How to educate children with obstinacy

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Some children's parents are obedient to what they say, but some children's love and parents are stubborn. It's a headache for parents. What should we do if the child is stubborn? Look at the following article!

How to educate children with obstinacy

1. Because adults' criticism is different from the actual situation, children are stubborn. This is the child's "self debate" to clarify the facts. At this time, parents should listen to their children's excuses patiently and guide them to express themselves in a correct way. Just imagine that this quality of respecting facts and not submitting to authority is exactly what we adults praise and pursue? When it appears on our children, how can we bear it?

2. Children are stubborn to cover up their mistakes. When we have clearly understood the truth, it is often difficult to tolerate children's obstinacy. At this time, many parents tend to use fists instead of teaching. Because in the eyes of parents, such obstinacy is lying. If we analyze calmly, I can find the reason from the obstinacy. Preschool psychology believes that when children begin to cover up their own mistakes, it means that they have mastered certain moral standards and learned to compare them with their own behavior, so as to make a preliminary moral evaluation. And because children's morality is not very stable: therefore, under certain circumstances, children will inevitably make mistakes.

Afterwards, with the adult's prompt. The child's ability to initially assess morality comes into play. They often know that they are wrong, but they are afraid to admit their mistakes, because they are afraid of being considered by authorities as "bad children", so they will cover up their mistakes with obstinacy and try to maintain a good boy image. In this case, parents should not be impatient. They should guide their children patiently and carefully to make them realize that it is not important to make mistakes. The important thing is to admit and correct mistakes. To make another mistake (lie) to cover up a mistake already made is to compound it. At the same time, let children realize that they are "good children" who make mistakes. This is very important because it is the root of children's obstinacy and the motivation to correct their mistakes in the future. Children's obstinacy is due to their lack of correct moral evaluation of their own behavior. This is a self righteous obstinacy.

For example, when a child comes home, the child does not allow other children to play with his toys. The adult said that he also believed that his toys had the right not to be played by others. This shows that children's moral awareness and moral evaluation ability are still at a low level. This can not be solved by one or two conversations. We need to help children improve their moral awareness by reading books, telling stories and other ways. This requires a long process of infiltration. You can't treat children's obstinacy simply and roughly, because the obstinacy of scolding, beating and scolding will make children unwilling to communicate with adults, self enclosed, and even become more lonely and unfit. Parents must find out to convince others. Don't let children be stubborn. The most important thing is to learn to understand children.

Rain in early summer 2024-06-14 13:06:21

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