How to marinate cured ribs How much salt should be put

True and false happiness
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Marinate the ribs with good quality and proper salt for 24 hours, then take them out and hang them in a cool and ventilated place to dry for about 10 days. Avoid sun exposure and insects and flies. In order to prevent insects and flies from hanging ribs in a cabinet with gauze on all sides, it can not only ventilate but also block insects and flies. After 10 days, the ribs should be eaten as soon as possible or cut into small pieces and put into a bag and refrigerated in the refrigerator, so as not to affect the taste of the ribs because the ribs are too dry due to too long drying time outside. The cured ribs made in the air can be cut into small pieces, washed twice with boiling water, and then can be directly stewed in the pot, stewed without any seasoning, until the ribs are soft and rotten but can not be separated from the bones. The proportion of salt for cured ribs depends on the number of cured ribs. The ratio of ribs to salt is 10 to 1.

Fish playing near the broken bridge 2024-06-25 18:13:44

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example sentence:
1. Buy:
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2. Properties:
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(2) So that no merchants can buy and no farmers can sell—— Book of Lord Shang · Reclamation Order
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