How to deal with high school students' addiction to mobile phones

Yu Yangjun
Selected answers

Senior one is an important period for children's learning and growth. At this time, the phenomenon of addiction to mobile phones appears, which will not only affect children's learning, but also their growth. How to deal with high school students' addiction to mobile phones?

How to deal with high school students' addiction to mobile phones

First, parents should set an example.

Such children generally lack love, or other people in the family are also addicted to mobile phones. Usually, parents are addicted to mobile phones or computers, and children are unlikely to be self-discipline. Therefore, parents should set a good example, play less with mobile phones and computers, read more books, and communicate with children, so that children can feel the love of their hometown, Parents can achieve the best results only if they set an example for their children and teach them by example.

Secondly, children should be distracted when they are addicted to mobile phones.

When a child is addicted to mobile phones, parents try to divert his attention and find something he is interested in. The best choice is sports and outdoor travel, which can not only exercise his body, but also relax his mind and body. When a child feels the fun, he will reduce his addiction to mobile phones, To experience the beauty of nature and the fun of sports with children, gradually give up the addiction to mobile phones.

Finally, parents should encourage and communicate with their children.

Quitting mobile phone addiction is not an overnight thing. Just like quitting smoking, you can never reach the goal in one step, so it is necessary to step by step. Parents should help children gradually reduce the time spent playing mobile phones, communicate and exchange more often, encourage more, scold less, care more and scold less, so as to create a harmonious and beautiful living environment for children. It can not only help children get out of the haze of addiction to mobile phones, but also help children regain confidence and pick up textbooks. I believe that children will soon get rid of their dependence on mobile phones.

The reason why senior one students are addicted to mobile phones

1. The relationship with their parents is not good, and they are unable to understand and communicate with their parents in life. They usually turn to mobile phones.

2. Children feel bad inside, lose life, study self-confidence, and will also take mobile games as spiritual sustenance.

3. The parents only focus on the results, which puts more pressure on the child's learning. The child is depressed and resentful, and usually finds the mobile phone as an outlet. The mobile phone becomes his friend and the person he can talk to. If parents are not fun, children will find mobile phones to play with.

It's better to deal with high school students' addiction to mobile phones. In fact, it's easy to say, but hard to say. Children only have one addiction to mobile phones because they think mobile phones are interesting, so they are attracted to mobile phones. As long as parents find other interests of children, cultivate them, and slowly shift their children's attention, I believe that children's addiction to mobile phones will be reduced.

Dream Love Night Star 2024-06-11 16:05:29

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