Major in finance

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The financial industry has developed rapidly in recent years. What is the employment prospect of the financial profession? This article collates the employment information of finance major. Welcome to read it.

Employment Direction of Finance Major

1. Banks, securities firms, insurance financial enterprises: newly graduated students majoring in finance start from tellers, mainly responsible for cash business, and may have deposit and other financial management tasks. If you want to go to a securities firm, you'd better take a postgraduate exam. Even if you can't enter the investment banking department, you don't have to start from the account manager. For insurance companies, competition has become increasingly fierce in recent years, and insurance brokers are under great pressure. If you choose the insurance industry, you'd better not work as a business post, except for those who love sales.

2. The investment department and securities department of listed companies: the welfare treatment and rising channel of this industry depends on the actual situation of the company. There are big differences between different companies, but the salary treatment is very good.

Graduated from finance major

After graduation, he mainly engaged in the work of financial manager, customer manager, financial director, etc., roughly as follows:

1. Finance Manager

2. Account Manager

3. Chief Financial Officer

4. Sales Manager

5. Accounting

6. Product Manager

7. Investment Manager

8. Financial Supervisor

Training objectives of finance

This major cultivates a global perspective, a systematic grasp of financial knowledge and theory, professional skills in financial practice, strong social adaptability, competent for the professional work of banks, securities, insurance and other financial institutions, government departments, enterprises and institutions, and has profound theoretical foundation and exquisite professional skills Innovative financial talents with good comprehensive quality and excellent personality.

What do you major in finance

Finance is a discipline differentiated from economics to study financing, which mainly includes four academic fields: banking, securities, insurance and trust. The traditional research field of finance has two directions: financial market operation theory at the macro level and corporate investment theory at the micro level.

Finance has the characteristics of wide coverage, comprehensive assessment and outstanding focus, while part of the international finance course consists of eleven chapters, which are divided into five parts: balance of payments, foreign exchange rate, international credit, international financial market, international financial organizations and the international monetary system. These are the key points of the International Finance Examination.

Extended data

Finance is a discipline that focuses on the economic activities of financing money and monetary capital. Finance is the general term of currency circulation, credit activities and related economic activities. In a broad sense, finance generally refers to all economic activities related to the issuance, storage, exchange, settlement and accommodation of credit currency, even including the purchase and sale of gold and silver. In a narrow sense, finance specifically refers to the accommodation of credit currency.

The content of finance research is extremely rich. It is not only limited to the study of financial theory, but also includes the study of financial history, the history of financial theory, the financial theories of contemporary eastern and western schools, and the separate study and comparative study of financial systems and policies of various countries. Trust, insurance and other theories are also within the scope of financial research.

In terms of financial theory, the main research topics are: the nature and function of money and its position and role in the economy; The form of credit, the function of banks and their position and role in the economy; The nature and function of interest; The characteristics and laws of money circulation organized on the basis of modern bank credit; The theory of macro control of economic life through money, etc.

Financial industry supervision departments, various banks, credit cooperatives, insurance companies, securities/trust/fund institutions, asset management companies, securities departments of listed companies, universities or research institutes and other financial institutions are engaged in financial industry work or teaching and research.

Extended data:

The current research directions of finance include:

1. It is monetary banking, which mainly studies issues related to banks and national monetary policies. Banks here include central banks and commercial banks.

2. International finance, which mainly studies balance of payments, international investment, international currency flow and international reserves.

3. Investment, which mainly studies the operation of financial market science and investment in financial market. It mainly includes several research fields such as securities investment, international investment and enterprise investment.

4. Corporate finance, that is, use various analysis tools to plan and manage the financial situation of the company

5. Insurance, which mainly studies the use of financial arrangements to disperse unpredictable risks.

6. It is related to government civil servants, research institutions, financial management departments, universities, etc. The work is relatively easy and stable, but the entry requirements will be higher, and the income may be lower than expected.

