An Introduction to the Case of Seven Murderous Bamboo Slips Renaming Seven Heart Bamboo Slips and Seven Murderous Bamboo Slips

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Weiyu's novel "Seven Evil Jane" is very famous and has been filmed. It is reported that it was renamed as "Seven Heart Jane". The case of suspense reasoning is very fascinating. So, what is the story of the mystery case in the unit of "Seven Evil Jane"? Here is a brief introduction.

The Seven Evil Bamboo Slips of Tail Fish has been renamed as Seven Heart Bamboo Slips. The original book tells that Lao Zi, a man of great virtue, decided to retire and leave seven evil bamboo slips. Thousands of years later, five young people (with the attribute of gold, wood, water, fire and earth) embarked on the journey of recovering the bamboo slips.

Story outline:

In ancient times, meteorites wrapped up extraterrestrial objects and came to Fengzi Ridge, bringing seven mysterious creatures. Creatures can parasitize human body, interfere with consciousness and lead people to do evil. In ancient times, Dade and his disciples made seven wooden slips with divine wood, introduced foreign matters into them, named "Seven Heart Slips", and then made Phoenix Phoenix Buckle with meteorite to seal it. The capable people and people with lofty ideals in past dynasties inherited the Great Virtue's will and recorded the method of sealing the heart slips, which was handed down to later generations. A hundred years ago, a dog accidentally dug out a wooden slip in Fengzi Ridge, and the heart slip reappeared in the world. In the past 20 years, a series of strange and murderous cases have come one after another. Five ordinary and enthusiastic young people, Mudai, Luo Ren, Yan Hongsha, Wan San and Cao Yanhua, will form a "Phoenix Team" by chance to jointly embark on the adventure of conquering the evil Jane.

The background skeleton of the whole story gradually improved along with the protagonists' efforts. Strange cases, all kinds of interesting but also horrifying legends, finally, the wisdom of modern people was superior to that of the ancients, and they forged a way out of the desperate situation, saving the possibility of all people to continue to live. And the most impressive thing is that those protagonists are ordinary people, and even one is so poor that he needs the support of other protagonists. But they stuck to the end, even though no one knew they had done so much.

Seven Murderous Bamboo Slips: male and female main line+unit mystery+adventure

Fishing line puppet: The bizarre murder case twenty years ago reappeared ten years ago. Crazy victims, hidden secrets

Immortals point the way: the cursed Pearl Beach, the haunted mussel essence, and the horrible giant paintings of human bones at the bottom of the lake, similar to the fierce bamboo slips reappear

Rouge amber: when saving people and visiting the ancient village in Yunnan, there was no reason to see the woman sweeping Qing, the charming woman making mischief, the bones and treasures under the altar, the seamless splicing amber pendant, and the results of many years ago

Wind blowing dust: the original memory of Nantian, the mystery of Mu Dai's life experience, the closer to the truth, the closer to madness

Qinkeng in drizzle: Every happy event of Cao Yanhua's family comes from fate disputes of ancestors, mysterious foreign wives, and ancient corpses buried in caves

Falcon Leopard's Voice: Luo Ren's choice between his sweetheart and the spoils after his former enemy's devastating revenge

Phoenix Nirvana: the historical mission of observing the four arches, and the secret situation guarded by the Plum Blossom Nine Niangs all their lives

Not Romantic Charges 2024-04-26 12:41:04

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