National Day Blessing SMS

Sea Blue Without Soul
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Celebrate the National Day coming, laugh at the ups and downs, remember the twists and turns of life, imagine the future full of joy, and the wish will eventually come true. The following is a small compilation of National Day blessing messages.



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National Day Blessing SMS 1

1. Let the short message carry my greetings in the boundless sky, hold the care and friendship in your heart, let you enjoy the warmth that someone misses, and finally offer a sincere blessing from a friend: Happy National Day!

2. The four seasons alternate warm and cold; The moon changes into a flat circle; Big trees carved with rings; Birds fly north, south and south; The golden autumn is full of fruits and smiles; The National Day is coming, and a message is sent to wish you health, happiness and happiness!

3. Qianguoqing in the left hand, Chongyang in the right hand, make a family, and you will feel refreshed when it comes to happy events and happy life; The National Day in the left atrium and the Double Ninth Festival in the right atrium combine to form a heart. The heart is leisurely and carefree; Congratulations on both festivals. May your luck and happiness double!

4. The National Day holiday has not yet arrived, and the best wishes come in advance: may you have less pressure, less worries, more relaxation, more exercise, and more joy in helping others! Do these five things.


You are happy, happy, cheerful, joyful!

5. The sky is sunny and the flowers are fragrant; The wind is blowing and the water is flowing. Sing a good song, send a care, wish you happy; Write a short message, send a blessing, "10.1" happy!

6. National Day is a dash, there are always peaks and turns; National Day is an exclamation point, there are always surprises; National Day is an ellipsis, there is always something left to be desired; National Day is a comma, there is always an unfinished wish; Now the National Day is over, please concentrate on your work. National Day Blessing SMS

7. Sort out your thoughts and change your mood; Shake the heavy load, the footsteps become light; Enjoy the autumn scenery and be a happy spirit; When the wind blows, people become energetic; Let's send our greetings and have a good time during the National Day holiday!

8. I will propose to you on National Day, will you? I want you to become the second happiest person in the world! Why? Because I married you, I became the happiest person in the world!

9. The truest blessing in the world is from the bottom of my heart. The truest blessing in the world is my missing for you from time to time. The truest concern in the world is the SMS blessing for you. I wish you a happy holiday.

10. The National Day coincides with the Mid Autumn Festival, and the spirit of life coincides with the golden age. I wish you a happy holiday and family reunion! If you want to celebrate this festival, wait another 30 years!

11. Lower your head and read the message. My concern is in the message! I give you my special blessing. May it bring you happiness, luck and happiness every minute and every second. I hope this is the best National Day you have spent!

12. The National Day holiday is a great time to have fun. The trick is to help you sleep soundly. Listen to some light music before going to bed. The effect of calming and hypnosis is great. If you are 80% full after dinner, you are too busy. Talk to a friend and have a good sleep. Wish you a sweet sleep!

13. Climb up the mountains with infinite scenery, feel the embrace and love of nature, stay away from the noise of the city, and the lies of the world. Grasp the leisure of the long holiday, and hope you will experience happiness, let happiness play to your heart's content, and wish you a happy Labor Day!

14. The National Day is coming, and my blessings stand out in the world. You must accept them all! It's not because I'm too overbearing, but because I want you to put down your troubles, leave your tiredness behind, plant your friendship, leave your happiness behind, and install your happiness.

15. It is a heroic choice to look up to the sky and smile even if the horse is wrapped in a shroud; It is an elegant choice to be happy even if you are poor; Even if you have a lot of troubles, you should be smart and happy. This is the choice of National Day! Happy National Day!

16. The National Day should be lively. If you want to get up late and stay up all night, and want to have a rest and suffer from insomnia, a small trick comes to you: you can't sleep and beat your back, and you should clap your hands on the side of the spine. The rhythm should be even and coordinated, 60 times a minute, and you will feel sleepy for half an hour. I hope you play well and sleep well!

17. Take a leisurely walk, relax your mind and body, laugh, and enjoy the long holiday. Take a walk. Take a break to travel in the mountains and rivers on the National Day. Relax your pressure. When the National Day comes, open your mind and smile!

18. You should pay attention to the National Day travel, and make careful plans to avoid rushing; When driving freely, you should give way to more cars; Be careful to get on the plane and train. Why fight when there are many people; Safety first, health, remind friends to remember heart.

