What is the examination of college to undergraduate nursing

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What is the examination of college to undergraduate nursing

Undergraduate nursing examination subjects include politics, foreign languages and medicine. Among them, medical integration includes physiology, biochemistry, computer foundation and application, rehabilitation nursing, community nursing, nursing research, nursing psychology, critical care nursing, TCM nursing foundation, pathology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, interpersonal communication in nursing, nursing management, medical nursing, surgical nursing, elderly nursing Clinical nutrition, gynecology and obstetrics nursing, pediatric nursing and other subjects.

Nursing is an applied science, which is divided into home nursing and paid nursing. Paid nursing must carry out corresponding nursing projects according to the relevant provisions of laws and regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Health, the Health Commission and the Ministry of Medical Affairs, and complete basic or routine nursing in an orderly, purposeful and planned way. Candidates who need to apply for college to college upgrading of nursing must have obtained the junior college diploma, undergraduate graduation certificate or above issued by the approved national education series colleges and universities, higher education institutions, and have obtained the practicing qualification certificate (nurse qualification certificate); Students who apply for college level upgrading must be at least 21 years old at the time of application.

Lilac 2024-06-03 13:51:47

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An old saying that warns against slanders

The old saying that warns the detractors behind:
1. Zengguang Xianwen (Part I): "Those who say right or wrong are non human. Those who say right or wrong must be non human."
2. "The Golden Witch Song: To Liang Fen": "The monarch needs to be intoxicated this night, and he and his moth eyebrows are also responsible for the rumor, which is taboo both in ancient and modern times."
3. Zhuangzi Robber's Foot: "Shake your lips and drum your tongue, and be good at making right and wrong."
4. "Hanshu · Suburb Sacrifice Annals": "Listen to what you say, the ocean is full of ears, if you will meet; seek it, as if you are caught in the wind, you will never get it."
5. The Five Lantern Festival Yuan by Shi Puji of the Song Dynasty: "The sharp knife cuts the flesh and the sores are still common, and the vicious words hurt people."
6. Tang · Shen Yazhi's Preface to Sending Han Beizhu to Jiangxi: "Therefore, there is flattery, obedience, and slander with a small capacity, which is destroyed by the foundation. The neighboring land is more effective in delivering laughter and fleeting. The world has heard of it."
7. "Biographies of Qu Yuan": "If you believe, you will see doubts; if you are loyal, you will be slandered. Can you be blameless?"
8. Yuan · Li Shouqing, "Wu Yuan blows flute": "He teases me about many things in front of Ping Gong."
9. "The Complete Book of Zhu Zi": "If you take a long time, it seems that you will not do it. If you catch the wind and catch the shadow, how much progress will you make?"
10. The third fold of Yuan · Anonymous's "Enemy Creditor": "My child has never lied, nor has he ever been undisciplined."
11. The Fifth Patriarch of the Yuan Dynasty: "Gui Chou, who first built the Eastern Palace, and Jia Yin, who killed those who misled the public with false statements in Xijing."
12. Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty, "Records of the Historian: Preface to the Chronicles of the Six Kingdoms": "If you don't notice that he always smiles because of the lift, you dare not say it. This is the same as ear food."

How many paintings of temper

"Temperament" has 16 strokes, meaning temperament; A feeling of anger or impatience.
Sentence of "temper":
1. She is very grumpy and often falls things.
2. My mother is gentle and never loses her temper with us.
3. He is introverted and has a special temper.
4. The general has a rough temper.
5. He is an arrogant and eccentric person, and many people keep him at a distance.
6. Dad has a strong ability to work, but he is a little impatient.
7. Grandpa Wang is stubborn and has a strange temper.
8. She has a bad temper, and when she is angry, she will make a scene.
9. Father has a very short temper.
10. It's terrible that he should lose his temper. He seems to swallow life alive.
11. The old man is naturally rebellious, and his temper is to oppose everyone.

Mencius, Chapter Three, Chapter One Translation

Translation of the first chapter of Three Chapters of Mencius: The weather and season conducive to war are not as favorable as the geographical situation conducive to war; The geographical situation conducive to war is not as favorable as the popular sentiment and internal unity in war. A small city with a circumference of three miles and an outer city with a circumference of seven miles is surrounded on all sides to attack it, but it cannot win. Encircling the city by means of surrounding on all sides must be favorable for the weather and season of the battle, but it cannot be won. This (is) a geographical form favorable for the battle rather than favorable for the weather and season of the battle. The city wall is not low, the moat is not deep, the weapons and equipment are not poor, and the food supply is not insufficient. However, the defending side still abandoned the city and fled, because the geographical situation of the war is no better than the popular feeling and internal unity. Therefore, we should not rely on the border of the territory to enable people to settle down and not move to other places. We should not rely on dangerous mountains and rivers to consolidate national defense and sharp weapons to deter the world. The monarch who can implement the "benevolent policy" will have more people to help and support him, and the monarch who does not implement the "benevolent policy" will have fewer people to support and help him. The number of people who support and help him is extremely small, and even internal and external relatives will betray him; There are so many people who support and help him that everyone in the world will obey him. On the condition that all the people in the world are obedient to him, we will attack the king whose relatives are against betrayal. Therefore, the monarch who can exercise benevolent rule will win the war if he does not fight.
The first chapter of the Three Chapters of Mencius is "many ways to help, but few ways to help". The original text is: time is not as good as geography, and geography is not as good as people. A city of three miles and a country of seven miles can be easily attacked. If you attack with the help of your husband, there will be those who can get the right time. However, those who can't win will not be as good as those who can get the right time. The city is not high, the pool is not deep, the military reform is not strong, the rice and millet are not many, and they are appointed to leave, because the land is not as good as the people. Therefore, it is said that the people of the region do not seal the border, consolidate the country without the danger of mountains and streams, and threaten the world without the benefit of military reform. Those who have won the Tao will help more, while those who have lost the Tao will help less. Widow comes to relatives; If you help more, the world will follow. If you follow the order of the world and attack your relatives, you will win the war.
Appreciation: More help is gained while less help is lost, which means that if you stand in the aspect of justice and benevolence, you will get the support and help of most people; Violation of morality and humanity will inevitably lead to isolation. The article compares the three aspects of time, place and people, and makes progress step by step. It demonstrates that the right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the right people.

What do you mean by majesty

"Magnificent" means that the momentum or manner makes people awe and fear. Prestige: the awe inspiring momentum and style. Ringing: It's very powerful.
Origin of "awe inspiring":
1. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "Look at that young man. He was born eight feet long, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, broad face and heavy weight, commanding."
2. The Chronicles of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: "I saw a senior general standing on the tower leaning against the fence, with distinctive armor and majesty."
"Magnificent" sentence:
1. In those days, the old general was commanding on the battlefield.
2. He was a tall man, and when he put on his military uniform, he looked even more dignified.
3. On the high backed chair behind the desk, a commanding general was sitting squarely.
4. I saw the general sitting with dignity and awe inspiring.
5. When he put on his military uniform, he really had a commanding manner.
6. The lion is the king of all animals on the African grassland. It has elegant blond hair, walks calmly, and looks awe inspiring and awe inspiring.
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