little try, without breaking the rules.
Just a little bit, a Chinese idiom, the pinyin is qi ǎ n ch á ng zh é zh ǐ, which means to stop after a little try. It means not studying deeply. It also refers to the broad but not the refined.
Provenance of idiom: The 24th chapter of Peng Yangou's Black Book Ghosts in the Qing Dynasty: "This thing must be tasted. Why not just taste it for literati and literati, but also try it to make people feel happy?"
Idiom usage: as predicate and attribute; It refers to the fear of difficulties.
Example: Don't stop doing things. You should persevere in order to succeed.
Near synonym: give up halfway, skim on the surface.
The opposite: perseverance.
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