Idioms describing anger

Plum Orchid in Northern China
Selected answers

Haggard: [explanation] haggard: withered. It describes that the body is emaciated and the mood is extremely cold and lifeless.

Stop Anger: [Explanation] Anger: Open your eyes when you are angry. Stop getting angry and angry. It is often used as persuasion to stop angry words.

Blowing beard and staring: [explanation] describes being angry.

Yichen Yixi: It means that whether angry or happy, it is always beautiful.

Rising sun: The morning sun has just risen from the east. It is used to describe a scene full of vitality.

Fresh and lively: It means that fish, birds, etc. are jumping around and alive.

Deadly: It means not angry.

Thick eyebrows and big eyes: describe the dignified and lively eyebrows. It mostly refers to men.

Unhappy: very angry. If you are angry, you will show an ugly face when you are angry. According to Mencius, Gongsun's Ugliness [Mencius], "But who is the best between my son and Guan Zhong?" Zeng Xixuan was displeased and said, "How can you ever compare with Guan Zhong!..."

Negative spirit: refers to a person with vitality and spirituality.

Half dead and half alive: ① not all dead. ② It is used to describe a meaningless and lifeless life.

Turn hatred into joy: from anger to liking.

Calm: calm, mild attitude. It means not being impatient or angry.

Moody: sometimes happy, sometimes angry. It describes changing attitudes.

Lively: It describes lively, vigorous and full of vitality.

Cheer back: Anger: angry. From angry to like.

Swipe away: Swipe the sleeve: Swipe the sleeve to show anger. Described as being angry and leaving with a swing of his sleeve.

Heartbroken: desire: will. The liver and gall are about to break. Describes extreme grief or anger.

Indignation: indignation: very angry. Feeling angry and unconvinced.

Abruptly: Abruptly. Discoloration: changed face. Suddenly angry, his face changed.

Unusual face: Unusual face: new face. The original meaning was that the portraits of the meritorious officials in Lingyan Pavilion had faded, but only after General Cao had redrawn them did they look lively. The metaphor creates a new form or situation.

Bouncing: bouncing, lively, joyful and energetic

Immortality: describes that things are not alive

A hundred flowers contend for beauty: beauty: beauty. Describe the scene of prosperity and vitality

Bright Sword 2024-04-18 14:01:18

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