How to place the evil sword in the office

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"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold." A good sword has been honed and forged before it can be called a sword. Although there are no martial artists, the sword can also be placed

Geomantic omen

Make a difference.

Then, the current office

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Learn how to place the sword in the office.

Chinese people pay special attention to

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It is said that there are many things to ward off evil spirits in the town, but now more and more people like to put a sword at home to ward off evil spirits. It was originally that the sword looked fierce and dignified. In China

Geomantic omen

In culture, the sword is the most unique treasure to break "yin, evil, disease, and labor". Contemporary

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》Description: "The sword is a king's pendant, taking its power; the sword is ferocious, taking its Ling; the sword is green steel, taking its gold; the sword is a ancestral tool, taking its wisdom."

1. The sword belongs to gold in the five elements, which can suppress houses, ward off evil spirits, and transform evil spirits. When it is placed, it should be comprehensively measured according to the internal and external environment of the house, the eight characters and five elements of the owner, and other factors, so as to avoid excessive gold.

2. The sword helps evil spirit. It is also a symbol of power in ancient times. Not everyone is suitable for collecting it. Peach wood swords can be placed according to personal circumstances.

3. It's better not to put a sword with a blade naked, because the sword has a murderous air, which can hurt people. A sword with a blade can be put into the scabbard. In addition, the sword cannot be placed directly under the sharp end, which is bad for the downstairs residents. The solution can be to pad some wood blocks and leather on the tip of the sword. If it is placed horizontally, it will be OK. Even a sword with a scabbard, its tip and edge should face outdoors.

The blade of the sword point facing outward can conserve the righteousness in the room and eliminate disasters and evil spirits. The sword hanging in the office should not have its blade facing upward. Generally, the sword has its scabbard closed. When the scabbard is opened, the sword is vicious and unlucky.

4. The sword in the room cannot be placed in the northwest. The northwest belongs to dry gold. The sword placed here can promote the golden qi, which is easy to affect the health of family members. It is easy to get sprained, swollen and other diseases, which will also lead to discord between husband and wife and meet villains on the way. It is appropriate to place it in the south and east directions. Some people place their swords in the southeast corner.

5. If the house is dark, and the window faces sharp corners and forks, the sword can be placed to turn evil spirits. You should also ask experts for specific matters.

6. If you don't like it, you'd better not use the antique sword to ward off evil spirits. Because the ancient sword is a weapon used by the ancients, the sword edge is likely to be stained with blood. The lingering soul in the sword will cause many unlucky things. If it is a new blade sword, you'd better open it, otherwise it will frighten the children and hurt their anger. You can use the cockscomb blood seal sword to dissolve it.

7. The sword should be openly placed in the office, study, living room or bedroom, not on the balcony, bathroom and other places. Theoretically, the sword can ward off evil spirits and influence

Geomantic omen

The efficacy of. But actually used in conditioning

Geomantic omen

The sword must have aura for its effect to be obvious. Reiki comes from many sources: created by masters; Killing too much; Famous people open up; Coincidence and so on.

8. When appreciating a sword with others, it is better to rush down with the blade, so that neither the other side nor yourself will be hurt. It is better to keep the sword still and draw out the scabbard.

9. Copper coin swords and peach wood swords and axes are shaped like swords. Please refer to the above for placement. Baojian has a kind of money sword. Hanging the money sword in the office has the function of collecting money, but you should pay attention to the location, otherwise, one customer will kill one customer, which will lead to the phenomenon of breaking and scattering money. The above is about the sword display in the office

Geomantic omen

After all, the sword feels cold and fierce, so we should pay more attention to its placement

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Problems, so as not to their own disadvantage.

10. If you want to hang it, it is better not to hang it on the east wall, opposite the mirror, or at the stairway. The sword should not be hung. It must be placed horizontally. The head of the sword should not face the seat of the person. The sword must be placed with a sword rack. The sword rack should be placed horizontally on the table. In this way, the sword placement does not have damage information. If it is hung, it will appear that the sword will hurt people.

11. If you encounter ghost pressure or insomnia, you can put the sword under the pillow. Men can also be overcast.

12. If it is not smooth or there are many accidents for a period of time, the sword should be hung on the wall directly opposite the entrance door. The sword should be hung obliquely, with the arrow facing down, and the arrow should be within 1 to 1.5 meters from the ground.

13. The sword should be placed on the left wall at the entrance of the office. It is better to make a shelf on the left. The green dragon position is suitable for placement. It is strictly prohibited to place the sword on the white tiger position on the right.

[Conclusion] A sword is not easy to get. A really good sword should not be lost to it. Do you know how to place it after reading this article?

Say goodbye to the past 2024-04-16 15:56:11

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For example:
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It is, was+emphasized part (usually subject, object or adverbial)+that/who (when emphasizing subject and subject refers to person)+other parts.
It was yesterday that he met Li Ping
2. The emphatic sentence pattern of general questions:
Same as above, just mention is and was before it.
Example: Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping
3. The emphatic sentence pattern of special questions:
The emphasized part (usually interrogative pronoun or interrogative adverb)+is, was+it+that, who+other parts.
Example: When and where was it that you were born

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