According to different biological characteristics, the largest classification unit is ______, and the smallest is___

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According to the different biological characteristics, the largest classification unit is ______, and the smallest is ______.

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Boundary; species

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Biological classification units: the main biological classification units are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. There are also subspecies (abbreviated as subsp.), plants and varieties (abbreviated as var.). Sometimes there are some auxiliary grades. In fact, the main classification grade terms are prefixed with super - and sub -. Sometimes, infraclass and infraorder are set respectively under subclass and suborder. Example: Taking the well-known name Felisdomesticus (domestic cat) as an example, its classification system and name are as follows: Animalia, Chordata, Vertebrata, Vertebrata, Mammalia, Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae, Felis

Silence is gold 2024-06-21 13:57:02

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The difference between individual and individual

The difference between individual and individual: different references, different sources, and different emphasis.
1、 Different references:
1. Each: one by one, each.
2. Each: each; All those; One by one.
2、 From different sources:
1. Everyone: From Mao Zedong's "Talk to Editors of Shanxi Suiyuan Daily": "The soldiers in northern Shaanxi have improved their consciousness after training and complaining about their grievances... Everyone is fighting hard and their morale is high, and they won the battle immediately."
2. Everyone: From the first chapter of "Biography of Heroes of Children": "The family members were overjoyed when they heard that the master had got a foreign post."
3、 Different emphasis:
1. Individual: refers to a group or a whole.
2. Each: refers to each specific one.
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2. The headmaster is responsible for all aspects of the school's work.
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