What are necessary for centralized isolation

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I was isolated in the hotel for 15 days in December last year, because it was the second secret contact (the teacher who gave the furniture for decoration was the secret contact, and my daughter was the secret contact). According to the regulations, it needs to be isolated for 14 days, because the removal of isolation requires three tests, and it will take a total of 15-16 days to get the results. Because when I arrive at the hotel, I will join the group of isolation points, and I will summarize some experience based on my own situation and the situation of others at the isolation points. Because of the current epidemic situation, no one can guarantee that they will not be able to reach the infected person, close contact and sub close contact. I believe that these experiences and summaries can help everyone.

1、 Adjust your mood, relax, and treat centralized isolation correctly

In case of COVID-19 epidemic in the region, according to the flow survey, if it is tight or sub tight or sub tight, the CDC will call soon to inform the level of contact and prepare for centralized isolation. Don't panic when you receive a call, because there is no short time to prepare.

Last year, my house was decorated and furniture was delivered later. The teacher who delivered the furniture delivered the furniture around 3:00 pm. My daughter received the furniture at home, assembled it for an hour, and I went home around 6:00 pm. At 11:00 p.m., my daughter received a call from the municipal epidemic control center, saying that the furniture delivery master was secretly connected and was going to the hotel for centralized isolation for more than two weeks. During the phone call, I told you not to be nervous. When to pick up and go to the hotel, I don't know at present, but I will give a one hour notice in advance. Take a break first.

Not nervous is false. Because it was the first time that we met such a thing, my daughter and I were really a little panic at that time, and my heart beat for a while. My daughter began to pick up things, but she did not dare to sleep. She waited while doing things. Until the next morning, no one came to pick up. In the morning, the property management called to ask who else was at home, and we reported truthfully, so I became the secret contact again and again, and let the preparation go to isolation. In this way, while doing things, I waited to pick up the phone. The next day, I called at 1 o'clock in the morning and said that the negative pressure car would pick up at the entrance of the community in one hour. The driver wearing full body protective clothing came to pick up the car.

In this way, we were officially received at the isolation point of the hotel at 2:00 a.m. on the third day when we first received the call. So, don't be nervous when you receive a call, and give enough time to prepare.

At the isolation point, after checking in the room, we just adjust our mentality and stay at ease. There will be staff in the group who will inform us when to take three meals, because after entering the room, we will not let out the door of the room. Only when we pick up the lunch box at the door, and when we throw domestic garbage, we will open the door and close it immediately after picking up and putting away. Then, when making nucleic acid, there are staff coming to do it. When doing it at the door, you need to open the door of the room. At present, shelter hospitals are being built all over the country, and they are isolated in shelter hospitals. The conditions will be worse than that of hotels, but they will certainly meet daily life.

2、 What should I take with me for centralized isolation

We are well prepared and can basically meet the life of the isolation point. However, other people at the isolation point are obviously not well prepared and put forward many requirements, which caused a lot of trouble to the staff. According to our own demands and those of others at the isolation point, the preparations are summarized as follows:

1. 2-3 sets of clothes

Since the centralized isolation will last for more than 15 days, at least 7 days (14 days for tight and sub tight joints, 7 days for home isolation; 7 days for sub tight joints, 7 days for home isolation), you must take clothes and daily necessities.

Clothing: 2 sets of pajamas; 3 sets of underwear; 1 coat. They need to take more for changing and washing, because they can't work in a day. Don't take too many coats, because they are not allowed to come out after entering. It is useless to take too many coats, and there is no chance to show them. Don't wear too many shoes, just one pair on your feet.

2. Drugs.

This is very important. In the isolation point work group, people often ask for help to buy medicine or ask their families to deliver medicine, which is generally used for chronic diseases every day. This is a sign of inadequate preparation.

Some diarrhea medicine, throat pain medicine and fire control medicine should be prepared, because they are not suitable for the isolation environment. Worry, anger and nervousness will cause the body to overreact.

Don't take the medicine for fever. Because of the fever, I was taken to the designated hospital.

3. Work supplies

Mobile phones, chargers, laptops, and those used in work must be taken with you. It's better to download good movies and TV plays to relieve boredom and pass the time. Because a person lives in one room for so long, he really needs to find a way to pass the time.

I was bored after work because I didn't download TV dramas and movies well. Generally, there are not too many channels available for hotel TV. Finally, after two days of exploration, I found a channel with more time to play TV dramas. After several days of chasing dramas, I felt pretty good. However, the hotel stopped power once, and there was no program at the TV boot up meeting. After the maintenance personnel debugged, the channel I watched was gone. In the spirit of giving less trouble to the staff, I didn't give up to re commissioning.

At that time, I regretted that I didn't have a good movie or TV play on my computer.

It is very important to download good aerobics videos in advance, exercise in the room and improve immunity. People are isolated, but you can't forget about fitness.

4. Daily necessities

Daily necessities are generally small, so you must bring enough. Such as toothpaste, towels, water cups, slippers, especially tea, you must bring enough. It can increase the fun of life to enjoy the flower life at the isolation point.

