What is the prospect of computer postgraduate entrance examination?

Little old man
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Computer is a good job on the surface, but now there are many people learning computer, and with the development of the information age, computer has become familiar to most people. For example, people who do not study computer can find jobs now, such as assembling computers, and repairing computers. These people are not computer professionals, but they can do it outside for a few days, There are also computer applications. For example, people who are good at using PS are not necessarily computer learners, so computer professionals need to learn more things to find a job than those who are not computer learners. Most of the time, it is very boring. Not many people can learn it well. If they do not learn it well, it will be difficult to find a job. Therefore, the current employment pressure of computers is high.

There are also many majors in computer, such as computer application, computer software, and computer network. Their difficulties are different, and they need to learn what others cannot. For example, computer software is programming, and you need to write programs in some languages. When you learn it, you feel good, but before you learn it well, It's boring (most people are playing games when they are in school), that is, they don't learn well, which means they can't do it. Computer application is to learn how common application software can not be done by others, such as PS and some web pages. Computer network (I think it is the simplest, but also difficult) has a lot of memories and knowledge points, Those who learn computer network well are not only good at network cable and wiring, but also good at computer network to realize the configuration of routing table, use cloud computing parallel computing on the network, etc. You can see the computer network level four exam, which is to learn, and those who learn well should also have practical ability

So what I want to say is that it's not that the major of computer is not good for employment, but that you didn't learn it well at school. This major is very special, and you need to learn it yourself most of the time. Ha ha... If you don't stick to it, you don't learn it well, which means you don't have a skill. Of course, you can't find a job. So this computer, as a whole brain work, is to think, Only by practicing hard can we learn well (not everyone can persist)

In other words, now that major must be learned well before employment, but computers are more thoughtful than those traditional disciplines (because it is full brainwork)

Having said so much, I just want to tell you that when you choose computer major, you need to work harder and harder, because it is all mental work, especially computer programming. You really work hard, and you can find a good job if you learn one aspect well,%&

For you to say that computers can get rich, I just want to say that the pressure of employment is so great now, let alone getting rich. Most of those who can get rich depend on relationships. You need relationships to open your own shop and become a boss. This has to be insisted for several years to be well-off, not rich. For those who want to take the postgraduate exam, the pressure is not small, and the computer postgraduate exam is not easy, Also, you can see the enrollment brochures of good universities. If you are not a full-time undergraduate, you need to pay more for the postgraduate entrance examination (directly speaking, most good universities discriminate against those who are not full-time students). So I want to say that if you think you are a student with ambition, you can stick to it. Otherwise, it's not as good as other traditional subjects such as machinery. The electronic category is now the first in the electronic category and the second in the mechanical category. As for computers, they are in the last place, among the top ten difficult jobs

What is the prospect of computer for postgraduate entrance examination and cross examination

1. Computer Application Technology

Research direction: computer network, real-time computer application, CIMS Computer Graphics, Parallel Computing, Network Information Security, Database, Emotional Computing, Data Mining, Distributed Computing, Knowledge Engineering, Computer Vision, Automatic Reasoning, Machine Learning, Sketch Understanding, Network Performance Analysis and Protocol Design, Network Management and Security, Computer Graphics, Information Visualization, GPU based High Performance Computing Engineering in the field of complex systems (emergency, logistics, ocean), spatial information sharing and business collaboration based on SOA, semantic search engine, natural language processing, machine translation, search engine, air traffic information system and control, civil aviation information and decision support system, intelligent transportation system theory and technology, etc.

Professional characteristics: computer application technology is aimed at the information needs of society and various enterprises and institutions. Through the selection, application and integration of computer hardware and software and network technology, it carries out demand analysis, planning and design of information systems, provides and implements technology and solutions, and creates optimized information systems, And implement effective technical maintenance and management for its operation.

The knowledge involved in cultivating talents in this field includes: mathematics and information technology foundation, program design foundation, system platform technology, computer network, information management and security, human-computer interaction, integrated program development, system architecture and integration, Web and digital media technology, project implementation, professional ethics, etc. The training goal is to provide enterprises, institutions and government institutions with CIOs and talents who undertake the core task of informatization construction, and provide IT enterprises with system analysis talents.

Scientific research status: This major is the first doctoral program in computer science in Tianjin. It is mainly engaged in the research of core technology problems in the application of computer technology in other fields and the development of related information systems. In recent years, he has undertaken more than ten national 863 projects and major projects, as well as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, in the fields of computer integrated manufacturing (CIMS), computer-aided teaching, virtual reality technology application, computer industrial control, e-commerce, etc. Undertake nearly 100 provincial and ministerial level and horizontal scientific research projects. It has made important contributions to the informatization construction of the country and Tianjin.