19. Celebrate the National Day in October in the golden autumn, and have a good mood during the National Day holiday; Be careful when going out to play, and health and safety are the most important; Mobile wallet and cash, do not be careless; Melons, fruits and vegetables are good for health, and intimate blessings are passed on.

20. Every breeze and rain will remind me of you; Every blessing message will bring our hearts closer; On the occasion of National Day, I would like to send you my sincere greetings and wish you happiness every day!

21. National Day should be patriotic and festive. During the festival, those who are unhappy, don't smile, don't eat and drink, and don't pass on their happiness to their friends will be denied the right to be depressed for life with unwarranted charges!

22. The holiday does not need to be as long as a hundred days, just happy; Life doesn't need to be expensive and rich, just happy; Friends don't need hundreds or thousands, just have you; There is no need to travel on National Day, and living in a humble house is also OK; Remember to miss your friends during the National Day holiday!

23. Frequent appointments indicate that people are not bad at looks; Frequent shopping shows that money is good; Often going to dinner shows that the relationship between friends is not bad; I often receive short messages, which means that someone misses me very much. The National Day is coming, I wish you a good holiday!

24. National Day reunion, all kinds of happy sheep; Holiday travel, all kinds of beautiful sheep; Go to work after the festival, all kinds of lazy sheep; I hope you can be a big wolf quickly, and your wife and children will smile!

25. During the National Day holiday, when you travel outside, you will feel happy and energetic. After the holiday, you will continue to work, restore calm and maintain your mood. I wish you happiness and success after your vacation!

26. The National Day holiday lasts for seven days. I hope you are happy, relaxed and successful on the first day after the holiday. Adjust your holiday attitude and go to work!

27. On this National Day, I will hold a short message tour exhibition to show my friends' wonderful short messages one by one, and set up awards such as "Best Sensational Award", "Best Funny Award", and "Best Performance Award". Remember to contribute!

28. There is no work on the National Day, so you can relax when traveling. You can meet at the seaside to blow the sea breeze, bathe in the sun and look at the sky. It's a long and happy holiday. Friends are always in love, and the meaning of blessing is different. I wish you a happy National Day holiday!

29. The National Day Golden Week is a good time for travel and leisure. It's a good time for tourists to eat, play and serve. Friends send greetings by text message. Happy and happy waiting. The words of blessing have been said. I wish you a good and fun National Day for seven days!

30. The sky is high and the clouds are clear. Looking away from the flying geese in the south, the whole country is celebrating and cheering. It is a seven day long holiday. Joy climbs the peak again, and sorrow is left to the west wind. Today we celebrate the National Day. When can we get together? Old friends often contact, happy National Day!

National Day Blessing SMS II

1. On the occasion of the National Day holiday, I wish you: National Day, Family Day, Celebration; The official source of wealth is from both sides; The popularity and luck are continuous; Willing, willing. Happy National Day!

2. The whole country celebrates the National Day holiday together. It's an honor for you and me to work together and send sincere greetings here. I wish you the best performance and hope that our future cooperation will reach a higher level, with mutual benefit and win-win results!

3. The red lanterns were hung high, and the National Day was coming again; The golden chrysanthemum is very beautiful, and you laugh in the bush; Fireworks light up half the sky, hoping for a better tomorrow; A greeting to a love, its joy in today. Wish you a happy National Day!

4. The whole country rejoices and wishes to share! First, I wish my studies would continue to rise; second, I would like to live a good life; third, I would like my feelings to go smoothly; fourth, I would like my career to go higher and higher; I wish you four happy meatballs will arrive; and I hope your family will be happy and everyone will laugh.

5. The lanterns are red, the moonlight is quiet, and the autumn sun is yellow. Bless the happy pottery. Good luck is round, the mood is happy, success is green, and peace is smiling. The true feelings of National Day are passed on, and happiness is always hidden in our hearts.

6. Brilliant fireworks are blooming and happy songs are flying. My blessing comes to you quietly by the white moonlight. I miss my friends many times during the holidays, and I wish you happiness and happiness. Best wishes for friends on National Day.

7. National Day is coming, I will give my best wishes! First, the whole family is healthy and happy, second


There are many sweet peach blossoms, and three reports of high and golden career! I wish you a happy National Day every day!

