Whose tomb is in the imperial palace of the State of Chu

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In the imperial palace of the State of Chu is the tomb of the great devil.

The great devil is the law enforcer of Dongtu and the disciple of the magician. A long time ago, when the evil way was destroyed, it fell into a state of suspended animation, but the evil way was not completely destroyed, so it merged with the spirit of the big evil. Later, the big evil was awakened by Chennan and the Xuanzu in the State of Chu, and finally the spirit of the evil way was refined and finally awakened again.

Shenmu, Chen Dong's famous work, is the sequel to his maiden work Immortality. The book takes the lead of Chen Nan's journey to find his lover Yu Xin ten thousand years ago and trace the secrets of the demise of the gods and demons, leads to a vast six way chess game, deduces a legend full of blood, heroism, and beauty, tells the legends of countless heroes and beauties, and discusses some elements of human nature, society, life, etc., which is not only inspiring, but also has endless aftertaste, Think back constantly.

Breeze Moon Shadow 2024-05-11 15:14:18

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Sentence making:
1. He is responsible for proofreading this manuscript.
2. The scrolls are thoroughly proofread on the basis of the Old Testament.
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