In recent years, the enrollment of this major began in the early 1980s, and has cultivated more than 300 master's degree graduates for the country. In recent years, the number of applicants and the number of places admitted have increased year by year.

Main courses and thesis requirements during master's degree: main courses: advanced computer network, computing theory, queuing theory and its application in computers, applied combinatorial mathematics, software architecture, object-oriented methodology, distributed computer systems, parallel computing, advanced computer graphics, advanced artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and understanding, machine learning Cryptography and Information Security, Unified Modeling Language.

Requirements of the paper: The topic of the paper involves theoretical research on the application of computers in various fields, development of cutting-edge technologies, and application research in various fields of the national economy. The paper should be able to comprehensively reflect the development trend of the discipline, scientific, advanced and innovative. For theoretical research topics, it is required to reach a higher theoretical level and innovation; For system design, system development and system application topics, it is required that the guiding theory is correct, the realization technology is advanced, and the design is novel. The designed system should be able to be put into practice, have practical application value, and can bring significant social and economic benefits. Employment direction: The graduate students cultivated in this major have a solid theoretical foundation in computer science and technology, a comprehensive grasp of the theory and engineering methods in the field of computer applications, and can be well qualified for teaching, scientific research, system design, product development, application system integration and other work in colleges and universities, research institutes, large enterprises and institutions, high-tech industries, etc.

2. Computer Software and Theory

Research direction: computational theory, algorithm theory; Software engineering, middleware, intelligent software, computing environment; Parallel computing, grid computing, pervasive computing; Cryptography, information security, data theory; Graph and image algorithm, visualization method; Application basis of artificial intelligence; Other directions of theoretical computer science.

Specialty characteristics: Computer Software and Theory involves the basic theories and methods of computer science and technology, emphasizing the concepts of calculation, algorithm, software, design, etc. Its main fields include computing theory, algorithm and complexity, programming language, software design and theory, database system, artificial intelligence, operating system and compilation theory, information security theory and methods Graphics and visual computing, network centric computing, etc.

Scientific research status: Computer software and theory is a major with rapid progress in our institute. In recent years, it has undertaken many projects of the National 863 Program, Natural Science Foundation of China, and provincial and ministerial level. Many cutting-edge achievements have been made in network information security, middleware technology, parallel computing, grid computing, computer graphics, etc. In recent years, the enrollment of this major began in the early 1996's and has cultivated more than 50 master's degree graduates for the country. In recent years, the number of applicants and the number of places admitted have increased year by year.

Main courses and thesis requirements during master's degree: main courses: computing theory, applied combinatorial mathematics, software architecture, object-oriented methodology, distributed computer systems, parallel computing, advanced computer graphics, advanced artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and understanding, machine learning, cryptography and information security, and unified modeling language. Requirements of the paper: The topic of the paper involves the theoretical research of computer software, the development of cutting-edge technology, and the application research in various fields of the national economy. The thesis should be able to comprehensively reflect the development trend of the discipline, scientific, advanced and innovative. For theoretical research topics, it is required to reach a higher theoretical level and innovation; For system design, system development and system application topics, it is required that the guiding theory is correct, the realization technology is advanced, and the design is novel. The designed system should be able to be put into practice, have practical application value, and can bring significant social and economic benefits.

Employment direction: Postgraduates cultivated in this major have a solid theoretical foundation in computer science and technology, fully grasp the theoretical methods of computer software, and software system development technologies such as software engineering, information system, parallel computing, pervasive computing, etc., and are well qualified for teaching Scientific research, system design, product development, application system integration, etc. 3. Computer system structure

Research direction: distributed computer system, computer network system and global personal computing system, realistic graphics generation and virtual reality technology

Professional characteristics: Computer System Structure (formerly known as Computer Organization and System Structure) majors comprehensively study the composition of various types of computer systems (from stand-alone to network), the connection and functional matching of hardware and software, and the evaluation and improvement of computer system performance. The research topics of this specialty involve high-performance processor system architecture, multi computer systems, parallel computing and distributed computing systems, computer system performance evaluation, VLSL design, fault-tolerant computing technology, computer interface technology, computer network systems and communication systems, mobile computing, global personal computing systems, etc.

Scientific research status: In recent years, this major has undertaken many projects of the National Science and Technology Commission, the National Education Commission, the National Planning Commission and the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, and has won many scientific research awards. Among them, the GT9112 computer decryption system won the second prize of Beijing Public Security Bureau for scientific and technological progress, and the CAM with highly complex surfaces won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Commission for scientific and technological progress. At present, it undertakes the National Natural Science Foundation project "Research on ASIC oriented Realistic Graphics Algorithms and System Structure", the National High tech 863 project "Distributed Multi user Virtual Reality System for Architectural Environment Simulation Design", and the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation project "Research on Distributed Multi user VR Development System Platform" And a large number of horizontal scientific research projects developed for enterprises and institutions.

