Is nit certificate high in gold? What's the use

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The NIT certificate has a high gold content. It is sponsored by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education and undertaken by provincial examination institutions and systems. NIT has adopted systematic design, modular structure, personalized teaching, standardized examination and international standards to meet the needs of employers for cadre recruitment, professional title assessment, job promotion and induction training. If college students can have a NIT card, they can be exempted from courses.

The role of nit certificate

1. Foreign enterprise work

The National Computer Application Technology Certificate Examination (NIT) certificate is issued by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education. This certificate is widely used throughout the country and is widely used in more than ten countries and regions at home and abroad. Working in foreign-funded enterprises or joint ventures has the same effect as the British CIT certificate.

2. Employment

The National Computer Application Technology Examination (NIT) certificate can be used by units to recruit talents, promote positions and assess personnel.

3. Job hunting

When you apply for a job online, you can also get more interview opportunities with the NIT certificate. In actual work, office skills are more needed, such as completing work plans, annual summaries, financial statements, data statistics and analysis, and PPT product demonstration summaries.

4. Self examination exemption subjects

Fundamentals of Computer Application, Fundamentals of Computer Application (Practice), Computer Application in Management System, and Computer Application in Management System (Practice).

Nit exam form and time

The national computer application technology (nit) certificate examination is divided into three stages: process examination, homework design and computer test. The process assessment is completed by the trainer during the training process. In the process of nit examination and training, each module is divided into several objectives, including the understanding of the basic terms and concepts of the module, the commands related to the installation and use of software, data security education, etc.

Each goal of nit is further decomposed into several specific sub goals equivalent to nit knowledge points or skill points. The teacher teaches the independent operation skills of the trainees according to the objectives of nit examination, and assesses the proficiency and flexibility of the trainees according to the objectives of nit examination. This process type assessment runs through the training, recording only success, not failure.

After the students independently pass the nit assessment of various skills required by this module, according to the requirements of the assignment design part of this module and their own interests, under the guidance of the training teacher, they complete an assignment design with practical significance, so that the students can comprehensively use and play their learned skills in the process of solving a complete problem independently.

In accordance with the requirements of the module's objectives, we will take the nit hands-on test in the designated training center for 90 to 150 minutes according to the different characteristics of each module. Nit exam is a national unified proposition, and the content is clearly specified in the training nit exam syllabus of each module.

The score of nit computer test shall be scored by a hundred point system, and the qualified score line after grading shall be uniformly determined by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education. Those who pass all three examinations are qualified, and the trainees are qualified to obtain the National Computer Application Technology Examination (nit) certificate.

How can I rely on my strength 2024-05-24 12:55:01

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