How to restore the disabled notebook touchpad How to enable the disabled ASUS notebook touchpad

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How to unlock the laptop touchpad when it is locked

There are two ways to unlock the laptop touchpad: one is to unlock the laptop keyboard with the function key FN+F6, and the other is to release the disable command on the device manager. First find out the corresponding locking method and then unlock it.

Lock the function key of the notebook: This kind of lock is relatively simple, and the unlocking method is also very simple. Find the FN key (that is, the function key of the notebook) on the notebook, press the FN key without putting it down, and then press F6 (the lock keys on the touch panel corresponding to different notebook models are different). Press the combination button once to check whether the touch pad is normal.

Prohibited use on the device manager: This normally happens because an external input device (USB mouse) causes the touchpad to automatically disable and lock. Unplug the external mouse to check whether the touch pad can be used normally. If you want to use it at the same time, go to the control panel of the computer and find the mouse. Right click to select the mouse attribute and switch to "ELAN". Uncheck "Disable when inserting an external USB mouse".

Extended data

There are two ways to lock the notebook touchpad. One is to lock the function keys of the notebook, and the other is to disable the use on the device manager. Find out the locking method of the notebook touchpad, and use the corresponding unlocking method to unlock it for normal use.

How to restore the disabled notebook touchpad How to enable the disabled ASUS notebook touchpad

When it is found that the laptop touchpad is still not in normal use after being unlocked, it is necessary to check the touchpad driver and the hardware of the touchpad. The touchpad driver can be downloaded and installed through the official website of the notebook brand, and can also be updated through the driver software. As for hardware problems, you must contact after-sales service or find someone to repair them.

How to remove the disabling of computer touchpad

Steps for disabling the computer touchpad:

Tools/materials: Dell Inspiron 15 Win10LTSC1809、office2019。

1. Enter the system, press Win+i to open Windows settings, and click "Device".

2. Click "Mouse" - "Other mouse options".

3. Open "Mouse Properties" and click "Click to change Dell touchpad settings".

4. Turn on "Point to Device" and click "Touch Pad On/Off". When the touch pad switch is turned on (turns green), click the "Save" button so that the touch pad can be enabled.

How to open the laptop touch pad when it is closed

The correct steps are as follows:

1、 Double click the left mouse button on the computer desktop to open the Control Panel.

2、 Then double-click Hardware and Sound in the Control Panel to enter.

3、 Select "Device Manager" in the "Hardware and Sound" interface and click to enter.

4、 Find "Mouse and Other Pointer Settings" in "Device Manager", and left click to proceed.

5、 Then right click on "Touchpad" ("ASUS" only refers to the brand of "ASUS", each notebook is different, identify the first item "Touchpad", select the second item, and select the second item will hide the cursor).

6、 Click "Disable Device" to close the mouse of the laptop touch pad.

7、 Finally, right click "Touchpad" and select "Enable Device" to start the touch pad function.

How to restore the laptop touchpad after it is disabled

The laptop touchpad is recovered after being disabled.

Software: ThinkBook 14s AMD

Computer: Huawei MateBook

System: Windows10

How to restore the disabled notebook touchpad How to enable the disabled ASUS notebook touchpad

1. Open the computer and click F6 on the keyboard.

2. When the slash interface appears, it means that the touchpad is disabled.

3. Click F6 again.

4. The slash disappears and the touchpad is enabled successfully.

How to restore the disabled notebook touchpad How to enable the disabled ASUS notebook touchpad

How to restore the disabled laptop touchpad

1. Method 1:

(1) Some notebooks have shortcut buttons. For example, HP notebook can double click the small yellow light in the upper right corner of the touchpad with your finger. When the yellow light is on, the touchpad will be disabled. Double click the yellow light again. When the yellow light turns dark, the touch pad will be restored;

(2) Find and long press the [Fn] key in the keyboard, and at the same time press the [F9] key (there is a touch pad icon on the key) to disable and start the touch pad of the notebook.

2. Method 2:

(1) Open the notebook, find an icon in the taskbar at the lower right corner of the desktop that is very similar to the touch version, and click Open;

(2) Find the page of [Mouse Detection] and remove [√] from the box in front of [Disable the touch pad when the mouse is inserted] (this is the reason why the touch pad cannot be used);

(3) After completing the above settings, click OK - Apply.

3. Method 3:

(1) Search and install the corresponding computer touchpad driver according to the brand and model of the notebook;

(2) Return to the desktop, right-click My Computer, and select Manage - Device Manager - Mouse and other pointing devices from the pop-up menu to check whether the newly installed driver is recognized;

(3) Return to the computer desktop, click the Windows icon in the lower left corner, click Control Panel in the pop-up menu or search Control Panel directly in the input box, then find Program - Mouse, and enter Properties of the mouse;

(4) Find the driver plate of the touchpad, select the touchpad option in the device, click [Stop Device] to disable the touchpad, and click [Enable Device] to re enable the touchpad.

Morning rain and dew 2024-05-09 14:55:21

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Half a roll of red flag is near Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold cannot rise.
I will report to you on the golden stage and carry the Jade Dragon to die for you.
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