In recent years, the enrollment of this major began in the early 1980s, and has cultivated more than 50 master's degree graduates for the country. In recent years, the number of applicants and the number of places admitted have increased year by year.

Main courses and thesis requirements during master's degree: main courses: applied mathematics, foreign languages, advanced computer networks, queuing theory and its application in computers, computing theory, modern computer architecture, computer comprehensive experiments, computer control and application, hot issues in computer network research, computer system simulation, quantum computing, cryptography and information security Object oriented methodology, embedded system design, unified modeling language, diagram

Image/pattern recognition and understanding, machine learning, software architecture.

Requirements of the paper: The topic of the paper involves the theoretical research of computer system structure, the development of cutting-edge technology, and the application research in various fields of the national economy. The paper should be able to comprehensively reflect the development trend of the discipline, scientific, advanced and innovative. For theoretical research topics, it is required to reach a higher theoretical level and innovation; For system design, system development and system application topics, it is required that the guiding theory is correct, the realization technology is advanced, and the design is novel. The designed system should be able to be put into practice, have practical application value, and can bring significant social and economic benefits.

Employment direction: The graduate students cultivated in this major have a solid theoretical foundation in computer science and technology, fully grasp the application and development technology of computer system structure, computer engineering, network engineering, embedded system, etc., and are well qualified for teaching, scientific research, system design Product development, application system integration, etc.

Computer System Architecture 02 Network and Information Security

04 Computer communication, information security, multimedia signal processing 05 Graphic and image processing technology

07 Computer graphics and image processing technology, embedded system 09 Computer network and graphics and image processing 10 Computer network and information processing

11 Input/output technology and equipment, image processing and image understanding 12 Information security theory and technology, embedded system 13 Network security

14 Information Security and Coding

15 Network security and network computing 16 Graphics, images and peripherals

17 Computer input/output technology and equipment, graphics and image processing and understanding examination subjects:

① 101 Political Theory ② 201 English ③ 301 Mathematics (I) ④ 431 Computer Foundation (computer foundation includes discrete mathematics 45 points; data structure 45 points; computer composition principle 60 points) Computer software and theory 02 Object oriented technology

04 Software Security and Compiler Architecture 06 Distributed Computing and Internet Technology

08 Parallel and distributed computing, bioinformatics algorithm 09 Software engineering, information system 10 Software theory and application

11 High trusted software technology, Internet computing and Internet software, programmable chip support software and embedded system

12 Software testing and self evolution technology 14 Program understanding and software reengineering

15 Theory, Method and Application of Computational Intelligence

16 High trusted software technology, Internet computing and Internet software, programmable chip support software and embedded system

The computer has a bright future, and now it is also very popular. The postgraduate entrance examination is a very good choice, and it is also good for graduate students to come out of the platform. Cross professional postgraduate entrance examination is common, so we should stick to it when we decide to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Many people give up half of the postgraduate entrance examination. If you are really interested in computer science, take the exam decisively, as long as you like it.

A red heart 2024-06-17 15:59:32

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2. Tang · Lu Zhao's Ode to Dance: "Kuang means to squat with graceful steps, and then know the ambition of a swan. He does not follow the common customs."
3. The first part of Zheng Guangzu's "Wang Can Climbing the Tower", Yuan Dynasty: "Great men rely on the aspirations of swans and are based on the talents of heroes.".
4. The Biography of Zhang Ding and Zhang Gui in the Northern History: "When they are depressed and have not met, they can also know that they have lofty aspirations!"
5. Song · Lu You's poem "Miscellaneous Books in the Nunnery": "The aspiration of swans on the ridge of abandoned farmland, the sound of phoenix in the Changxiao Mountain."
6. Yu Dafu's poem, "In the autumn, when a diplomat was dismissed for trying to rush eastward, I don't know when to return home", said: "The swallow doesn't know the ambition of the swan, and the phoenix will cherish the feather wound!"

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Height and weight: measuring height and weight can judge people's growth, development and body type.
Vital capacity: refers to the total amount of gas exhaled after a try to inhale. It is the maximum ventilation volume of a breath and can reflect the potential capacity of the ventilator in a certain sense.
50 meter run: It is a sports event that can reflect the ability of fast running and reaction.
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1 minute rope skipping: the purpose is to train lower limb endurance and coordination.
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50m × 8 round trip: it is a common indicator that effectively reflects the development level of students' agility and endurance quality.
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