5. Food and beverage

Because the isolation point provides three meals free of charge, the food is not bad. One plate for lunch and dinner, four dishes and one soup, and milk and eggs for breakfast. There is no need to bring three meals of food. But you can bring chili sauce and other sauces that meet your own taste. Because people at the isolation point often say that the three meals are not right, and they need some pepper sauce to adjust. Especially for those with strong taste, they must bring their own sauce. Otherwise, such a long time of living alone requires the stimulation of taste buds to bring the joy of life.

Bring some fruits that can withstand storage. Although there are fruits in the meal, they are far from enough.

Probiotic solid drink, need to bring more. Because I don't give up my room, I have little movement, and I am constipated by fire. Probiotics can improve these conditions.

6. Books

What are necessary for centralized isolation

I am busy with my work at ordinary times, and I have no time to read books, so I can take them with me and make full use of the isolated time to become a good time for myself to study quietly. If you post your reading experience on We Media, you may be able to make a blockbuster, which can bring good profits. Take isolation as another way of life, a way of work, and add a lot of color to your personal life experience.

7. Children's toys and snacks

Parents who are isolated with their children must pay attention to this.

In the group at the isolation point, I often see parents asking the staff to allow their families to send toys. Because the child is small (2-3 years old), he is not allowed to go out. He can't stay without toys. And children's snacks, we must bring enough. Most parents complain that their children are too difficult to bring and will collapse.

3、 Precautions for centralized isolation

Through this centralized isolation, there are still many experiences. The last point is very important.

1. Attitude is the most important, calm and cool

I just entered the isolation point, and I was really nervous in the early stage. First, I was not allowed to go out for a few days, and I felt a little irritable. The second is to worry about the person who has become infected. Later, through self-regulation, we took things as they came, shifted our attention, stopped paying too much attention to the isolation environment, and paid more attention to how to improve our future work and life, and gradually relaxed our mood. If you are really infected, you can do what you want. Tension and anxiety can't change anything. In this way, we can take it calmly.

Fortunately, nothing happened to our contact chain.

2. When entering the isolation point, the biggest task is to cooperate with the staff

Cooperating with epidemic prevention is the biggest task to enter the isolation point. Therefore, we should always pay attention to the information of isolation points, such as when to do nucleic acid, when to report temperature, when to report toilet paper, water, disinfectant, when to throw garbage, etc.

Because the staff are very busy, they miss the time of centralized reporting, and then make a separate appeal. First, they cannot get a timely response, and second, they cause trouble to the busy work.

People in the group often ask when to throw garbage, when to send water, etc., which are all important information missed in the group.

At the isolation point, one is to pay attention to the information in the group, and the other is to keep the mobile phone unblocked. Because the staff will notify matters through the room phone and mobile phone.

For example, on the day of de isolation, three examinations need to be carried out, one is double nucleic acid test, the other is blood test, and the third is to go to the designated hospital to do CT to check the lung health, which requires close cooperation with the staff. Why do three checks? Because it is necessary to ensure that every person leaving the isolation point is healthy.

3. Don't complain in the isolation group

When I was at the isolation point, at first several people liked to complain, complaining that the infected people caused so many people trouble. But later, when they complained, more people came to relieve them and reason. The grumbler has no market and feels bored.

At the isolation point, we must be calm, bring positive energy to everyone, encourage each other and cheer each other up, instead of relieving our depression by saying discouraging words.

In addition, we must be considerate of the work of the staff. The daily life of so many people needs to be managed, and we also need to sort out the situation of the personnel at the isolation point. It is very complicated, and there will inevitably be some omissions. At this time, we must wait patiently for the staff.

What are necessary for centralized isolation

4. Don't let family and friends deliver things to the isolation point, and don't order takeout

In the first few days after entering the isolation point, too many people asked their family and friends to send things. I think this is inappropriate. First, are the things outside safe? The isolation point is sterilized every day. The room is sterilized twice a day in the morning and evening. The things coming in from outside will not be sterilized. The second is to increase the workload of the staff, put the things sent at the front desk, and the staff will send them to the door of the room. Third, try not to let family and friends come to the isolation point for safety reasons.

5. This is the most important thing. Don't isolate at home

After 7 days of centralized isolation for the second secret connection, a staff member will call to ask if they can be isolated at home for 7 days. Although I am qualified to live alone, I chose to remain isolated in the hotel for the following reasons:

What are necessary for centralized isolation

First, nucleic acid and body temperature measurement should also be done at home. Hotel isolation is convenient for nucleic acid and body temperature measurement and management. Although I have long wanted to go home, I continue to stay in the hotel for my own convenience and for the convenience of others.

The second is home isolation, which brings unnecessary trouble to the property management, neighborhood committee and neighbors. Especially the neighbors, what will they feel when they see the stickers of home isolation?

Third, since we have been here for 7 days, it is nothing to persist for another 7 days. The first 7 days were the worst. After 7 days, I have adapted to the environment and life here.

The above is my experience of centralized isolation in the hotel. Now there are many shelter hospitals in many places, which are different from the hotel. Let's refer to the above.

Nowhere to find in the snow 2024-05-04 14:55:51

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