7. Financial companies, such as banks, securities companies, fund companies, insurance companies, futures companies, trust companies. Securities companies and fund companies are the mainstream, but the work is also different. The higher the difficulty, the more income, which belongs to the work of more pay for more work; Insurance, futures and trust are sunrise industries. China is in its infancy and will have vigorous development in the future.

8. It is a non-financial enterprise, such as HR, finance, accounting, cashier of the company, or the financial department of large companies, such as JD Finance, Ant Finance, FAW Finance, etc.

What is the major of finance

Finance majors include: financial management, international finance, securities and futures, financial management, financial engineering, etc.

1. Financial management major: the financial management major gives full play to the advantages of the self-taught higher education examination in China, while absorbing new knowledge and new methods in western related fields, mainly cultivating and bringing up financial management applications that meet the needs of the development of the socialist market economy, have both ability and integrity, and have certain innovative ideas, innovative ability and practical work ability Professional talents.

2. International Finance: International finance is a branch of finance, and the financial credits are international finance and domestic finance. It mainly cultivates advanced concepts, professional knowledge and business skills in the field of international financial knowledge to become export-oriented, application-oriented and compound financial talents with international standards who are familiar with the development process and direction of China's financial industry and the current situation of the financial industry in developed countries in Europe and the United States.

3. Securities and futures specialty: The securities and futures specialty cultivates compound applied talents who meet the needs of the construction of the socialist market economy, develop morally, intellectually and physically in an all-round way, and have a high level of investment management. This major requires students to mainly study the basic theories of finance, securities, futures, finance, etc., master the planning and methods of securities, futures, and foreign exchange market transactions, and have the practical ability to engage in securities investment consulting, operation, management, foreign exchange investment, and futures trading.

4. Financial Management Major: The financial management major cultivates senior professionals in the business management discipline who have the knowledge and ability in management, economy, law, financial management, finance and other aspects, and can engage in finance, financial management, teaching and scientific research in industry and commerce, financial enterprises, institutions and government departments.

Financial management is an integral part of enterprise management. It is an economic management work to organize enterprise financial activities and deal with financial relations according to financial laws and regulations and the principles of financial management. In short, financial management is an economic management work that organizes financial activities of enterprises and deals with financial relations.

5. Financial engineering major: students of financial engineering major mainly study the basic theories and basic knowledge of economics, finance, financial engineering and financial management, receive basic training in financing, investment and financing, and risk management methods and skills, and have the basic ability to design, develop and creatively solve financial practical problems by comprehensively using various financial instruments.

As well as carrying out financial risk management, corporate finance, investment strategy planning and financial product pricing research, high-quality composite modern financial talents who can engage in financial management, financial analysis and planning in multinational companies and financial institutions.

Indifferent to life 2024-06-19 13:56:41

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The difference between no matter and no matter

The difference between no matter and no matter:
1. Different meanings:
No matter, indicating conjunction: no matter; No matter. The ancient meaning is not to say, let alone say.
No matter, it means no further discussion, investigation or comment; No matter; It means that the result is unchanged due to different conditions or circumstances. The following text often uses "all, total" to echo it.
2. Different definitions of quotation:
① Conjunctions. No matter, no matter. Indicates that the result is the same under any condition.
② Needless to say; Not to mention.
③ More than that.
④ No investigation.
① No investigation, no comment.
② Don't talk, don't talk.
③ Conjunctions. Not only; Not only.
④ Conjunctions. Indicates that the condition or situation is different but the result is unchanged.
3. From different sources:
"No matter" comes from Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Garden" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "If you ask what the world is today, you don't know the Han Dynasty, regardless of the Wei and Jin Dynasties."
"No matter" comes from Xunzi's "Xunzi: Evil Nature" in the Warring States Period: "It is the knowledge of the servant not to care about right and wrong, whether it is straight or crooked, in order to defeat people."
4. Different parts of speech:
In modern Chinese, "no matter" is only used as an unconditional conjunction.
"Regardless" is not only used as a conjunction, but also retains the part of speech of the verb, becoming a multi category word.
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