8. Happiness is like many stars. The more the stars are, the more intoxicated people become; True love is like the faint fragrance of flowers. The longer it lasts, the more intoxicated it becomes; Accumulate every bit of happiness and treasure every bit of truth. Let's be intoxicated together in this day of national celebration!

9. I will fill the letter with my best wishes and send them to you far away on the occasion of National Day. I wish you a happy National Day, wish you every success and make your career more prosperous!

10. In the twinkling of an eye, the National Day, without gorgeous words or copying other people's thoughts, just sent my sincere blessing and simple greetings: God, I hope you can bless the people who read the messages to grow old safely, and there will be no trouble in the days with my blessing!

11. Raise your head, read the message, and worry is in this greeting room! I give you my special blessing. May it bring you health, good luck and happiness every minute. I hope this is the best National Day you have ever spent.

12. I miss my mother most when I travel around the country, and I miss my country most when I travel around the world. Different nationalities share the same motherland. Mother's birthday, with joy. Wish you a happy holiday in this era of peace and happiness!

13. There is a concern that comes unsolicited; There is a tacit understanding that cannot be replaced; There is a missing because of you; There is a kind of loneliness called waiting; There is a kind of silence that is not forgetting; There is a kind of friend who always cares for you! Happy National Day!

14. The emperor of Fengtian Chengyun called and said, "You borrowed 50 cents from me on the National Day last year and haven't paid it back yet. You will be fined three days and you will not be allowed to shit. You will not be allowed to take paper with you when you shit. It will be no more than three feet!"! Qin here, take the paper!

15. What if I'm hungry on National Day? Have a hot pot! What if I'm thirsty? Go to the seaside! What if I don't have money? Find a fool to cheat! What if you don't have the guts? Find bin Laden to practice! What if I miss you? Go to the pigsty.

16. Eleven I think you are the happiest thing; Seeing you is the happiest thing; Love you is something I will always do; To take you to heart is what I have been doing; However, it just happened.

17. Nothing! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! don't worry! Just tell you that it's OK. Happy National Day!

18. The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the years come and go! Heroes all over the country start a new game, and Zhongtianli celebrates Changchun every day. Bless our country to be prosperous and strong, wish our life to be well-off, and have a happy National Day!

19. I wish you: one laugh troubles run away, two smiles sorrows disappear, three smiles in good mood, four smiles remain old, five smiles are high in interest, six smiles are happy, seven smiles are happy, eight smiles have good income, nine smiles are high step by step, perfect and happy.

20. Health is the best gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, confidence is the best morality, care is the most sincere greetings, caring is the most selfless thoughts, and blessings are the most beautiful words. Wish you a happy National Day! Peace and happiness!

21. Brilliant and beautiful like stars in the sky; Like flowers in the morning, fresh and gorgeous. My friends, try your best to realize that the autumn wind will bring my blessing to you. May happiness and joy accompany you forever and enjoy the National Day holiday!

22. On the National Day, my little feet were jerked and I arrived; The holiday is so beautiful; The body plays a little, tired; The work started again and I was tired of it; Remind me when I have a rest. Here we are; A slight press of the finger made a hair; I wish you a happy holiday!

23. The National Day comes ceremoniously, with a festive smell floating all over the sky. I sincerely wish happiness will surround you, good luck will smile at you, stars will always look up to you, and happy life will always cycle. I wish you a happy National Day!

24. National Day and National Day are celebrated all over the world. The first anniversary is more and more prosperous, the second anniversary is more and more fragrant, the third anniversary is more and more comfortable, the fourth anniversary is more and more lucky, the fifth anniversary is more and more beautiful, the sixth anniversary is more and more lasting, the seventh anniversary is more and more joyful, the eighth anniversary is more and more bright, and the ninth anniversary is more and more loving to the motherland, I will never forget celebrating my motherland's birthday. On the National Day, I wish the motherland would bathe in the ten celebrations, listen to the ten celebrations and enjoy the National Day.

25. In golden autumn and October, the wind is cool and the National Day is coming; The motherland's mountains and rivers are covered with beautiful scenery, and the songs and laughter are continuous; The whole world rejoices in Kyushu, and Chinese people celebrate and laugh together; People are happy when the days are prosperous, and every family enjoys happiness; Drink a glass of good wine to grow spirit and share prosperity with you; May you have a happy National Day and a happy life!

Pine of Fog Island 2024-04-20 11:52:00

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